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updated Tue. July 30, 2024

The seven Police officers, together with a Rwandan army officer, Rene Rutagungira and a Congolese national, Pacifique Bahati Mugenga alias Ilunga Monga, were charged before the General Court Martial in Makindye with kidnapping two Rwandan nationals and repatriating them back home without their ...
Late into the night, with the jubilant forces drunk and deep asleep, the Greek Special Forces crept out of the wooden horse and opened the gates of the City of Troy to allow entry of the entire Greek army which had sailed back, under the cover of night. The Greeks entered and destroyed the City of Troy, ...

Two army helicopters have collided in southern France, killing five people on board, officials say. The crash ... They were also used by other forces in the conflicts in Lebanon, the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. ... A French army Gazelle crashed into a power line at Caylus in 2003, killing four people.
The DR Congo government has announced it is waging "war" against two militias in the east -- the Yakutumba and the Ugandan Islamist rebels of the Allied Democratic Force (ADF). The Congolese Yakutumba are in South Kivu while the ADF are active in North Kivu. Both regions border Uganda, Rwanda, ...
Rwandans yesterday marked Heroes' Day, with celebrations organized at the grassroots across the country, held under the theme; “Upholding Heroism to Build the Rwanda We Want”. While the day was marked at the village level – the smallest administrative unit –, in the capital Kigali, President Paul ...
The heroism exhibited by the former military wing of the political organisation RPF-Inkotanyi, the RPA and the achievements registered since the end of the armed liberation struggle are some of the factors behind the creation of a youth group based in Kigali. This was said by members of Rwanda Youth ...

John Ndekezi joined the army in 1991, in logistics. 'I have my own 2 kids and 3 adoptive children. A country that always remembers us: they didn't let us beg for food on the street. Peace starts by way of living: I can afford food, I have a house that's at peace'. / Nadege Imbabazi ...
The new Rwandan (formerly rebel) army killed several thousand people in an internally displaced persons refugee camp in front of a Doctors Without Borders medical team. People convinced themselves that one mass crime, the Tutsi genocide, could hide other mass crimes committed by the new ...
The classrooms were constructed through Army and Police Week activities and umuganda, which complemented the ministry's funding. 15169212412. State Minister Dr Isaac Munyakazi chats with pupils who study at Kavumu new constructed classromms in Rwamagana District. 922 classrooms built ...
Kampala — A Rwandan national, who was arrested and detained by armed security personnel from Mbarara District early this month, has not been released despite court ordering so. On January 8, the High Court in Kampala ordered the State to release Emmanuel Cyemayire from detention from the ...
“They're going back to their natural place,” he told Army Radio Tuesday, adding, “If only every country treated them the way we did.” Contrary to what Dery says, Israel cannot take pride in its treatment of asylum seekers. The state has done everything possible to make it difficult for them, to wear them down ...
The analogy rimed with a clandestine agenda to erect all sorts of obstacles making return of Rwandan refugees unattractive. Within four years, and after thousands of fallen fighters, the Rwanda Patriotic Front/Army rebels entered Kigali. A government-planned genocide had massacred more than a million ...
The duo was recently charged with kidnapping and repatriating two Rwandan nationals. Their co-accused are ... Others are Abel Tumukunde, Amon Kwarisima, Rene Rutagungira (an army officer from Rwanda), and a Congolese; Pacifique Bahati Muhlgenga alias Ilunga Monga. Prosecution led by Maj.
KAMPALA - The army court on Tuesday released on bail three police officers, out of seven who are accused of kidnap. ... Abel Tumukunde, Abdulnul Ssemujju aka Minana, a Rwandan, Rene Rutagungira (an army officer from Rwanda), and a Congolese, Pacifique Bahati Muhlgenga aka Ilunga Monga.
Following the end of the Genocide, which was stopped by the Rwanda Patriotic Army that was then under the leadership of President Kagame, Rwanda and France have mostly been at odds and evidence has been piling up about the latter's culpability, further ramping up the pressure on Paris to admit its ...
The EAC brings together Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, South Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi. The meeting was also attended by the CDFs and CMIs of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and South Africa on the invitation of their Ugandan counterpart, Gen. David Muhoozi. The statement said that ...
President Paul Kagame, the Commander-in-Chief, last week promoted several police and army officers. ... is not only a show of confidence and acknowledgment of hard work but it is also proof that the Rwanda Defense Force is an evolving professional institution, making the army an attractive career.

Following the end of the Genocide, which was stopped by a former guerrilla army that was then under the leadership of now-president Kagame, Rwanda and France have mostly been at odds and evidence has been piling up about the latter's culpability, further ramping up the pressure on Paris to admit its ...
The war led to Rwanda's "Rosie the Riveter" moment: It opened the workplace to Rwandan women just as World War II had opened it to American women. ... The call for equality was led not by thousands of women but by one man — President Paul Kagame, who has led the country since his army stopped ...
JUBA – South Sudan on Monday said the country's former army chief Paul Malong Awan has rebelled against the government. Presidential Spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny said the former Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) chief of staff ordered his followers to attack government positions in several ...
Brig Gen (Rtd) Jean Damascene SEKAMANA, who is now 60 years old, joined Rwanda Patriotic Army current RDF during the liberation struggle in 1990. He served in different capacities that include G2 Gendarmerie; Commanding officer, Brigade Commander and Acting Division Commander. He also ...
In a protest note, Rwanda claims that Uganda supports rebels allied to Rwandan dissident former Army chief Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa's Rwanda National Congress to destabilize Rwanda from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
In a protest note, Rwanda claims that Uganda supports rebels allied to Rwandan dissident former Army chief Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa's Rwanda National Congress to destabilize Rwanda from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
... of Rwandan army who fell out with Kigali and sought asylum in South Africa. UPDF spokesperson, Brig Richard Karemire, declined to comment on Gatsinzi's allegations of detention and torture by CMI, saying that such stories are not helpful to the development of the two countries, Rwanda and Uganda.
Zambia's President Edgar Lungu has dispatched the military to help fight a cholera outbreak, which has killed 41 people in the capital, Lusaka, and affected more than 1,500 others since September. In a Facebook post late on Friday, Lungu said “all three wings of the Defence Force” had been deployed “to ...
In the recent few weeks, relations between Uganda and Rwanda have been strained, with Kampala and Kigali accusing each other of undiplomatic acts - Rwanda accuses Uganda of aiding rebels of the Rwanda National Congress allegedly commanded by former army chief Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa that ...
There have been at least two attacks on RNC leaders in South Africa. Patrick Karegeya, one of the leaders, was assassinated in Johannesburg in December 2013. Another, Rwanda's ex-army chief General Kayumba Nyamwasa, was shot and wounded in 2010 in what the government described as an ...
KIGALI, Rwanda — The Rwandan government released an independent report on Wednesday accusing French officials of complicity in the 1994 genocide, risking ... According to diplomatic cables, French officials at the time blamed the Tutsi rebel army led by Paul Kagame, now Rwanda's president.
As the Rwanda Patriotic Front celebrates its 30th anniversary this month, it is important that we reminisce about the role played by the military in getting Rwanda back on the world map. Prior to 1994, the image of the Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR) was, to say the least, negative. It was characterised by ...
Nyirigira is the lead pastor of Agape, a pentacostal church in Mbarara town which has previously been linked to the terrorist network of Rwandan dissidents, that calls itself Rwanda National Congress. He identified the officer who interrogated him in Mbarara as Major Fred Mushambo, whom he said heads ...
Hundreds of prison warders, wardresses and officers serving with the Rwanda Correctional Services (RCS) are latest beneficiaries of the Armed Forces' Shop (AFOS). This comes as response to welfare concerns raised by warders (in 13 prison facilities) for years. One case was in November 2016 when the ...
President Paul Kagame and Commander-in-Chief of armed forces has promoted Lt. Gen Fred Ibingira to the rank of full General. Ibingira has been the Chief of Staff – Reserve Forces. This means Gen. Ibingira has endured 27 years of service to earn the army's top rank since the 1990's Rwanda Patriotic ...
President Paul Kagame has wished men and women in uniform of a Merry Christmas and a successful New Year. He thanked them for their distinctive service to the nation and calling for their recommitment in the New Year. "As we conclude the year 2017, we have a timely opportunity for introspection as ...
South Sudan's army and anti-government rebels have both accused one another of violating a ceasefire just hours after it came into effect. The peace agreement, in place since 00:01 local time on Sunday, was brokered earlier this week after days of internationally mediated talks in neighbouring Ethiopia to ...
He recalls being deployed to Uganda as part of the United States' African Crisis Response Initiative in the mid '90s – two years after the Rwandan Genocide. “It doesn't have to be a combat situation to be a danger situation,” Jones said. “Those crises that happen in Rwanda, those military leaders were ...
African Parks are the managers of Rwanda's Akagera National Park, the only savanna park with the central Africa's largest protected wetland. According to a statement Kensington Palace, on leaving the Army in 2015, Prince Harry has taken a deep personal interest in frontline conservation projects that ...
President Paul Kagame has wished men and women in uniform of a Merry Christmas and a successful New Year. He thanked them for their distinctive service to the nation and calling for their recommitment in the New Year. "As we conclude the year 2017, we have a timely opportunity for introspection as ...
South Sudan's army and anti-government rebels have both accused one another of violating a ceasefire just hours after it came into effect. The peace agreement, in place since 00:01 local time on Sunday, was brokered earlier this week after days of internationally mediated talks in neighbouring Ethiopia to ...
Pablo Nduwimana's team, who came into the match four days after losing at home 1-0 against Rayon Sports, have gone nine seasons without beating the army side in the league. “APR is a lucky team because we created many chances but their goalkeeper did great job today. We wanted to win the game; ...
French anti-terror judges have ended an investigation into the missile attack on a plane that killed former Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, sparking ... The official warned a private committee that the documents proved that the government decided to arm Rwanda's army again during the military ...
There have been at least two attacks on RNC leaders in South Africa. Patrick Karegeya, one of the leaders, was assassinated in Johannesburg in December 2013. Another, Rwanda's ex-army chief General Kayumba Nyamwasa, was shot and wounded in 2010 in what the government described as an ...
Some critics say that Rwanda is an imperfect messenger on facing history, given the government's refusal to acknowledge crimes said to have been committed by the rebel army that ended the genocide. But Rwandan officials insist that such allegations do not absolve an unrepentant France. “There was a ...
Eight days later, the Rwandan government issued a press release headlined, “Rwanda's Door Is Open for Migrants Held Captive in Libya. ... After a four-year war and the assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents, Kagame's army overthrew the Rwandan government and established a de ...
It's a Hutu group waging war against Rwanda from its base in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The other, Patient, is a sergeant in the Congolese army, which is allied with Rwanda's ruling Tutsi ethnic group. I know they're both virtual characters, re-created through 3-D scanning ...
The opening of Rwanda's first proper cricket stadium has brought fresh hope for a brighter future in the country. The stadium was the vision of former British Army officer, businessman and cricket enthusiast Christopher Shale, who recognised the role that the sport could play in Rwanda's reconciliation ...
In October 1990, he led Ugandan troops invading Rwanda. Many of them were the children of the Rwandan Tutsi minority who had fled the country during the 1960s after the Hutu majority came to power. After a four-year war and the assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents, Kagame's army ...
Torture and illegal detention are designed to extract information from real or suspected members or sympathizers of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR)--a largely Rwandan Hutu armed group based in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, some of whose members participated in ...
Historically, the relationship between Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni and Rwanda's President Paul Kagame has gone through several highs and lows. In the 1980s, the two were brothers-in-arms in the rebel National Resistance Army (NRA) that brought Museveni to power in 1986. In the early-1990s ...
As the Rwanda Patriotic Front celebrates its 30th anniversary this month, it is important that we reminisce about the role played by the military in getting Rwanda back on the world map. Prior to 1994, the image of the Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR) was, to say the least, negative. It was characterised by ...
Before the Greens deploy their troll army, I need to stress that, of course, accused war criminals deserve legal representation - a straw man rebuttal if I've ever ... The genocide in Rwanda took place over 100 days, beginning on April 7th, a day after the plane carrying former Rwandan President Juvenal ...


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