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updated Sun. June 9, 2024

Choluteca: Capturan a conductor por provocar accidente donde murieron dos hermanos. Al parecer la camioneta no ... Un hombre fue detenido este domingo y acusado por el delito de homicidio culposo tras causar la muerte a dos personas en Choluteca, al sur de Honduras. El detenido responde al ...
Funcionarios del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), capacitaron a varios periodistas y comunicadores sociales de Choluteca sobre el rol que ...

Este 26 de noviembre los pobladores del departamento de Choluteca tienen varias opciones para elegir a los nueve diputados que los ...
La aeronave procedente de Estados Unidos viajaba con rumbo a la ciudad de Choluteca, tras haber hecho una parada en San Pedro Sula, en ...
Una gaseada sufrieron reservistas de las Fuerzas Armadas (FF AA) por parte de elementos policiales cuando los militares retirados se ...
Con el pago de los impuestos de bienes inmuebles durante el mes de agosto la municipalidad de Choluteca busca solventar el desfase ...

Unos 200 casos de conjuntivitis en el centro penal de Choluteca han reportado autoridades sanitarias, por lo que ya se han tomado medidas ...
09.09.2017 Motagua y Olimpia empataron 1-1 en el estreno del estadio Emilio Williams de Choluteca. Supuestos integrantes de la barra ...
Since October 2016, the Honduran Red Cross has been providing support to the National Immigration Institute (INM)'s regional Choluteca office, which is known as the Care Centre for Irregular Migrants (CAMI); through a Disaster Relief Emergency Fund ...
Administrativamente, la ciudad de Choluteca se encuentra en el municipio del mismo nombre, el cual tiene una superficie de 1069 km7 , siendo el gobierno de la ciudad y el municipio el mismo. La ciudad de Choluteca es la cabecera del Departamento de ...
For the last several years, they've worked in Choluteca, Honduras to establish education opportunities as well as churches.
Their home is Choluteca, a municipality close to the border with Nicaragua that is one of the country's poorest regions.
Financing is being provided by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) for work on the 137km stretch of road from Choluteca to El Amatillo, which will cost around $154 million. Meanwhile the 87.5km stretch from Tegucigalpa-Jicaro Galan is expected ...
Their point of entry has been the city of Choluteca where they receive care through the Care Centre for Irregular Migrants (CAMI for its acronym in Spanish), a government institution that in these last two weeks (21 August to 2 September, 2016) has ...
Seajoy was selling less than half of its shrimp volumes as value-added products a few years ago, general manager Ismael Wong told Undercurrent News in Choluteca, Honduras. The market for value-added products such as peeled shrimp, butterfly shrimp ...
Abundant rain during the past week triggered flooding over local areas of Choluteca, Tegucigalpa, and El Paraiso department of southeastern Honduras.
The Ministry of Health issues guidelines for couples planning for children amid an outbreak of Zika, which has been linked to birth defects.

Zika infection now linked to hearing loss in babies, study finds. Liz Szabo, USA TODAY , KHOU 12:31 PM. EST August 30, 2016. Babies born with microcephaly are under treatment in the Intensive Care Unit of the South Hospital in Choluteca, Honduras.
"It started to rain a bit four days ago but these days you don't know how long the rains will last and if it will rain enough to make sure I get a harvest in November," she said by telephone from Choluteca province in southern Honduras. Despite the ...
D'Vicente, the host and general manager of the independent Libertad TV Channel 21's news program "Prensa Libre" in the southern Honduran city of Choluteca, was sentenced by a local judge on July 26 but was informed of the decision only last week, the ...
The event will take place at the Hotel Jicaral in Choluteca, close to the largest shrimp farming area in Central America, from Aug. 24-26.
Setting up base in Choluteca, which is a city and one of 18 Honduran administrative divisions, and visiting various municipalities, the students made lunches for school kids, visited the vocational high school, laid concrete slabs for sidewalks, and ...
An 8-day-old baby in Choluteca, Honduras, was born with microcephaly caused by the Zika virus. (Photo: Reuters/Jorge Cabrera/Newscom).
... Defects In Canada Confirmed. CP | By The Canadian Press. Posted: 08/12/2016 2:43 pm EDT Updated: 51 minutes ago. MICROCEPHALY.
Miguel Osorio, spokesperson for the University Training Hospital in Tegucigalpa, announced that three babies were born with microcephaly in the last three days in the southern city of Choluteca and the central city of Comayagua. At least 493 women had ...
Melissa holds her eight-day old baby Allan, who was born with microcephaly, at their home in Choluteca, Honduras on July 29.
Honduran law enforcement frequently report highway assaults and carjackings by criminals posing as Honduran law enforcement throughout Honduras, including remote areas of Choluteca, Olancho, Colon, and Copan Departments. These criminals set up ...
All six cases of the Zika-linked birth defect were registered at the same hospital in Choluteca, a city just south of the capital Tegucigalpa that has been particularly hard-hit by the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which can also spread through sexual ...
Students from the Ohio State University traveled to Choluteca, Honduras, in May for a study abroad program that focused on community development.
Consumers wanting okra to grill on the barbecue or for pickling this summer will be seeing product coming from both Florida and Honduras.
According to local media reports the illegals, 100 adults and eight children, were being held at the immigration offices in Choluteca, while they await authorization to continue on their journey. Most immigrants entering southern Honduras do so through ...
A group of men from a local Choluteca news station came to interview a few of the students on our team," Gentile wrote. "I had the privilege (a very NERVOUS one) of translating for Sidney and Dr.
TEGUCIGALPA - At least six workers are trapped inside a mine in Choluteca, a province in southern Honduras, the fire department said Tuesday.
The UCI team worked with engineers to design a gravitational system bringing water to 160 homes in Choluteca, Honduras, according to a news release.
Finca Granjas Marinas San Bernado farm in Honduras has successfully gained ASC certification for responsible shrimp farming. The site operated by Group Granjas Marinas, located in Choluteca, was successfully assessed by independent certifier Control ...
From the horses left in barns and stables for weeks on end, to those working many hours every day on the streets of Choluteca in Honduras or Cape Town in South Africa who go unnoticed by governments and policymakers, to the horses transported long ...
UCI's winning team worked with Global Engineering Brigades to engineer a water system in Choluteca, Honduras, which provided clean water to 160 homes through a gravitation-based design.
03 de mayo de 2016, 17:48 Cases of Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya Increase to 35.000 in Honduras Tegucigalpa, May 3 (Prensa Latina) The number of people affected by Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya increased to more than 35.000, the Ministry of ...
Melon crops are being attacked by whiteflies, which will result in huge losses for this productive sector in Honduras. The highest incidence is recorded in Choluteca and the pest has been exacerbated by the widespread drought. On Tuesday, Jacobo Paz, ...
A shrimp farm in Honduras has met sustainability standards set by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council and will be certified, the group said.
From the horses left in barns and stables for weeks on end, to those working many hours every day on the streets of Choluteca in Honduras or Cape Town, in South Africa, who go unnoticed by governments and policymakers, to the horses transported long ...
Honduran aquaculture producers expressed their concern about the fall in farmed shrimp production, particularly in Choluteca, in the south of the country, as a result of high temperatures. A similar situation occurred in 2015, when the volume of ...
Honduran aquaculture producers expressed their concern about the fall in farmed shrimp production, particularly in Choluteca, in the south of the country, as a result of high temperatures. A similar situation occurred in 2015, when the volume of ...
Jorge Romero, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Comayagua (CCICOM), said this area concentrated 90% of Oriental vegetable crops, and that the remaining 10% was in Olancho and Choluteca. A rising sector. Marco Flores, president ...
TerraForm Global also had plans to sell GME's development platform to SunEdison, and pay $46.9 million to SunEdison for the Choluteca solar power plant located in Honduras. The deal was ultimately canceled when some project lenders didn't issue ...
SUNE had a Sale and Purchase Agreement ('SPA") dating from December 2014 to sell to GME approximately 82 MWs of solar projects located in Choluteca, Honduras ("Choluteca"). It appears that GLBL was going to step into GME's shoes and purchase the ...
From the horses left in barns and stables for weeks on end, to those working many hours every day on the streets of Choluteca in Honduras or Cape Town in South Africa who go unnoticed by governments and policymakers, to the horses transported long ...
Or, like the Choluteca Bridge, did it move on the health industry? Designed to withstand even the strongest of storms, the Choluteca Bridge in Honduras was an engineering masterpiece made with the highest grade of steel and concrete. But a bridge is ...
For the project, Rotary Club of Madison entered a partnership with Club Rotario De Choluteca (a Rotary Club in southern Honduras), a local project coordinator and several village leaders to finish the work.
With a peak output of 61.48 MWp, the PV plant, located in the region of Choluteca, will generate 109 million kWh of solar power per year, equivalent to supply clean energy to more than 80,000 Honduran families.


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