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 Central African Republic

The former French colony of Ubangi-Shari became the Central African Republic upon independence in 1960. After three tumultuous decades of misrule - mostly by military governments - civilian rule was established in 1993 and lasted for one decade. In March 2003 a military coup deposed the civilian government of President Ange-Felix PATASSE and has since established a new government.

The former French colony of Ubangi-Shari became the Central African Republic upon independence in 1960. After three tumultuous decades of misrule - mostly by military governments - civilian rule was established in 1993 and lasted for one decade. In March 2003 a military coup deposed the civilian government of President Ange-Felix PATASSE and has since established a new government.
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updated Mon. July 29, 2024

Press release | 1st Standard Humanitarian Fund Allocation | April 2018. Bangui, 27 April 2018 – The Humanitarian Coordinator for Central African Republic (CAR), Najat Rochdi has allocated US$11 million from the Humanitarian Fund (CAR HF) for projects countywide to address urgent humanitarian ...
This report, drawing on a pilot initiative in the Central African Republic—IMPACT-CAR—to develop a shared measurement and reporting system aimed at improving collaboration and shared learning across peacebuilding implementers, reflects on the results, successes, and challenges of the initiative to offer a road map for ...

New York — The Central African Republic's president, Faustin-Archange Touadera, told the UN on Monday that he wants to "accelerate" the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration of members of armed groups. "I have instructed my government to work toward reducing the harm and threat of armed ...
The UN says protesters who placed corpses in front of their headquarters in the Central African Republic (CAR) were using the bodies for "propaganda". "Some people are using dead bodies... to say that we have killed civilians," a UN spokesman told the BBC. On Wednesday, demonstrators calling for an ...
One Rwandan peacekeeper was killed and eight others wounded in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR) during an exchange of fire with armed elements on Tuesday, April 10. One of the injured members of RDF remains in critical condition, according to the reports from Bangui. The incident followed a ...
Bangui, 11 April 2018: We, representatives of the African Union and the United Nations, decided to undertake a joint visit to the Central African Republic (CAR) to express our solidarity and full support to the Central African people and for the peace process in the Central African Republic. We also share a ...

Last Saturday, 7 April, a suspected chemical weapons attack took place in the besieged town of Douma. The attack killed over 70 people and injured 500 others in one of the few areas of eastern Ghouta that still remained under the control of armed opposition groups. Although the attack has not been ...
Protesters have put at least 16 corpses in front of the headquarters of the UN in the Central African Republic (CAR). They called for an end to violence, saying the corpses were of civilians killed on Tuesday in clashes between UN troops and armed groups in a neighbourhood of the capital, Bangui. The UN ...
The Central African Republic has been embroiled in a sectarian conflict which started in 2013 when the mainly Muslim Seleka rebel group forced the then president Francois Bozize out of power. Although many of the refugees are happy to return home, there are some who are skeptical following ongoing ...
Ongoing war has resulted in a protracted humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), creating severe health needs among the population. After the deadly civil war that took place in 2013-2014, CAR enjoyed a period of relative calm. However, tensions between the more numerous armed ...
Bangui - The United Nations and Central African Republic forces Sunday launched an operation targeting armed groups in a mainly Muslim district of Bangui in which at least two people were killed and dozens wounded, UN and medical sources said. Eleven peacekeepers, mostly Egyptian, were among ...
UN troops and an armed group exchanged gunfire during the night near the president's residence in the Central African Republic, a security source said on Monday. The incident in the capital Bangui came hours after United Nations and Central African forces launched an operation targeting armed groups ...
MOSCOW, March 22. /TASS/. Moscow has provided free military aid to the Central African Republic at the country's government's request, Russian Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokesman Artyom Kozhin said on Thursday. "At the request of the Central African Republic's president, Russia decided to provide the ...
BAYANGA, Central African Republic — Perhaps the most devastating blow any human can suffer is to lose a child, and Julienne Moada has already lost three. A Pygmy living on the edge of the jungle in what may be the world's most wretched country, she has borne five children and now cradles little Bruno ...
The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights concluded today the consideration of the initial report of the Central African Republic on measures taken to implement the provisions of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Introducing the report, Flavien Mbata, ...
Bangui — STATE agents and rebel groups have perpetrated at least 55 human rights violations in the Central African Republic (CAR) over the past week. Twenty-eight violations have been blamed on armed rebel groups while 27 are attributed to government agents. The violations including murder, rape ...
On 7-9 March, the Political and Security Committee of the European Union (EU PSC) travelled to the Central African Republic (CAR) for a joint field visit with the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU PSC). The two PSCs met with the President and the cabinet of ministers of CAR, with the ...

The island of Longo in the Central African Republic, like other villages along the Oubangui River, has become a refuge for fishermen of the Haute-Kotto region who have fled from the Anti-Balaka militia group. The men kidnapped and ransomed by Anti-Balaka groups are often victims of ritual scarifications.
New York — In recent months, the crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR) that erupted five years ago has seemed farther than ever from resolution. In 2017, episodes of extreme identity-based violence brought the toll of displaced people in and from CAR recently to over a million people. The peace ...
Tomorrow, 15 March, will mark the seventh anniversary of the conflict in Syria. Since 2011 more than 500,000 people have been killed, including 19,800 children. Approximately 11.7 million Syrians have also been displaced, and 13.1 million are in need of humanitarian assistance. As the conflict enters its ...
This horrific attack highlights the daily realities experienced by people in the Central African Republic, and in particular women and children who are the most vulnerable to abuse,” says Paul Brockmann, MSF head of mission in CAR. “This is one of the consequences of the new wave of indiscriminate ...
On 23 February 2018, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013) concerning the Central African Republic held informal consultations to consider the progress update of the Panel of Experts, which was submitted in pursuance of paragraph 28 (d) of resolution 2339 ...
Cordaid has just completed an intervention that provided humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable families in the very fragile context of northwestern Central African Republic (CAR). The past year with Cordaid has been an intense experience, complex and challenging but with many positive results, ...
Armed groups in the Central African Republic (CAR) have raped men and boys for years in an emerging pattern of sexual violence that is "underreported and largely ignored", researchers said on Monday. A study by international research group All Survivors' Project was one of the first to document sex ...
Muslims trapped in Central African Republic church. In the Central African Republic, a nine-month-long ordeal for hundreds of Muslims shows no sign of ending. 14 hours ... killed if they leave the protection of UN peacekeepers. Al Jazeera's Catherine Soi reports from Bangassou, Central African Republic.
Bangui — FOOTBALL, aptly called the beautiful game, is hailed as the world's most powerful unifier. Its magic to bridge divides has been experienced in the war-torn Central African Republic (CAR), in the form of a local league cup final in the town of Bambari in the southern prefecture (administrative ...
DAKAR, March 5 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Armed groups in the Central African Republic (CAR) have raped men and boys for years in an emerging pattern of sexual violence that is "underreported and largely ignored", researchers said on Monday. A study by international research group All ...
Forces from the European Union have been training soldiers in the Central African Republic in an attempt to rebuild the national army. It's part of an international effort to stabilise the country after years of conflict. But scepticism remains about how much progress can be achieved, with most of the country ...
“We went to the Central African Republic because there was a need,” Mr. Onanga-Anyanga told UN News in an interview while in New York to brief the members of the Security Council on the situation in CAR. The UN integrated peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic, known by its French ...
Join Euronews reporter Monica Pinna to explore the harsh reality behind the healthcare system in Central African Republic. Now Reading: Behind the scenes of ... One of the poorest countries in the world, Central African Republic has been under raging conflict since 2013. To date, up to 6,000 people have ...
In the Central African Republic, UNHCR has started responding to the urgent and increasing protection needs of an estimated 65,000 new IDPs in the north-west town of Paoua. In Cameroon, the screening and registration exercise for the 489 new arrivals between December 2017 and January 2018 has ...
In total, Invisible Children's LRA Crisis Tracker initiative recorded 272 attacks against civilians in 20171 in the Mbomou Uele border region, which includes the prefectures of Haute Kotto, Mbomou, and Haut Mbomou in eastern Central African Republic (CAR) and the provinces of Haut Uele and Bas Uele in ...
Six educators were killed this week in the Central African Republic, Unicef said on Wednesday, the latest of several attacks on aid workers as that fragmented and war-torn nation slides deeper into chaos. The attack occurred near Markounda, a small town in the northwest, near the border with Chad — a ...
The United Nations is appealing to the international community to help with humanitarian efforts in the Central African Republic. The agency says half the population requires urgent assistance. Fighting between various armed groups plunged the country into civil conflict in 2013, and the violence is ...
Behind pea-green curtains in a steamy office in the Central African Republic's capital of Bangui, comic book artist Didier Kassai carefully dips his paintbrush into ... The Central African Republic has been plagued by conflict since 2013, when a predominantly Muslim rebel coalition overthrew the government.
The Oubangui river, borders the south of the Central African Republic and is drying up, thereby denying these fishermen their livelihoods. “What angered me was that this man, Korogo, destroyed the school and the hospital, if he sees a canoe passing by, he sends his men to pick up everything that's in the ...
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Mansour Ayyad Sh. A. Alotaibi (Kuwait):. The members of the Security Council met on 22 February 2018 to discuss the situation in the Central African Republic and the activities of the United Nations Multidimensional ...
Among the bunk beds in a dimly lit cell deep inside a women's prison near the Central African Republic capital Bangui, religious murmurs take on an almost mystical aura. Huddled around a cluster of icons, inmates jailed for "practices of charlatanism and sorcery" (PCS) pray the rosary, mustering the last of ...


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