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updated Wed. September 4, 2024

Mexico has historically been among the Latin American countries that are most reluctant to join operations with the U.S., which can be traced back to the Mexican-American War that was fought 170 years ago. The United States cannot open military bases in Mexico, and U.S. officials, for instance, cannot ...
Apparel makers in Mexico and Central America could benefit from the US's $50 billion of proposed tariff hikes on Chinese imports if retailers boost sourcing south of the border, industry experts say. “If Chinese imports become more expensive for American retailers they could buy more from us,” says Arturo ...

SAN DIEGO — The U.S. and Mexican governments are sparring over immigration and trade, but the two countries are joining forces on the high seas like never before to go after drug smugglers. The United States, Mexico and Colombia will target drug smugglers off South America's Pacific coast in an ...
President Donald Trump should meet with Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, National Security Adviser John Bolton and Army generals to discuss plans for military action on the Mexican border. The Eisenhower house at Gettysburg would be excellent location for this conference. Mexico is a country where ...
FILE - In this Feb. 26, 2017 file photo, two U.S. Coast Guard fast boats carrying suspects detained in prior drug interdiction operations are transferred from the USCG cutter Mohawk, seen in the background, to the USCG cutter Stratton, in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The U.S. Coast Guard is teaming up with ...
It must have seemed like a good idea at the time to German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann — the kind of idea that crops up out of desperation. It was early 1917, and the war that had convulsed Europe for three years had devolved into the punishing stalemate of trench warfare. The US had ...

There, in the city's San Jacinto Plaza, a plaque commemorates the “martyrs” of St. Patrick's Battalion who gave their lives to the Mexican cause. Also known as the “San Patricios,” that group consisted largely of Irish natives who defected from the U.S. Army during the 1846-48 Mexican-American War, fought ...
Other battles flared over astoundingly trivial slights, such as the so-called "Pastry War" of 1838. This altercation between France, Mexico and the U.S. erupted when a Frenchman demanded restitution for his lost property in Mexico — a pastry shop that Mexican forces had destroyed and looted the previous ...
I mean just talking about disappeared people from 2006 until now there are more disappeared people from Mexico...close or more than the people that were disappeared in the 'Dirty War' in Argentina. "It is an emblematic, systematic violence that went on there. And we're close to that number," he said.
Recently, however, it was the setting for an incident underlining the relentless spread of Mexico's drug war to cities previously best known as beach holiday destinations. Four gunmen burst into a private room at the clinic last week, where they shot dead Alfonso Contreras Espinoza and his wife. Known as ...

This story of modern-day Mexico (and, to a lesser extent, Texas) is told through the lives of a mother and her two teenage sons. They are undocumented immigrants who live in a citrus grove outside Harlingen until a plane crash sends them all back to Mexico, separated but with a common goal: finding each ...
Since the United States announced its intent to renegotiate NAFTA in May 2017, several rounds of highly-publicized negotiations have been held in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. North American media has reported on the outcome of these negotiations. But what hasn't been widely publicized is the impact ...
Trump said Monday he is not backing down on his decision to impose the steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, despite growing pressure from political and diplomatic allies and U.S. companies to avert a policy that could spark a trade war. Trump said on Twitter that Mexico and Canada could be ...
... with him Monday to back away from his threatened international tariffs, which they fear could spark a dangerous trade war. Trump retorted: “We're not backing down.” The president said U.S. neighbors Canada and Mexico would not be spared from his plans for special import taxes on steel and aluminum, ...
With negotiators holding fresh talks this week on overhauling the NAFTA free trade deal, we look at the example of soft fruits. America's increasing appetite for smoothies and antioxidant fruits means booming business for Mexico's berry growers. But for their US counterparts, cheap labour and state ...
After a decade of Mexico's drug war, several large cartels are thought to still be operating in Mexico, though two — the Sinaloa cartel and the Jalisco New Generation cartel— are believed to be the most powerful. But smaller groups, often splinters of larger cartels, have proliferated. (Sinaloa cartel infighting ...
Reflecting on his life while dying of throat cancer in 1885, the former US President Ulysses S. Grant said the Mexican-American War was, “the most wicked war in history. I thought so at the time, when I was a youngster, only I had not moral courage enough to resign”. Grant had first-hand experience as he ...
President Trump signed two proclamations today that go into effect on March 23, one imposing a 25% tariff on steel and the other a 10% tariff on aluminum. The president confirmed that Canada and Mexico are exempt from the tariff increases, citing national security agreements — specifically ongoing ...


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