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updated Wed. September 4, 2024

Here is a small sampling from the past 12 months of the tritest saying in politics: Miami Herald — “Rubio calls out Puerto Rico's governor on statehood.” U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham's campaign for governor of New Mexico — “Congresswoman Lujan Grisham calls out Governor Martinez's support for ...

BROWNSVILLE, Texas — The former governor of the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas has been extradited from Italy to the United States to face charges of racketeering, drug smuggling, money laundering and bank fraud, federal officials announced Friday. Italy extradited Tomas Yarrington Ruvalcaba ...
Over the past decade, several politicians with accusations of corruption against them or supposed ties to drug cartels have hid out in congress, hoping to swear their oath of office and emerge untouchable. The bill was approved as Mexico readies for July presidential elections in which corruption has ...
Virtually every story in the U.S. media about Mexico references some outrageous demand from President Trump and an equally over-the-top response from a Mexican political figure. These feuds have little bearing on Mexican politics surrounding the upcoming election. In reality, Trump's real impact will be ...
[MEXICO CITY] Wanted: Job candidate capable of dealing with a vitriolic Donald Trump, a record murder rate, a messy war on drugs, a sluggish economy and a political system rotting with corruption. ... Veteran leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is one of the most divisive figures in Mexican politics.
His role in that film as Tenoch Iturbide, the pot-smoking son of a wealthy Mexican politician who shares a memorable menage a trois with an older woman and his best friend, played by Garcia Bernal, catapulted him to worldwide stardom. But Luna had already been famous in Mexico for years. He was just ...
"Lopez Obrador is at heart a populist authoritarian," Richard Miles, director of the U.S.-Mexico Futures Initiative and deputy director of the Americas Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies wrote in his assessment of the Mexican politician in August. Miles, however, also pointed to Lopez ...


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