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updated Sat. June 8, 2024

Meru Deputy Governor Titus Ntochiu has denied there are wrangles between the executive and ward representatives. “There are no fights. We are open and consult among ourselves. There should be no panic or cause for alarm,” he said at the assembly on Wednesday. This comes days after MCAs ...
Meru Deputy Governor Titus Ntochiu has denied there are wrangles between the executive and ward representatives. “There are no fights. We are open and consult among ourselves. There should be no panic or cause for alarm,” he said at the assembly on Wednesday. This comes days after MCAs ...

Meru governor Kiraitu Murungi has written a memorandum of understanding to the MCAs requesting them to rescind their decision to cut flagship projects funds. Kiraitu argues that if the amendments they (MCAs) made on the 2017/2018 physical Strategy Paper succeeds they will deal big blow to his ...
The county government and Members of the County Assembly are on a collision course after the ward representatives slashed funds for various departments. Governor Kiraitu Murungi and Deputy Governor Titus Ntuchiu's departments were some of the major casualties of the MCAs' move to amend ...
Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi has finally opened up on the epic dance floor battle with a love rival that saw him win over a girl who later became his better half. The seasoned politician narrated his ordeal during an appearance on the weekly Churchill Show on NTV. "I met my wife (Priscilla) on the dance ...
KAKAMEGA, KENYA: Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi has vowed to utiliSe the forum provided by Devolution Conference to market miraa (Khat). Kiraitu who spoke to the Standard in Kisumu said miraa had joined the league of other cash crops and needed to be embraced nationally. ALSO READ: Hotel ...

Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi has revealed his unmatched classic dance moves during his heydays won him a woman who later became the mother to his children. Speaking at the weekly Churchil comedy show on Sunday, April 22, Kiraitu amused viewers with his revelations he was a better dancer than ...
Governor Kiraitu Murungi has scoffed at MCAs for slashing the Sh50 million allocation meant for the Meru Youth Service (MYS). Kiraitu said he will seek donor funding for his flagship project to proceed as planned at his initial cost of Sh100 million. "I have heard that they [slashed the allocation] but I am not ...
Outspoken Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi, known for making blunt comments especially in public, has stuck again. This time he is after women who depend on their husbands. He also hit out at men who are alcoholics. The governor who said he is working to make sure women are empowered to generate their own money, ...
Mt Kenya support for Deputy President William Ruto in the 2022 presidential election is assured, Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi has said. Speaking yesterday at Kanyakine in Meru, Kiraitu and Kikuyu Council of Elders chairman David Muthoga said the region will fully back Ruto. Muthoga said the political ...
Meru county's poor performance in last year's KCSE exam is embarrassing and unforgivable, Governor Kiraitu Murungi has said. Murungi wants legislators to help transform secondary schools into centres of excellence to ensure stellar performance. He said on Friday a report by the Teachers' Service ...
Sweet potatoe farmers at Kiangwaci village in Sagana Kirinyaga County, prepare their produce ready to be transported to Nairobi. [Photo by Kibata ihu/Standard]. Sweet potato farmers are set to increase their earning, thanks to a new Sh40 million processing plant. Launching the factory at Maua on ...
These ambitions seem to have fizzled after he lost the governor race to Kiraitu Murungi in August last year. Gichunge was elected on the PNU ticket. Yesterday he said he will support Ruto as he has shown the ability to deliver to the people of Tigania. “He promised to ensure all projects initiated in the area ...
Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi caused a stir after he reprimanded Meru residents over NHIF registration. Speaking during the induction of hospital management boards in Makutano on Friday, March 23, Kiraitu asked residents to register with NHIF, saying he will not help pay hospital bills. The governor ...
If you live in Meru County and are planning to hold a harambee for your sick relative and expect Governor Kiraitu Murungi to show up with a fat brown envelope containing bundles of Kenya shillings, keep dreaming. Governor Kiraitu aka KM has had enough of these mchangos and vowed not to donate a ...
Meru County Assembly deputy speaker Elias Murega who tabled a petition to the chambers with other Meru County Assembly members speaking to some of the 1030 Casual employees at the County Assembly precincts on March 20. The members recommended Governor Kiraitu Murungi to reinstate them ...
Two Jubilee MPs and Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi want President Uhuru Kenyatta to grant a meeting to three 'isolated' National Super Alliance (NASA) principals. MPs Kathuri Murungi (South Imenti) and Rahim Dawood (North Imenti) said they wished to see the president engaging with Musalia ...

Kimathi and his mother were excluded from the obituary and burial plans, but attended without his mother who was in Europe and had not returned by the time of the burial at his Kathera home where governors Kiraitu Murungi (Meru), John Nyagarama (Kisii), Senate Deputy Speaker Kithure Kindiki and ...
The county government of Meru has launched a door to door campaign meant to enlist county residents as members of the National Hospital Insurance Fund. Area governor Kiraitu Murungi is making a passionate appeal to residents to take up the medical insurance cover saying it reduces financial ...
Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi has asked residents to register with NHIF, saying he will not help pay hospital bills. Speaking during the induction of hospital management boards in Makutano on Friday, Kiraitu said he will never attend a funds drive to raise money for hospital bills. The National Hospital ...
Meru governor Kiraitu Murungi spaeks to journalist at a hotel in Meru Town, after he commissioned the county health board on March 9, 2018. The governor said residents who are not covered by NHIF will not get outpatient services at the Meru level five hospital and the other 14 level four hospitals.
However, it was bitterly opposed by Mwai Kibaki (by then president) and one of his ministers, Kiraitu Murungi, who had abandoned their previous support for the parliamentary system. After the Bomas draft was hijacked by Kibaki's government and revised to include an executive presidential system, it was ...
Nyambene Miraa Trade Association members and their spokesman Kimathi Munjuri (with watch) address journalists at Gatimene Gardens, Meru County. They want talks with Somaliland speeded up. PHOTO | PHOEBE OKALL | NATION MEDIA GROUP ...
There has been a lull in the frosty relations between Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya and Governor Kiraitu Murungi after the CS agreed in January to withdraw an election petition he had filed against county boss, saying the latter should be given a chance 'to deliver on his mandate'. Mr Munya was ...
Magambo, who is from Imenti, has blamed clan politics, claiming politicians from Tigania, where the institution is located, want him out. Meru leaders, including Governor Kiraitu Murungi, condemned the killing. “My heartfelt condolences to the family of the student and the entire university,” Murungi said.
Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi yesterday officially launched the Meru Economic and Social Council (MESC) to spearhead the county's socio-economic development. Kiraitu (pictured) said the council will be a high level think tank and an advisory body comprising distinguished academicians, professionals ...
Munya was appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta to the Cabinet after he lost to Kiraitu Murungi in the August 8 governor race. Aburi and Munya have been embroiled in near-two-decade-old rivalry. Munya twice defeated Aburi in the Tigania East MP race in 2002 and 2007, before he successfully run for ...
Sacked Meru government casual workers have petitioned the county assembly to compel Governor Kiraitu Murungi to reinstate and employ them on a permanent basis. The petition signed by 120 casual workers was tabled before the assembly on Tuesday by deputy speaker Elius Murega. There are 1,030 ...
From Miguna Miguna's wife Jane to Raila Odinga's better half Ida to Kiraitu Murungi's significant other Priscilla to Koigi wa Wamwere's spouse Jane, women who love radical men have had icy ... Mrs Priscilla Murungi, wife of Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi, also faced a plight similar to Mrs Wamwere's.
Governor Kiraitu Murungi has appointed a 70-member advisory group composed of eminent Meru personalities to offer him guidance in steering the devolved unit. The veteran politician has drawn widely from those seen as close allies as well as political foes such as those close to his predecessor and ...
Meru MCAs have dealt a huge blow to Governor Kiraitu Murungi's flagship projects after they passed major amendments to the county's Sh10.1 billion budget for 2018- 2019. The MCAs deducted Sh91 million from the office of the governor, Sh176 million from the finance department and Sh10 million from ...
Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi's flagship projects were dealt a blow on Thursday after MCAs passed major amendments to the county's fiscal strategy paper for 2018/2019 pointing to a fallout with the executive. The strategy paper showed the county would need Sh10.1 billion in the 2018/2019 financial ...
Meru Deputy Governor Titus Ntuchiu and Governor Kiraitu Murungi at a past event. The Meru County Assembly has demanded the reinstatement of casual workers, terming their sacking unlawful. PHOTO | PHOEBE OKALL | NATION MEDIA GROUP ...
Ng'ang'a's sentiments were echoed by Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi who chairs the Council of Governor's Committee in charge of Water, Forestry, and Mining. “Water is human right issue and can be a source of conflict if not managed properly. It is anchored in Vision 2030 and is key to the attainment of ...


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        kiraitu murungi

Kenya officials:
        amos wako
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