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updated Tue. June 25, 2024

More than a half-dozen former White House officials who served with Dr. Jackson in Mr. Obama's administration expressed support for him. None said they recalled him ever being drunk or loosely dispensing medications. “He always seemed to be to be alert, responsive, responsible,” said David Axelrod, ...
The Trump administration wants to turn back the clock on preventing teen pregnancy in the US by funding programs that urge young Americans to avoid sex altogether. It's an approach that has failed before in a country that has long lagged its peers on the issue. In 2010, the Obama administration created ...

The Obama administration posted the worst record in history for fulfilling requests for public records under the Freedom of Information Act. In a bleak episode of unintended irony, an open-government group gave Obama an award for transparency in an Oval Office ceremony closed to the press. Trump may ...
Under Obama administration guidelines, organizations awarded most of the grants had to use curriculums that were on an evidence-supported list. Under the new guidelines, they simply have to comply with more general requirements like “support personal attitudes and beliefs that value sexual risk ...
Have you ever hated someone so much that once they retired you took their job and then completely undid every positive thing they ever achieved? That's what's Trump is attempting to do to the legacy of former President Barack Obama. As reported by The New York Times, Trump's proposed healthcare ...
As the likelihood that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia seems headed toward zero, the likelihood of proof of a different form of collusion seems headed upward toward certainty. The Russia collusion charge had some initial credibility because of businessman Donald Trump's dealings in Russia ...

Power isn't the only Obama administration official to remark on Trump's handling of Syria. Former President Barack Obama's National Security Council spokesman admitted Trump "was handed a mess" with Syria, but added Trump still hasn't curbed the brutality of Assad's regime. Tommy Vietor tweeted in ...
During the Obama administration, Homan had won the highest civil service award after effectively enforcing the more limited deportation priorities that Trump rose to power attacking. But Kelly appeared to know something that had long been clear to many of Homan's colleagues: Homan did not like that the ...
Former President Obama and his supporters keep promoting a ridiculous false narrative that his administration was scandal-free. In response to those who believe this fairy tale, I would ask them to Google any of the following: Obama stimulus waste, Operation Fast and Furious, Eric Holder contempt of ...
While former President Barack Obama's administration continuously rejected lethal weapons exports after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2014, Trump is said to have personally approved the policy. Whether he told his staff to downplay the decision is immaterial. In fact, Trump has gone even further, selling ...
In 2010, the Obama administration took over financial aid for college education and rolled it into Obama's health care bill. This made financial aid incredibly easy for students to acquire. These students jumped on the student loans, but are now finding themselves trapped under a mountain of debt. Offering ...
Instead, the Obama administration kicked the decision to Congress. While a deal was made to remove some chemical weapons from Syria, no military strikes were ever taken. Philip Gordon was working at the Obama White House then as the National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East and ...
Noel King and Quil Lawrence talk to David Shulkin, who the president fired as Veterans Affairs secretary. Trump wants him replaced with Navy Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, who is the president's physician. NOEL KING, HOST: Once a favorite Cabinet member of President Trump's, Veterans Affairs Secretary ...
Although the Obama administration did sometimes target Afghan Taliban and Haqqani militants in Pakistan, the strikes were not designed to wipe out the insurgency's havens in Pakistan, former intelligence and Defense Department officials said. The drone air war in Pakistan began in 2004 under Bush as ...
WACO, Texas (March 26, 2018) – Melissa Rogers, J.D., nonresident senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, will be the guest speaker at the Spring 2018 Hugh and Beverly Wamble Endowed Lecture of the J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies at Baylor. Rogers will present ...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to declare that the Obama administration's fuel efficiency rules for cars are too strict, two people familiar with the matter said. The determination, due to be proposed this week, would side with the argument automakers have been making for years.
Trump blamed the legalization of bump stocks on the Obama administration. ADVERTISEMENT. "Obama Administration legalized bump stocks. BAD IDEA. As I promised, today the Department of Justice will issue the rule banning BUMP STOCKS with a mandated comment period. We will BAN all devices ...

ED MEIER: That inspired me to go into public service both in the Obama administration and here in Dallas. And Dad taught me that every family, rich or poor, deserves good health care. In Congress, I'll oppose Trump's plan to repeal Obamacare and fight to cover everyone by passing universal health care.
President Donald Trump's administration has been on a deregulatory bender, particularly when it comes to environmental regulations. As of January, the New York Times counted 67 environmental rules on the chopping block under Trump. This is not one of Trump's idiosyncrasies, though.
... the sixth-largest school system in the country and home to Parkland's Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where last month's school shooting took place, was one of the first to embrace what's known as "restorative justice" discipline programs and quickly became one of the Obama administration's ...
But over the past year, the ATF has been moving in the opposite direction, delaying new gun-safety rules developed under the Obama administration. As part of Trump's government-wide push for deregulation, the ATF has stalled a number of gun regulations that had been moving forward under Obama, ...
Barack Obama leaves the the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center after speaking at a sports analytics conference on Feb. 23. By Jeff Jacoby Globe Columnist March 06, 2018. As it turned out, Barack Obama's super-secret speech at MIT last month — the one that was so far off the record that no one was permitted to ...
... John TrumpAccuser says Trump should be afraid of the truth Woman behind pro-Trump Facebook page denies being influenced by Russians Shulkin says he has White House approval to root out 'subversion' at VA MORE for accusing the Obama administration of investigating his campaign in an effort to ...
Washington (CNN) Former White House chief of staff Denis McDonough on Sunday defended the Obama administration's response to suspected Russian interference in the 2016 election, blaming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for what he called a "dramatically watered down" joint statement on ...
“Why did the Obama Administration start an investigation into the Trump Campaign (with zero proof of wrongdoing) long before the Election in November?” Trump wrote on Twitter, leveling allegations that dispute previously reported details. “Wanted to discredit so Crooked H would win. Unprecedented.
The deep and intertwined extent to which loyalists of Bill and Hillary Clinton were immediately inserted into the Obama administration after the 2008 presidential election has never been fully exposed or adequately explained. Considering that Barack Obama trounced Hillary Clinton during a well-managed ...
"If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren't they the subject of investigation?" Trump tweeted last week, raising the disturbing notion of prosecuting a predecessor's administration for unnamed (and, almost certainly, imaginary) crimes.
The Obama administration agreed that America would benefit if the federal statutory rate were reduced, saying that a reduction would be "as close to a free lunch as tax reformers will ever get." But they were not enough interested in corporate tax reform to reach a deal with Congress, so the long-overdue ...
Krasner Names Ex-Obama Administration Official to Steer Juvenile Justice. Robert L. Listenbee, who spent four years as the administrator of the DOJ's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, has joined the office as "second" first assistant, DA Larry Krasner announced Wednesday. By Max ...
In a recent phone call, Richman said Trump should release all the documents regarding the Obama administration's payment of Iran's claim, including the computation of the amount of interest allegedly owed, the amount of the U.S. counterclaim not used as an offset, the amount of the court judgments ...
The House and Senate Intelligence Committees have interviewed numerous Obama administration officials about the election meddling, though those efforts focus on reviewing the intelligence community's assessment of Russian election interference and preventing future Russian attempts — and not ...
Fox News host Sean Hannity railed against the Obama administration on Friday after an indictment from special counsel Robert Mueller Robert Swan MuellerSasse: US should applaud choice of Mueller to lead Russia probe MORE's team charged Russians with election interference efforts going back to ...
Kerry was referring to Bashar al-Assad's declared stockpiles of chemical weapons which, under a 2013 deal struck by the Obama administration following a sarin nerve gas attack that brought the U.S. to the brink of striking Syrian government forces, were dismantled and shipped out of the country. But there ...
Obama Administration General Discusses Trump's Proposed Arab Force ... The Obama administration considered putting one together as well. General Martin Dempsey was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Obama administration, and he joins me now. Welcome, General. MARTIN ...


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          44th barack hussein obama
            arms sales
            bush lite
            detainee policy
            domestic policy
            energy policy
            environmental policy
            executive orders
            foreign policy
            kill list
            obama doctrine
            presidential memoranda
            signature strikes

US administrations:
          1st george washington
          33rd harry truman
          38th gerald r. ford
          39th jimmy carter
          40th ronald wilson reagan
          43rd george walker bush
          44th barack hussein obama
          45th donald john trump