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updated Sun. August 4, 2024

I'm taking this directly from the Great Ape Project, which a coalition of primatologists, anthropologists, and ethicists founded in 1993. Human beings are great apes, alongside close cousins the chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans. Like human beings, these related species experience love, fear, and ...

When an orangutan at the Seneca Park Zoo recently had an echocardiogram, there was both a veterinarian and a cardiologist who normally treats humans at his side. The exam of 16 year old Denda was part of the Great Ape Project, a national effort investigating cardiovascular disease in great apes.
He joined up with the Great Ape Project, an international association which targets mistreatment in circuses and zoos. "I've had some serious problems," he says. "People even tried to kill me a few years ago, because there's a lot of money involved in the market in animals." Merivan Miranda, chimpanzee ...
Perhaps most egregiously of all, political movements now believe that human rights belong to more than just mankind, but to non-humans as well. Groups like the Nonhuman Rights Project and The Great Ape Project argue that sufficiently intelligent animal species, particularly our closest genetic relatives, ...
On Tuesday, Cecilia was freed from her cage at the zoo and flown north to a lush, sprawling sanctuary operated by the Great Ape Project. There, the lonely chimp would finally have the chance to live in peace, in the company of several other chimpanzees who were retired from lives of confinement.
In light of the sordid living conditions, officials from the Great Ape Project and the Association of Officials and Lawyers for the Rights of Animals have ... In a statement that was released by the Great Ape Project on Tuesday, Judge Maria Alejandra of the Third Court of Guarantees of the Judiciary in the ...
... and has 'non-human rights' in a landmark ruling. In a two-year legal battle, the Association of Officials and Lawyers for Animal Rights and the Great Ape Project fought for the chimp's freedom. Now the primate must be re-homed at one of Great Ape Project's four sanctuaries in Brazil in the next few months.
“The Great Ape Project, founded in 1993 by the philosophers Peter Singer and Paola Cavalieri, with the aim of granting some basic rights to the nonhuman great apes, also belongs to this category. Their work has been extremely influential, with several jurisdictions – such as New Zealand, Holland, and the ...


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