updated Thu. July 18, 2024
The Nation.
April 25, 2018
I thought of how amazed Murray Bookchin would have been to see democratic confederalism as such an effective system of democratic self-government in a diverse population. When I met with the women soldiers of the YPJ they included Yazidi and Sunni Arab fighters as well as Kurds, and the same wasÃâà...
The Ecologist
April 23, 2018
Murray Bookchin posited dual power as the creation of directly democratic and cooperative institutions that fortify each other, eventually challenging and replacing the legitimacy of the capitalist state. The creation of these dual power institutions must grow out of people's everyday experience and immediateÃâà...
The Real News Network
April 7, 2018
You know, cited by figures like Murray Bookchin, Ocalan, who's now imprisoned in life by Turkey. There are also reports that the CIA was involved in his ultimate imprisonment. So again, we see a history of the U.S. betraying this movement, even though it appears in some ways to be allied with it today.
The Real News Network
April 7, 2018
You know, cited by figures like Murray Bookchin, Ocalan, who's now imprisoned in life by Turkey. There are also reports that the CIA was involved in his ultimate imprisonment. So again, we see a history of the U.S. betraying this movement, even though it appears in some ways to be allied with it today.
Global Info (Blog)
April 6, 2018
Op 14 april vindt op de alternatieve boekenbeurs in Gent de voorstelling plaats van 'Sociale ecologie en politiek' van Murray Bookchin. Naar aanleiding daarvan brengen we twee artikelen van de Britse politicoloog Andy Price. Nadat Bookchin gedurende tientallen jaren van onderzoek en activisme op hetÃâà...
The Economist
March 22, 2018
Inspired by Murray Bookchin, an obscure American philosopher, Abdullah Ocalan, the PKK's leader, sought to empower his female comrades. “The 5,000-year-old history of civilisation is essentially the history of the enslavement of women,” wrote the now-imprisoned Mr Ocalan, whose ideas are alsoÃâà...
Socialist Worker Online
March 18, 2018
I am not so sure that he was well served by being a vigorous debater (I remember anarcho-ecologist Murray Bookchin, another former Trotskyist, saying to me in 1970: "That James...he could HOLD A POSITION"), because so much energy went into disputations. But a fresh reading of these mostly wartimeÃâà...
March 16, 2018
Ocalan's vision was largely based on the writings of the late Jewish-American political philosopher Murray Bookchin. Per the principles of democratic confederalism, the smallest unit of political affiliation in Rojava is the “community” – a village or neighborhood with a meeting place where the residentsÃâà...
February 21, 2018
Murray Bookchin, LA PROSSIMA RIVOLUZIONE. Dalle assemblee popolari alla democrazia diretta, con una Postfazione di Ursula K. Le Guin, BFS Edizioni 2018, pp. 192, € 18,00. Nei suoi ottantaquattro anni di vita Murray Bookchin (1922 – 2006) ha avuto modo di percorrere da critico radicale quasiÃâà...
Daily Pioneer
February 16, 2018
Since then, the Rojava Revolution —whose philosophical foundations largely lie in the “Ecology of Freedom”, espoused by American Leftist and eco-anarchist Murray Bookchin — has helped spring up a matrix of institutions based on participatory democracy and economic self-management for the KurdishÃâà...
February 14, 2018
Il 16 febbraio alle 18 sul Lungo Canale Est 26 a Viareggio (fra il ponte girante e il Museo della Marineria) l'associazione di promozione sociale RetEco – Versilia in transizione presenta l'ultimo libro di Murray Bookchin, appena uscito per le edizioni BFS di Pisa: “La prossima rivoluzione. Dalle assembleeÃâà...
February 11, 2018
The US-allied YPG and its left-wing political parent the Democratic Union Party (PYD) ruling Rojava say they are establishing a libertarian Communalistic system in line with the late obscure American political theorist Murray Bookchin whose writings have affected the thinking of PKK founder Abdullah Ocalan, jailed inÃâà...
Jacobin magazine
February 10, 2018
Inspired to a degree by Murray Bookchin's libertarian municipalism, democratic confederalism is about achieving a new ethos of citizenship and community in transforming and democratizing city governments, by rooting them in popular assemblies in order to then weave them together into a confederationÃâà...
December 13, 2017
MIKE SMALL, activist, writer and editor of Bella Caledonia, will outline political theorist Murray Bookchin's ideas around social ecology and direct democracy at an event hosted by Common Weal Dundee and Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan (SSK) on Wednesday night. A pioneering political thinker whoÃâà...
Jacobin magazine
July 11, 2016
Murray Bookchin spent fifty years articulating a new emancipatory project, one that would place ecology and the creative human subject at the center of a new vision of socialism. Here is a thinker, who in the early sixties, declared climate change as one of the defining problems of the age. Bookchin saw theÃâà...
The Ecologist
December 31, 1999
In the mid-20th century, Murray Bookchin, an anarchist theorist and former Marxist, began to develop a framework called social ecology as a way to understand how environmental disaster has its origins in hierarchy as well. Social ecology recognizes that ecological problems are at root social problems.