updated Wed. June 12, 2024
Washington Examiner
April 28, 2018
Along with her blog posts, Twitter users dredged up old tweets of Reid's which were written with similar rhetoric. Some of them mocked conservative firebrand Ann Coulter using anti-transgender language, calling her a “shim” and suggesting she's a drag queen. Reid apologized for these tweets Saturday.
Cleburne Times-Review
April 28, 2018
This week, we'll cover one of the little-noticed ways mass Third World immigration is making our country more colorful: elder rape. Usually the vibrant cultural diversity that immigrants bring runs more along the lines of child rape, drunk driving and food stamp fraud. But our official government policy ofÃâà...
April 26, 2018
Oh, and there's also apparently a "Kirkland Signature Ann Coulter" who says "I'm not a white nationalist" while on Sam's radio show. All of this is to say that the Dear White People Season 2 trailer promises a season that will ramp up the comedy and discussions about race that were explored during its firstÃâà...
Slate Magazine
April 5, 2018
The move was reportedly strongly supported by Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller. According to Brannen, it was also backed by conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who promoted it on Jeanine Pirro's Fox News show last month right before the president started to aggressively support versions of theÃâà...
April 2, 2018
Ann Coulter says she's now a 'Former Trumper' | Opinion. Posted April 2, 2018 at 7:41 AM. Conservative author, syndicated columnist and TV commentator Ann Coulter has supported and inspired Donald Trump through her books "In Trump We Trust" and "Adios America," but she now puts herself in the category of aÃâà...
New York Times
March 31, 2018
Ann Coulter: What was great about him being a coarse vulgarian was that he didn't care about the opinions of Manhattan sophisticates, so when they come to him and say, “Oh, no, you can't say you want to build a wall, that's such a gauche opinion, that's held by the people in the outer boroughs.” AnyoneÃâà...
The Denver Post
March 19, 2018
The University of Colorado and Boulder police departments sent employees to an Ann Coulter event in California last weekend to help prepare the university for the controversial commentator's appearance later this week. Coulter is scheduled to appear at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Chem 140, at a speakingÃâà...
March 13, 2018
Six-hundred people packed into an auditorium in Mountain View Tuesday night to listen to controversial political pundit Ann Coulter. (KGO-TV). KGO. by Kate Larsen. Tuesday, March 13, 2018. MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (KGO) --. Six-hundred people packed into an auditorium in Mountain View Tuesday night to listen toÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Several years ago, Reid also went on a transphobic tweetstorm against Ann Coulter, in which she insulted the controversial conservative author by calling her ... RT @mediaite Elena Kagan and Ann Coulter Attacked For Physical Appearance http://www.mediaite.com/jabvs FM [k but really, Coulter is a dude].
The Hill (blog)
December 31, 1999
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, said in a "60 Minutes" interview aired Sunday that she and Trump had sex once in 2006. “So Stormy says she and Trump had sex only once. I guess if you want the guy to screw you repeatedly, you have to be one of his voters,” Coulter tweeted. So StormyÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Right-wing firebrand Ann Coulter, who was an early and vocal supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump, slammed him while speaking at Columbia University on Tuesday saying, “I knew he was a shallow, lazy ignoramus, and I didn't care.” Coulter speaking to College Republicans added, “It kind of breaksÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter provoked her customary amount of protest by appearing at a talk at Columbia University last night, though her message was a 180-degree shift from the one in her book In Trump We Trust. Related Ãâ÷ Trump Hits Amazon Again, Ripping Postal "Scam" And "Fake WashingtonÃâà...