Professor Richard A Falk, a member of Global Vision's international board of advisers, is the Albert G. Millbank Professor of International Law and Practice at Princeton University, the Professor of Politics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and the author of many books including his latest The Great Terror War (Olive Branch Press, 2002).
In December 2002, Le Monde Diplomatique published his article Washington against Bagdad: the United Nations taken hostage, in which he condemns the so- called "war on terror" as a blatant violation of international law that sets a dangerous precedent for future "pre-emptive" wars by other nations.
Fundamentalists as "identified patient"
The late great psychiatrist and Global Vision adviser R.D. Laing (see interview) famously observed that the individual who is labelled "insane" is often the identified patient in a network of inter-personal relationships which are themselves pathogenic.
The same is true for Islamic fundamentalists caught in a global network of neo-liberal economic and political relationships in which governments and consumers in WTO member states are collectively driving them mad.
From this perspective, the USA "war on terror" is an attempt to control the symptoms which is certain to exacerbate the disease for generations to come. And guarantee more profits for the arms dealers.