updated Fri. September 20, 2024
Tribun Jabar
March 8, 2018
... adanya semburan api dari mulut Dicky dan kawan-kawan. Di iringi musik kencang, suasana menegangkan begitu terasa ketika semburan api bertiup ke arah langit. Awalnya Dicky, Al Arqam dan Dani melakukan aksi melempar dua botol sambil berjalan, yang kemudian ditutup dengan aksi juggling api.
Republika Online
March 5, 2018
Sebelum memeluk Islam orang mengen alnya sebagai Abu Amar. Tapi saat dia menerima Islam, Rasulullah memanggilnya Abdurrahman (hamba Allah yang pemurah). Abdurrahman men jadi seorang Muslim sebelum Nabi me masuki rumah al-Arqam. Dia menerima Islam dua hari setelah Abu Bakar berÃâà...
Republika Online
March 5, 2018
Sebelum memeluk Islam orang mengen alnya sebagai Abu Amar. Tapi saat dia menerima Islam, Rasulullah memanggilnya Abdurrahman (hamba Allah yang pemurah). Abdurrahman men jadi seorang Muslim sebelum Nabi me masuki rumah al-Arqam. Dia menerima Islam dua hari setelah Abu Bakar berÃâà...
February 9, 2018
ADA pihak yang mempertikai kewujudan dan peranan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) sebagai pembaziran wang negara dan tidak perlu. Suatu masa dahulu peranan Jakim pernah dipertikai dan dicabar oleh al-Arqam. Kini kritikan lantang datang dalam kalangan ahli-ahli politik pula. ApakahÃâà...
November 5, 2017
Human Rights Watch spoke by phone on October 30 and 31 with Dr. Mansour Ben Fayed, the director of Derna's main hospital, who said that the October 30 airstrikes hit two locations, one in the al-Fatayeh neighborhood and the other in the rural area of al-Arqam. Ben Fayed said that Derna's main hospitalÃâà...
Syria Direct
October 30, 2017
The Dar al-Arqam center for children with disabilities in Idlib on August 17. Photo courtesy of Dar al-Arqam. No cures exist for ASDs, three developmental, or neurodevelopmental, disorders now diagnosed under one umbrella term. However, a variety of health care professionals can provide assistance forÃâà...
The Peninsula Qatar
October 4, 2017
... Manager of Outreach and Engagement and Al Bairaq Supervisor and a large number of Grade 12 students and teachers from seven high schools in Qatar which included Tariq Bin Ziad Independent Secondary School for Boys, Al-Arqam Academy – Girls, Omar Bin Abdulaziz Secondary School for Boys,Ãâà...
Albany Times Union
September 1, 2017
Rather than each Capital Region mosque holding its own Eid prayer on Friday, mosque leaders from six different mosques and community centers — Albany's Masjid as-Salam, Latham's Masjid al-Hidaya, Clifton Park's Masjid al-Arqam, Schenectady's Masjid Darul Taqwa, Watervliet's Bosnian-AmericanÃâà...
Free Malaysia Today
August 7, 2017
“Among them are Qadiani, Al Arqam, Hizbut Tahrir, Millah Ibrahim, Syiah, Tal Tujuh, Tarikat Hasaniah, Tariqat Naqsyabandiah al Aliyah, Nasrul Haq, Zikir Hasan Rimau, Kumpulan Awang Rezki, liberalism, pluralism and more. “Muslims in Malaysia follow the Al Sunnah Wal Jamaah principle whichÃâà...
July 17, 2017
Montreal police have refused to comment until the suspect appears in court, but Quebec's Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions confirmed a justice of the peace issued the arrest warrant July 12. A cleric from Jordan, he was invited to Dar Al-Arqam Mosque in the city's Saint-Michel neighbourhood toÃâà...
Nature.com (blog)
July 13, 2017
A questionnaire given to 88 Jordanian and Syrian students at Al-Arqam school in Sahab, southeast of Amman, is a case in point. It suggests overwhelming positivity about the school, with 90% reporting approval and more than half finding the classroom clean and safe. A subjective assessment hints atÃâà...
Brooklyn Daily
May 18, 2017
Brooklyn-based congregation Masjid Al-Arqam aims to build a five-story mosque on Banner Avenue. Congregant leaders filed plans with the Department of Buildings last month to erect the house of worship in the residential neighborhood between Brighton Seventh and Brighton Eighth streets, as firstÃâà...
March 23, 2017
He added that the Dar Al-Arqam Mosque is not one of the more than 40 institutions the council represents. Imam Ziad Asali of the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects told CBC Montreal's Daybreak Thursday that he was also mystified as to why the cleric was invited to preach. "I do not understand howÃâà...
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