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updated Sat. July 6, 2024

An exhibition that features a lesson from history about tolerance, compassion for human suffering and solidarity has made its United States premiere at the Jewish Museum of Florida- FIU . This exhibition, called Stranded in Shanghai: Arthur Rothstein's Photographs of the Hongkew Ghetto, 1946, is on ...
Refugee coordinator at Amnesty International Australia Graham Thom similarly expressed concerned around healthcare for those on Manus after April 30. "Ever since the Australian government began shipping refugees out to detention centres on remote tropical islands, they have been trying to hide from ...

Through the Lowell Bennion Community Service Center's International Service facet, there are several student-directed programs that cater to diverse populations with refugee status. International Rescue Committee. The goal of this organization is to help refugees from every background in their resettling ...
As many as 10 million Syrian refugees could be stranded in refugee camps by a new law that allows the government to confiscate their homes unless they return and claim them by May 11, The Guardian has reported. For the millions of people who have fled Syria's brutal civil war, such a journey is ...
Earlier this month, Trump's ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, was asked to explain why the US could target Syria with missiles, but admit almost no refugees from the country. In response, she claimed that Syrians she had met in refugee camps do not actually want to come to the US. “Not one ...
Known as the global compact on refugees, it aims to improve the international response to new and existing refugee situations. Among other things, the compact seeks to ensure that refugees and the people hosting them, who are often in the poorest parts of the world, receive the support they need. Another aim to is help ...

Igor Anisimov came from Ukraine to escape persecution for his religion and political views. Shah Perai came from Afghanistan to escape an abusive husband. Nedel Klaib came from Syria to escape the constant threat of war. Anisimov now owns a popular coffee shop. Perai's four sons each earn 4.0 ...
And as long as the refugee process places groups where relatives are likely to be, Minnesota can expect more to arrive. Similar to other refugees coming from war-torn countries—like those from El Salvador and Myanmar—Somali refugees continue to have trouble adapting to Western society. Somalis in ...
Some refugees would be detained and spend weeks or months in the refugee center. Others would be deported back to their countries of origin immediately. For most, they still had hundreds of miles to traverse over land, by any means possible — hopping trains or buses or even crossing the Alps on foot ...
Nearly 20 U.S. Catholic refugee resettlement programs have closed in the past two years and dozens of others have scaled back their efforts because there are fewer refugees being admitted into the country, said Richard Hogan, director of resettlement services for Migration and Refugee Services, an arm ...
The United States is on track to admit fewer refugees in fiscal year 2018 than it has since 1980, a new analysis shows. The Economist reported Saturday that 20,800 refugees are expected to be admitted during the first full fiscal year under the Trump administration's leadership. That number is down 61 ...
For several years, Randiesia Fletcher has helped refugees create new lives for themselves in Tucson. ... Before co-founding the refugee center in 2014, Fletcher created the nonprofit I Can Do All Things, which focused on teaching sustainability to alleviate poverty and was a 2017-2018 Tucson Public ...
12 percent answered that they think Sweden should accept more refugees than it currently does, the poll found. When the same survey was conducted in 2015, prior to the peak in refugee arrivals in Europe later that year, 36 percent said they would like to reduce the number of refugees taken in by Sweden, ...
The Trump administration has denied entry to a group of Iranian refugees seeking to escape religious persecution and relocate to the United States, prompting a lawsuit filed this week in federal court. The denials are part of a dramatic slowdown in refugee admissions over the past year. Since taking office ...
She wrote about her life as a refugee, her struggles with mental health, her personal growth as a leader and her own self-discovery. The journal will be ... With legislation concerning immigration, in particular the immigration ban, there has been high-profile media coverage on as immigration and refugees.
Undeterred by immigration politics, the 2018 National Teacher of the Year leads a Washington state classroom for refugees that runs on the same promise that's bestowed upon children and fuels newcomers to the American dream. Mandy Manning plans to use her new platform to spread a message of ...
Others see refugees as buyers for local goods. Elsewhere in Uganda has indeed seen such positive spillovers. One study from 2016 found that the presence of Congolese refugees in western Uganda had increased consumption per household. Another estimates that each new refugee household boosts ...

Evidence from past refugee waves, and the experience of other countries, suggest that the long-term gains to everyone of allowing refugees to work outweigh the short-term costs, not just to the public purse, but to natives' jobs and wages. In America, within six years, refugees' employment rates exceed ...
TALLAHASSEE – A Trump administration decision to crimp the flow of refugees into the U.S. last year triggered the closure of nearly half of Florida's resettlement offices, threatening to strain state resources to cover the needs of those who come here seeking asylum. Florida last year offered 25 refugee ...
The Hazara family of five – all of whom have been found to be refugees – has been split three ways, with no chance of reunification in sight. In 2014 Nasreen and her daughter Mahboubeh were transferred to Darwin and then Sydney so Nasreen could be treated for the severe injuries stemming from the ...
However, the Greek Council for Refugees, a legal aid NGO, successfully challenged Stavropoulou's decision on the grounds that she was not legally competent to issue it in the first place. Confinement to the islands after March 2016 was one of a series of deterrents that produced a dramatic drop in refugee ...
Refugees are "facing grim conditions in overcrowded refugee camps where they rely on food rations to survive, but now they have to worry about dangerous storms, heavy rains and the risk of flooding and landslides, as well as an increased likelihood of outbreaks of disease," Cook said. "This weather is ...
As I have noted before (see here and here), refugees with no specific vulnerabilities or urgent needs are being resettled in the U.S. By the UN refugee agency's own account, almost all refugees submitted for resettlement are under normal circumstances "where there are no immediate medical, social, ...
“Municipalities have no legitimate justification for forcibly evicting Syrian refugees if it amounts to nationality-based or religious discrimination,” said Bill Frelick, refugee rights director at Human Rights Watch and the report's author. “Any eviction of a Syrian refugee, as with anyone else, should be on an ...
Ithaca College students will perform Giovanni Battista Pergolesi's “Stabat Mater” at a charity concert to raise money for Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga's Immigrant Services Program, an organization that helps resettle refugees in Ithaca. “Our current administration is trying to make it harder for ...
Every day thousands of refugees streamed across the border into Uganda, where they're allowed to work, farm, and go to school. For some it was their second, third, or fourth time fleeing home. Bidibidi soon became one of the world's largest refugee settlements. In August 2017 the millionth refugee arrived ...
Christopher Boian, a spokesperson for the UNHCR, agrees with Haley that refugees would prefer to stay close to their homes and eventually return, saying, “Nobody wants to become a refugee.” But he adds, “For many years, the numbers of people in need of resettlement to a third country have far ...
Texas has resettled dramatically fewer refugees in the past year, figures from Refugee Services of Texas show. The organization said 3,518 people were resettled between October 2016 and March 2017. Between October 2017 and March of this year, only 736 were resettled. That's a 79 percent decrease.
Recognising the need for complementary pathways, especially for labour migration, is long overdue. Although a common feature in the 1920s and 1930s, labour migration for refugees is rarely discussed among policymakers and academics. This stems from the 1951 Refugee Convention, which was borne ...
As the global refugee crisis began to intensify, Bennett saw the need to tell refugee stories, he said. “I thought, could we do something similar with refugees in terms of just kind of shifting the conversation around refugees?” he said. Show of Force sent scouts to the Idomeni camp — which would soon be ...
Fatima, a refugee from Afghanistan, sat across from her teenage daughter Amina. Fatima was working on sewing a traditional Afghan dress out of a green fabric with leaf-like patterns. Amina is new to sewing, and was practicing her skills on a plain, red square. Lah Byi and Aye Tin, refugees from Burma, sat ...
But today, with Burundi facing its most serious crisis in more than a decade, thousands of refugees have fled once more, this time to neighboring Rwanda. Among them are ... About 60 to 80 more people arrive weekly, said Samuel Bigirmana of the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR. He said the last ...
Last year, according to humanitarian partner data, more than 87,000 new arrivals, including refugees and migrants, crossed from the Horn of Africa to Yemen. “They beat me so badly that I lost track of what was happening.” UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, on Tuesday warned that worsening conditions in ...
The Ambassador of the People's Republic of China visited the UNHCR office in Baghdad today to mark the completion of activities to support Syrian refugees funded by China with a US$ 2 million donation. The project, implemented in 2016, upgraded essential services in refugee camps in the Kurdistan ...
With as many as 400,000 school-age refugee children now in the mix, according to government statistics, officials have channeled students into specially designed welcome classes where newcomers can learn the German language and culture for a year before transitioning into a regular class schedule ...
An agreement to repatriate Rohingya from Bangladesh to Myanmar's Rakhine state has yet to lead to the return of a single refugee. Many of the Rohingya ensnared in the 2015 boat crisis ended up in Muslim-majority Malaysia and Indonesia because Thailand stuck to a policy of not accepting the vessels.
Under the targets proposed by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), of which Miliband is chairman, the EU would commit to increasing targets of European resettlement schemes to take in 108,000 refugees every year for five years from refugee camps and communities in countries such as Jordan, ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced an "unprecedented agreement" with the United Nations on Monday that appeared, for a few hours, to provide a solution for tens of thousands of mostly African asylum seekers whose fate had moved hundreds of thousands of Israelis to protest against ...
Israel on Monday suspended a deal with the United Nations to send some 16,000 African asylum seekers to Western countries, mere hours after it had announced the agreement. The deal with the U.N.s refugee agency (UNHCR) would have seen at least 16,250 of 37,000 migrants relocated to "Western ...
The Tamera project is not the first time social-design concepts have been applied to refugee settlements. An early example comes from 2012 when Anicet Adjahossou, an urban planner from Benin, worked with UNHCR to radically change the layout of living spaces for refugees from Dollo Ado camp in ...
Starting early last year, President Donald Trump banned arrivals from several mostly Muslim countries, cut the cap on refugee admissions to 45,000 and suspended a program to reunite families split in the resettlement pipeline. The new policies have drastically cut the number of refugees arriving in Idaho, ...
A Sierra Leone refugee, Ahmed Fofana, on the shuttle bus taking him and another refugee, Suleiman Kabba, to Woodstock, Va. ... So in Atlanta, San Diego and other cities, Mr. Wiley's company, East Coast Labor Solutions, finds workers, primarily refugees from war-ravaged countries who don't speak ...
By Moses Havyarimana. Tanzania, Burundi and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees have agreed to start voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees from Tanzania on April 5. UNHCR said that more than 20,000 refugees have registered to return to Burundi in the programme that targets ...
Mohmad and his daughter, Asieh, at the Thiva refugee housing facility — a converted factory with 63 container apartments inside the factory and 65 outside. Each container houses a maximum of eight people. (CREDIT: D. Parvaz/ThinkProgress). “We couldn't understand what they were saying, they ...
As guerilla warfare increased in Indian Territory more refugees fled into Kansas, and the federal government took the responsibility of providing shelter and food for them. Even so, the ... On April 9, a mile-long wagon train of supplies and refugee families left Neosho bound for Park Hill. It took 10 days for ...
Initial screening: Refugees report to the UN High Committee for Refugees (UNHCR), which collects biographical data and interviews them – and then selects fewer than 1 percent of all refugees for possible resettlement. Secondary screening: A U.S. State Department Resettlement Support Center compiles ...
Film crews are shown asking refugees to say the same things over and over, then moving on to the next story. Their intentions may be honourable, but the scrum to get the most emotional pictures feels unpleasant and desensitising. When the refugee crisis started making headlines, some excellent ...
Along the highway, the Rwandans they passed shouted: “mutahe ntimuzagaruke!!!” (go and never come back!!!). At the border, Rwandan officials recorded each of them as they crossed over. On the Burundi side of the one-stop border, the refugees were received by armed Burundian police and soldiers.
Viet Thanh Nguyen earned a Pulitzer Prize for “The Sympathizers,” his debut novel. His second book “The Refugees,” a collection of short stories, also was critically acclaimed. These books not only reflect his experiences as a refugee from Vietnam — he came to the U.S. in 1975 when he was 4 — but are ...
In March, Louisiana state officials announced that everyone living on Isle de Jean Charles will have to leave. Where there were 22,000 acres in 1955 there are only 320 acres today. They are one hurricane away from obliteration. The evacuation is a test-run for countless coastal communities in Louisiana, who must all move ...


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