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 Horn of Africa

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updated Thu. September 12, 2024

On the scorching edge of the Sahara Desert, the U.S. Air Force is building a base for armed drones, the newest front in America's battle against the growing extremist threat in Africa's vast Sahel region. Three hangars and the first layers of a runway command a sandy, barren field. Niger Air Base 201 is ...
Bahir Dar — President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir discussed with AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Ismail Cherquii issues of peace and security in Horn of Africa and developments of situations in Libya. Ambassador Cherqqui, who was received by President of the Republic at his ...

The Horn of Africa region has been one that has continually engaged the attention of the United States. Its relation with Ethiopia has largely been premised on anti-terrorism combat and need for democratic reforms. Eritrea, meanwhile, continues to slam the United Nationa Security Council and the United ...
Introduction. In 2017, migration in the East and Horn of Africa continued to be driven by a range of factors including conflict, insecurity, extreme weather conditions, political unrest, the youth bulge, and uneven economic growth. This report outlines key trends that have been observed, with a focus on forced ...
FOREWORD. The Horn of Africa has been grappling with the effects of consecutive failed rains across Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia that led to 12 million people in need of humanitarian assistance at the start of 2017. Children bore the brunt of the crisis as their families struggled to survive in a worsening ...
It's also not the first time that huge crevices have opened up in the Horn of Africa region: scientists have recorded new splits in the Afar Triangle, which cuts across Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. Historically, this is the same process that led to the break up of Africa and South America around 138 million ...

Horn of Africa Emergency Dashboard, March 2018. Infographic. from World Food Programme. Published on 30 Mar 2018 — View Original · preview · Download PDF (781.92 KB) ...
30 de marzo de 2018, 00:22Khartoum, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) The Government of Sudan announced that an economic coalition will be created among the countries of the Horn of Africa during a summit of its member countries on April 12th. The summit will be held in this capital city and attended by heads ...
ADDIS ABABA, March 23 (Xinhua) -- The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the European Union (EU) and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) on Friday signed a 42-million-euro (close to 51.8 million U.S. dollars) agreement to fund the East African block's peace and security ...
Instability in Ethiopia could have repercussions across the region. Unrest in the country could have a domino effect in what is an already volatile part of the continent. It could also affect regional peace efforts because instability in one corner of the Horn of Africa could spread and destabilise the entire region.
In this issue of the UN Migration Agency Regional Office for East and Horn of Africa bulletin, we reflect on our water and sanitation work in the region. IOM, with support of its partner, has been providing life-saving water and sanitation services to displaced persons, refugees and host communities in the ...
A budding dispute over plans to develop a port in Somaliland risks destabilizing the Horn of Africa region, the semi-autonomous territory's foreign minister said. Saad Ali Shire's comments raise the stakes in a standoff between Somaliland and Somalia, which this month declared the planned harbor illegal.
Instability in Ethiopia could have repercussions across the region. Unrest in the country could have a domino effect in what is an already volatile part of the continent. It could also affect regional peace efforts because instability in one corner of the Horn of Africa could spread and destabilise the entire region.
Jason Turvey of Capital Economics in London told Arab News: “Strategic military factors are important, which is why we see the coastal regions of the Horn of Africa become increasingly significant. The point is these port disputes can be used for political purposes. What we have seen recently across Africa ...
"It's clear that at some level DP World's port operations, especially in Africa, Eastern African the Horn of Africa is a component of the UAE state's longer term goal of increasing its influence there with an eye to both security and strategic objectives as well as longer term economic interests in the region," he ...
"It's clear that at some level DP World's port operations, especially in Africa, Eastern African the Horn of Africa is a component of the UAE state's longer term goal of increasing its influence there with an eye to both security and strategic objectives as well as longer term economic interests in the region," he ...
Doraleh opened in 2009 and is the only container terminal in the Horn of Africa able to handle 15,000-ton container ships. It quickly became the most important entrepot for the region's largest country and economy, Ethiopia, which was rendered landlocked by Eritrea's independence in 1993. Ethiopia ...

Stratfor's 2018 Annual Forecast highlighted both Ethiopia's continued attempts to gain access to the Red Sea and Somalian efforts to take over security responsibilities from the African Union Mission in Somalia. The recent port deal in Berbera is good news for the former, it presents a potential challenge to ...
The Horn of Africa has been hotter and drier than normal in January following an early cessation of seasonal rains around mid-December. This is likely to result in further deterioration of pasture and water resources, most notably in pastoral and marginal agricultural areas of Somalia, Ethiopia and parts of ...
Hargeisa – The head of United Nations humanitarian efforts in Somalia today underlined the importance of improving communities' resilience to better withstand the effects of recurring droughts, such as famines. “After a year of very hard collective work, having avoided so far the famine, we don't want to just ...
Oxfam declared the Horn of Africa Drought as a major crisis in January 2017. Based on the prioritisation, the response actions commenced and scale up of the intervention started. Oxfam is responding in all three countries - Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, targeting people in need. The target is to provide ...
Nairobi, 15 February 2018- Sometimes, the choices migrants make is dependent on the information, or lack of it, that is available to them. Being informed in a timely and accessible manner remains vital if migrants are to make the right or informed decisions. To ensure this, IOM, the UN Migration Agency has ...
They beat me so badly that I lost track of what was happening,” he recounted while awaiting surgery. Yemen is historically a country of migration, refuge and transit for people fleeing the Horn of Africa. But more than three years of conflict have plunged the country into the world's deepest humanitarian crisis, ...
Michael Woldemariam, Assistant Professor of International Relations and Political Science at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, discussed his new book Insurgent Fragmentation in the Horn of Africa: Rebellion and its Discontents (Cambridge University Press, 2018) as ...
Woldemariam on Insurgent Fragmentation in the Horn of Africa. Tuesday 17th April 2018. Prof. Michael Woldemariam discussed his new book, Insurgent Fragmentation in the Horn of Africa: Rebellion and its Discontents. Categories: 2018, Events News, Research. Tags: Book Talk, Insurgent Fragmentation in the Horn of ...
As we point out in a recent article, Ethiopia has attempted to take advantage of the recent involvement of various Arab Gulf States in the Horn of Africa's coastal zone to reduce its dependency on Djibouti's port. The port currently accounts for 95% of Ethiopia's imports and exports. It has done so by actively ...
IOM established a regional network of five Migration Response Centers (MRCs) in strategic locations in the Horn of Africa including in Hargeisa and Bosasso in 2009, Djibouti in 2011, and in Semera and Metema in 2014. These centers were designed to provide direct assistance to migrants in vulnerable ...
Instability in Ethiopia could have repercussions across the region. Unrest in the country could have a domino effect in what is an already volatile part of the continent. It could also affect regional peace efforts because instability in one corner of the Horn of Africa could spread and destabilise the entire region.
Four severe droughts have walloped the [Horn of Africa] in the last two decades, a rapid succession that has pushed millions of the world's poorest to the edge of survival. Amid this new normal, a people long hounded by poverty and strife has found itself on the frontline of a new crisis: climate change.
From March to May, the countries that comprise the Horn of Africa rely on the "long rains" to replenish water supplies and rebuild goat herds, ensuring a supply of milk and meat. Increasingly, however, those long rains aren't lasting nearly long enough, if they ever come at all. Four severe droughts over the ...
Climatic shocks, conflict, insecurity and political instability continue to drive humanitarian need in the Horn of Africa. While food insecurity increased by nearly 24 per cent in 2017, it decreased in the first month of 2018. In Somalia, famine risk declined, but needs remain high, with some 2.7 million severely ...
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is active in a number of Migrants' Assistance projects and Human Mobility data collection activities in the Horn of Africa and in the Arab Peninsula and this report aims at providing an overview of the trends observed in the second half of 2017 on the Western ...


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