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 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace

The Hoover Institution is an American public policy think tank located at Stanford University in California. Its official name is the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace. It began as a library founded in 1919 by Republican Herbert Hoover,[2] before he became President of the United States. The library, known as the Hoover Institution Library and Archives, houses multiple archives related to Hoover, World War I, World War II, and other world history.

The Hoover Institution is a unit of Stanford University but has its own board of overseers. It is located on the campus. Its mission statement outlines its basic tenets: representative government, private enterprise, peace, personal freedom, and the safeguards of the American system.

The Hoover Institution is an influential voice in American public policy. The Institution has long been a place of scholarship for individuals who previously held high-profile positions in government, such as Edwin Meese, Condoleezza Rice, George Shultz, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, and Amy Zegart—all Hoover Institution fellows. In 2007, retired U.S. Army General John P. Abizaid, former commander of the U.S. Central Command, was named the Institution's first Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow.

"The principles of individual, economic, and political freedom; private enterprise; and representative government were fundamental to the vision of the Institution's founder. By collecting knowledge, generating ideas, and disseminating both, the Institution seeks to secure and safeguard peace, improve the human condition, and limit government intrusion into the lives of individuals." logo
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updated Fri. May 24, 2024

Former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson laid out the Donald Trump administration's policy during a speech at Stanford University's Hoover Institution on Jan. 17. “We will discourage economic relationships between the Assad regime and any other country,” Tillerson said. “Once Assad is gone from power ...
"Every politician needs a foil," said Bill Whalen, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a former speechwriter for Republican California Gov. Pete Wilson. "It's giving Donald Trump very good talking points for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, where the sanctuary issue doesn't play as well.".

Review of Unstable Majorities: Polarization, Party Sorting, and Political Stalemate, Morris P. Fiorina (Hoover Institution Press, 2017), 264 pages, ISBN-13 ... Instead of parroting these well-worn assumptions, Stanford University political science professor and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Morris Fiorina ...
Not long ago I waited for a flight to board. The plane took off 45 minutes late. There were only two attendants to accommodate 11 passengers who had requested wheelchair assistance. Such growing efforts to ensure that the physically challenged can easily fly are certainly welcome. But when our plane ...
Baquet also criticized students at other universities for intolerant behavior. Baquet applauded the peaceful coexistence that the Hoover Institute shares with Stanford and called it “probably the most reputable conservative think tank.” “If the Hoover Institute was at [the University of California, Berkeley], they'd ...
“He was a voice of reason and sanity on economic policy, so I think a lot of people valued his presence and the grounding that he brought to the White House,” said Lanhee Chen, a Republican policy expert and a fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. He made a last-ditch effort on Monday to ...

The Syrian war is not a clean-cut sectarian conflict as some would suggest. However, a study of sectarian trends and dynamics can illuminate some overlooked aspects of the war, says Fabrice Balanche of Stanford University's Hoover Institution.
... is the question of who replaces him is coming in the middle of this fight on tariffs that has divided the White House between the protectionist point of view and free trade point of view,” said Lanhee Chen, a fellow at the Hoover Institution and policy director to the 2012 Romney-Ryan presidential campaign.
He worked for the Reagan administration, the American Enterprise Institute, the Hoover Institute at Stanford University and served as president of Kings College of New York City from 2010-2012. D'Souza is a writer, public intellectual and renowned filmmaker. His three films “2016,” “America” and “Hillary ...
... America's Essential Hospitals, the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA), the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), the Council for Affordable Health Coverage (CAHC), the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Hoover Institute, and the National Coalition on Health Care ...

National Security Adviser H.R. McMasters, shown with President Donald Trump, said "we're in a race" with North Korea. (Christian Vasquez/TMN intern/file photo). WASHINGTON — The White House is pushing back against an NBC report that National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster could be eyeing the ...
After 17 years on a treadmill, obviously no good option exists. But to pull out our troops would be to repeat Saigon in 1975. The consequences to America's credibility would be crushing. Unlike in the Vietnam case, no domestic political movement is dedicated to insuring a total, humiliating withdrawal.
Francis Fukuyama, senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, and Charles Murray, emeritus scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, shared the stage to talk about “Inequality and Populism” on Feb. 22 at the Hoover Institution, as part of the ongoing Cardinal Conversations ...
The next in our series of book soirees at the Hoover Institution will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 28, when Lawfare's Benjamin Wittes will interview Max Boot about his new book, “The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam.” This series of monthly book conversations ...
James Coughlin is an Air Force officer currently serving as a national security affairs fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He is a cyberspace operations officer and holds a MA in Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict and a Masters of Military Arts and Sciences in Strategic Studies.
The new Stanford initiative Cardinal Conversations examined the intersections of politics and technology with entrepreneurs and Stanford alumni Reid Hoffman and Peter Thiel. Historian Niall Ferguson of the Hoover Institution moderated a discussion that included questions from the largely student ...
(ATTA KENARE/AFP/Getty Images). Middle East Strategy. A Deal with Iran? Josef Joffe. History shows why revolutionary regimes cannot be propitiated. Published on: March 9, 2018. Josef Joffe is a member of TAI's Executive Committee and a Fellow of Stanford's Hoover Institution. tweet. facebook. google+. email. print.
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson speaks in conversation with former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University on Jan. 17, 2018, in Stanford, Calif. (Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images). “And the ...
The next in our series of book soirees at the Hoover Institution will take place from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on March 13, when Lawfare's Jack Goldsmith will interview Amy Chua about her new book, “Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations.” This series of monthly book conversations about national ...



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