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updated Mon. August 19, 2024

Yes, Stephen Miller grew up in a liberal Jewish household in Santa Monica, California. His father, Michael D. Miller was a real estate investor (maybe Trump found this endearing), and his mother, Miriam (Glosser) Miller's family immigrated to the U.S. as desperate refugees in the early 1900s from Belarus to ...
Liberal Jewish groups have been lobbying for an official, expanded liberal prayer section at the site. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu scrapped plans for that following opposition from his ultra-Orthdox political partners, causing a rift with liberal religious Jewish groups in the United States.

A number of liberal Jewish groups, chief among them HIAS, the lead Jewish immigration advocacy group, has decried Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recently announced plans to force some 38,000 migrants to choose between expulsion and jail. Most now move freely in the country and are able to ...
“And he returns the favor.” Others reacted to the rumor with simple exasperation: “Christ on a crutch,” said the liberal commentator and biologist PZ Myers, who also wrote a blog post denouncing Mr. Pinker for this supposed alliance. The idea that Mr. Pinker, a liberal, Jewish psychology professor, is a fan of ...
The celebrations in Orthodox Jewish communities of President Trump's commutation of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin's prison sentence and the release, after eight years, of the former CEO of the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant in Iowa have subsided. But not before they engendered a rank venting of ...
Activists and rabbis from liberal Jewish groups such as the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, the Anti-Defamation League and Bend the Arc Jewish Action were among the protesters, some wearing prayer shawls. They gathered in the center of the Russell Senate Office Building, chanting “Let my ...

This approach must be understood as a fundamental first step in recasting North American Jewish religious expression and engagement, at a time and in an environment that is not driven by institutional fear but by the belief that our various liberal Jewish expressions carry creative and essential possibilities ...
For years his cartoons were accepted by the Forward, the leading liberal Jewish publication. But as he took on establishment figures, notably ...
In liberal Jewish communities, both partners give each other a wedding ring to symbolize their love and commitment. When exchanging rings ...
... haredi Orthodox Chief Rabbinate, a growing haredi population and government policies that discriminate against liberal Jewish movements.
Scholars and campaigners of that era used to term to highlight the shared values between Christians and Jewish Americans, as liberal Jewish ...
Liberal Judaism's Rabbinic Conference has approved three sets of wording for the new document covering same sex male and same sex ...
Each year of Barack Obama's presidency, hundreds of rabbis from all denominations had an annual heart-to-heart with him during a High ...
The fact is, the kind of Judaism exemplified by Rosenwald has not led to the growth of a literate and committed liberal Jewish community.
Some students, from families that affiliate with more liberal Jewish movements, measure a whopping 112 percent increase in Jewish ...
And what is to stop conservatives from turning Feinstein's and Sanders' questioning around on liberal Jewish nominees? What would be the ...
However, J Street, a liberal Jewish lobbying group, opposed the legislation that emerged from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last ...

... turn out to hear the pros and cons of the Liberal Jewish movement explained by the handsome Marlon Brando-featured Rabbi John Levi. […] ...
After what turned out to be a brief stint working as a national security aide to President Donald Trump, Sebastian Gorka unloaded on the group ...
The hearing was in answer to a petition filed by the liberal Jewish ... Wall, which is backed by the liberal Jewish streams in the United States.
This led to a hysterical reaction by the American liberal Jewish movements and Federations, threatening to withhold funds and lobby the U.S. ...
The hearing was in answer to a petition filed by the liberal Jewish movements in Israel and the Women of the Wall calling for the ...
When he was announced as ambassador designate, liberal Jewish groups in the US denounced his appointment as “reckless”, describing ...
... of white supremacists, as Trump did in his press conference,” the liberal Jewish essayist Peter Beinart wrote last week in The Atlantic.
Did liberal Jewish denominations succeed in making a brave statement against President Trump's divisive leadership by effectively torpedoing ...
Did liberal Jewish denominations succeed in making a brave statement against President Trump's divisive leadership by effectively torpedoing ...
13177504 10208239653381425 6201117303528567999 n “For the most part, all they do is complain. ... These are really, really dishonest ...
Filed in the name of the country's two chief rabbis, the brief is responding to a petition filed with the Supreme Court by the liberal Jewish ...
Leaders of liberal Jewish groups, who represent the majority of American Jews, are already at odds with the Israeli government over issues ...
(O'Rourke this week picked up the endorsement of J Street, the liberal Jewish Middle East policy group.) She faults him for not voting for a ...
... hot gefilte fish rolling down a pavement,” said Weinstein, who was born in New York and raised in a liberal Jewish community in New Jersey.
Blum grew up in Texas, the child of Yiddish-speaking parents in a liberal Jewish milieu. His father was a salesman, his mother a secretary who ...
Kudos to the liberal Jewish movements who eventually embraced it, but egalitarianism emerged from the secular Enlightenment. Uniting liberal ...
“I'm a liberal Jewish criminal defense attorney in reddest district in TX and I'm calling Trump a white supremacist #NaziBucketChallenge,” Sara ...
... and Conservative rabbis and asked them to join, in a move that could weaken the perception of a united liberal Jewish front against Trump.
Despite being boycotted by key liberal Jewish organizations, President Donald Trump attempted to reach out to American Jews on Friday with ...
ADL's critique of antifa comes amid a wave of liberal Jewish writers taking on the movement. In widely cited columns in The New York Times ...
I visited the Liberal Jewish Synagogue on a gloriously bright and warm summers day. As I made my way towards the building, along St Johns ...
... perceived surrender to his ultra-Orthodox coalition partners at the expense of his relations with the more liberal Jewish communities abroad.
From a liberal Jewish family in Santa Monica, California, Mr Miller is an ally of Steve Bannon, Mr Trump's chief stategist. He is popular in ...
The liberal Jewish Middle East lobby announced the hiring on Tuesday. Davis will oversee JStreetPAC's efforts to elect J Street-endorsed ...
Rep. Eliot Engel at a news conference held by Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee criticizing the Trump administration's proposed cuts, March 16, 2017.
In November, the Reform movement and other liberal Jewish groups urged Israel's U.S. ambassador, Ron Dermer, not to accept an award from Gaffney's group because of his statements, which the Reform described as "anti-Muslim bigotry.
In November, the Reform movement and other liberal Jewish groups urged Israel's U.S. ambassador, Ron Dermer, not to accept an award from Gaffney's group because of his statements, which the Reform described as "anti-Muslim bigotry.
Notably, AIPAC has no position on the Connolly-Price letter, while J Street, the liberal Jewish Middle East policy group, is actively lobbying for it.
... Jewish groups. In November, the Reform movement and other liberal Jewish groups urged Israel's U.S. ambassador, Ron Dermer, not to accept an award from Gaffney's group because of his statements, which the Reform described as "anti-Muslim bigotry.
What I find most fascinating and incredibly sad about the reaction to the law are the number of liberal Jewish columnists who seem to desperately want the law to apply to them, viewing it as a badge of honor.
In January 2016, the Israeli government committed to create a prayer space where men and women could worship equally in an area known as Robinson's Arch after negotiations with Women of the Wall and other liberal Jewish groups. The plan stalled amid ...
Gloucestershire Liberal Jewish Community celebrated Purim with members in fancy dress. Purim activities were organised around dressing up as Biblical characters, using materials and accessories donated by members and encouraging imaginative ...
If I Forget follows the lives of the Fischer family in an upper-middle class neighborhood in northwest Washington, D.C. At the center of the play is Michael Fischer, a liberal Jewish studies professor whose newest book about the Holocaust is ruffling ...



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