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updated Tue. July 2, 2024

Furthermore, Human Rights Watch conducted research and advocacy in Mauritania in 2017, primarily focused on the repression of human rights defenders, restrictions on children's access to public schools, and women's rights. From January 20 to February 12, 2018 a Human Rights Watch researchers ...
The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has announced the formation of a new fishery improvement project (FIP) designed to promote sustainable octopus catching in Mauritania. At Seafood Expo Global this week in Brussels, Belgium SFP signed a memorandum of understanding with a number of ...

To inform the design of shock-responsive social protection systems that address widespread vulnerabilities, FAO developed a package of cash and livelihoods support for families in Mali and Mauritania. The majority of the families were headed by women. Families received either multiple unconditional ...
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has a fishery improvement project (FIP) designed to promote sustainable octopus fishing in Mauritania. At Seafood Expo Global this week in Brussels, SFP signed a memorandum of understanding with a number of fisheries institutions and organizations, formalizing ...
An inter-governmental accord has made a cross-border gas development between Mauritania and northern Senegal more likely. But money-spinning oil finds remain elusive for the joint venture between BP and Kosmos that holds the key licenses in the region. In February, Senegal and Mauritania signed ...
Mauritania hosts over 2,000 urban refugees and asylumseekers and more than 55,000 Malian refugees in Mbera, a camp established in 2012 in the arid south-eastern region close to the Malian border. Despite the conclusion of a peace agreement in 2015, large-scale returns of Malian refugees are not ...

The West African nation of Mauritania lost all internet access for 48 hours due to an undersea cable break, according to infrastructure analysts. The break, which took place a couple weeks ago, provides a reminder of how much internet users rely on the cables that connect their countries. According to Dyn ...
On March 30, the ACE Submarine cable cut out, dropping connectivity for much of West Africa. According to reports, the breach came off the coast of Mauritania, resulting in significant connectivity drops for at least ten neighboring countries. Mauritania itself was offline for nearly 48 hours before connectivity ...
Disputes over fishing territories between Senegal and Mauritania are threatening plans to exploit a giant offshore gas field. The Mauritanian coastguard shot and killed a Senegalese fisherman, and this has led to violent retaliation ashore. Al Jazeera's Nicolas Haque reports from the city of Saint Louis.
Boubacar Messaoud has a simple message: every citizen of Mauritania must be treated equally, regardless of their ethnic group. “My dream,” Messaoud says in a video shared on social media, is to see “that we're all citizens … and all equal, living in harmony and goodwill”. “This will only happen through ...
The International Development Association, an arm of the World Bank, has approved a $20 million loan to the government of Mauritania to help it develop the necessary capacity to negotiate investment agreements for the development of the Tortue/Ahmeyim gas field, Agence Ecofin has reported. The giant ...
Human rights defenders in Mauritania, who denounce the persistent practice of slavery and discrimination, risk facing arbitrary detention, torture, imprisonment in remote facilities and systematic prohibition of their meetings, says Amnesty International in a report that was published on March 22. The report ...
In an official statement, Egypt's foreign ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid accentuated “Egypt's supportive stance with the government and people of Mauritania in this ordeal." “Egypt appreciates all sacrifices made by the UN's peacekeeping forces in central Africa to combat terrorism in the Sahel region ...
Dakar — Anti-slavery activists in Mauritania are increasingly being arrested and protests banned as the state tightens restrictions on human rights groups, activists and organisations said on Thursday. Slavery is a historical practice in Mauritania, which became the last country worldwide to legally abolish it ...
“The economic recovery continues, with growth estimated at 3-3½ percent in 2017 and 2018, and moderate inflation of 2.3 percent on average in 2017”, said IMF Staff after concluding a review mission to Mauritania. The country's International reserves reached $849 million at end-2017 (5.1 months of ...
DAKAR, March 22 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Anti-slavery activists in Mauritania are increasingly being arrested and protests banned as the state tightens restrictions on human rights groups, activists and organisations said on Thursday. Slavery is a historical practice in Mauritania, which became the ...
This report seeks to analyze patterns of repression used against human rights defenders in Mauritania, particularly those who expose and combat slavery and discrimination, since the last presidential elections in 2014. There has been an increasing number of bans on peaceful protests and associations, arbitrary arrests, ...

Subject to the approval of the IMF's management and Executive Board, Mauritania will benefit from a second disbursement of SDR 16.56 million (around US$ 24.0 million) following the Executive Board's review scheduled for May 2018. “The economic recovery continues, with growth estimated at 3-3½ ...
Mauritanian human rights defenders who speak out against persistent practice of slavery and discrimination in the country have faced arbitrary arrest, torture, detention in remote prisons and the systematic banning of their gatherings, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.
Poor off-season crop production and the large decrease in seasonal revenues have led to market dependence. To access food, poor households in rural areas continue to sell livestock and participate in atypical coping strategies that greatly affect their livelihoods. The degradation of pastoral conditions ...
Speaking at the inauguration, the public relations officer of Bundung Mauritania six junction ward committee Modou Saidy expressed gratitude to the donors. He said the donors have been very supportive to Sulayman Jammeh's development initiatives since he assumed office as a councillor. He said Mr.
Proceeds of annual Abu Dhabi exhibition to fund medical centre in Mauritania. Since its inception, 100 per cent of the proceeds from the Ataya exhibition have been donated to various aid organisations both within the UAE and abroad ...
Note: This is a Just a Taste review, which the Express-News does soon after a restaurant or bar opens to give our first impressions. The global palate of flavors available to San Antonio diners is ever expanding, the latest wave bringing representation from Africa's diverse pantry. In the past two years, we've ...
Turkish and Mauritanian security officers and people surround the car of President Erdoğan (R) as he gestures during a welcome ceremony at the airport in Nouakchott, Mauritania, Feb. 28.
A Mauritanian opposition figure and leading anti-slavery activist, Biram Ould Abeid, was arrested and interrogated by authorities this week following three days of demonstrations lead by the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA). Abeid was arrested at his home and transferred by authorities to the ...
Nouakchott - Recep Tayyip Erdogan landed in Mauritania on Wednesday flanked by businessmen and primed to sign several cooperation deals in the first visit by a Turkish president to Nouakchott. Erdogan is undertaking a four-nation African tour to ramp up Turkey's growing influence throughout the ...
Ould Aboye was appointed an ambassador for the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to Morocco in December 2017. The past few years have seen on and off the diplomatic tension between Morocco and Mauritania over political and regional issues, including the Western Sahara conflict. His appointment ...
“You said human rights? You need to get the OK elsewhere,” said the hakim (a municipal officer) after we asked him to hold a press conference earlier this month in a hotel in Mauritania's capital, Nouakchott. Normally, the hakim decides on such permits, but since our event involved presenting a report ...
Mauritania has blasted recent remarks by Human Rights Watch (HRW) in which the U.S.-based watchdog accused Mauritanian authorities of “cracking down” on activists and rights groups. Addressing reporters on Thursday evening, Culture Minister Mohamed Lemine Ould Cheikh insisted that Mauritania's ...
February 15, 2018 —In Nouakchott, Mauritania, a determined group of teenagers is working to improve the country's capital – one street at a time. When Nouakchott was picked as the capital of Mauritania in 1958, it was a sleepy fishing village with a population of 500. Today, the city is home to more than a ...
(Nouakchott) – Mauritania's human rights defenders face repression when they raise the country's most sensitive social issues, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The issues include ethnic and caste discrimination, slavery, and the need for accountability for a campaign of atrocities ...
Mauritania hosts over 2,000 urban refugees and asylumseekers and more than 53,000 Malian refugees in Mbera, a camp established in 2012 in the arid ... As the situation in northern Mali continues to be unstable, Mauritania struggles to cope with the growing needs of new refugees and the vulnerable ...
Two slave owners in Mauritania have been jailed in a country where slavery remains widespread but convictions rare, activists say. The sentences of 10 and 20 years are said to be the toughest-ever for the crime in the West African country. Slavery was outlawed in 1981 but 1% of the population are still ...
(Tunis) – Mauritania's national civil registration process is preventing some children from attending public school and taking mandatory national examinations, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should change its policies to ensure that no school-age child is deprived of the right to education ...
The prices of butane gas, widely used by Mauritanian households, have skyrocketed recently in the country, APA reports in Nouakchott on Tuesday.The price of the 12-kilogram large gas cylinder nearly doubled to 6,000 ouguiyas MRO ($16.8) from 3,000 ouguiyas ($8.3) previously. The situation is worse in ...
Hundreds of bustards or Canadian goose have been reintroduced to Mauritania's northern region of Tiris Zemmour where their population had dwindled due to drought and over-hunting.The birds were released in ten different areas of this vast desert region on Tuesday by teams of the International Fund ...
The joint 2018 humanitarian response plan was shared with the Mauritanian Government in late January. The Government will intervene alongside humanitarian partners in the response to the 2018 food crisis. Urgent funding of USD 4.6 million (61 percent) is needed to provide first-response to some ...
In the meantime, the UNHCR and partners continue to provide life-saving assistance in Mbera camp. But, Pouilly indicated this is fast becoming a mission impossible. She said her agency has had absolutely no response to its $20 million appeal for humanitarian operations in Mauritania this year.
According to a statement release by the president's office, Erdogan will hold talks with his counterparts in Algeria, Mauritania, Senegal and Mali in one-on-one and inter-delegation meetings. The leaders are expected to discuss regional and global developments, bilateral relations and cooperation.


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