updated Sun. October 15, 2023
Athens NEWS
April 2, 2018
Mann called upon audience members to shift the conversation on global warming, bypassing the fight against climate-change denial with informed discussions about best solutions. “This is really an ethical obligation that we have not to destroy the planet,” he said. “We will need leadership in the U.S.”.
March 31, 2018
Penn State Professor Michael Mann and his partners published in 1999 a now famous graph of global temperatures over the last one thousand years. The so-called ... Mann is concerned that members of the Trump Administration, like EPA director Scott Pruitt, are climate change deniers. “And indeed withÃâà...
March 22, 2018
Ultimately, insurance companies and liability lawyers may do what James Hansen, Michael Mann, the Paris climate accords, Jerry Brown, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and a carbon tax cannot. When insurers jack up their premiums to cover the cost of climate change related harm — from rising seaÃâà...
March 21, 2018
In a recent article on the climate change link to powerful East Coast winter storms, Mann, director of Penn State's Earth System Science Center, noted that ... strong they've been,” adding that Chief Meteorologist Elliot Abrams “said the nor'easters gathered more strength because they remained out over theÃâà...
March 19, 2018
The back-to-back nature and intensity of these storms may be explained by a number of factors ― some climate-change-related and some less so, ... pattern of the jet stream we are seeing,” Michael Mann, a professor of atmospheric science and the director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn StateÃâà...
The Guardian
February 27, 2018
... in the sunless winter Arctic is causing blizzards in Europe and forcing scientists to reconsider even their most pessimistic forecasts of climate change. ... continue to poke the angry beast that is our climate,” said Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University.
The Guardian
February 21, 2018
Climatologist Michael Mann, the director of the Earth system science center at Penn State University said the current scale could be viewed as ... storms, and it would also better communicate the well-established finding now that climate change is making the strongest storms even stronger,” he said.
Penn State News
February 19, 2018
Michael Mann is a distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Penn State, and the director of the Earth System Science Center. He is an ... One of his main research objectives is to understand the effects of climate change (increases in temperature and acidification of the oceans) on coral reefs.
Ars Technica
February 19, 2018
Well-known Penn State researcher Michael Mann, for example, sued columnist and radio host Mark Steyn and two others for articles repeatedly ... This one involves retired professor Tim Ball, who has a history of blatantly misrepresenting the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports andÃâà...
February 18, 2018
“'New normal' implies that we reach some new sort of equilibrium and that's where things stay, whereas what we're looking at is an ever-shifting baseline,” says Penn State professor and atmospheric scientist Michael Mann. “If we continue to emit these warming greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, thenÃâà...
The Federalist
February 17, 2018
Michael Mann, a Penn State University professor and infamous author of the so-called “hockey stick” graph to show the planet is warming, will receive the 2018 “Public ... The award will recognize Mann's “tireless efforts to communicate the science of climate change to the media, public and policymakers.”.
Penn State News
February 14, 2018
AUSTIN, Texas — Michael Mann, distinguished professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center, Penn State, will receive the 2018 American ... Mann receives his award for "tireless efforts to communicate the science of climate change to the media, public and policymakers.
February 13, 2018
Satellite Observations Show Sea Levels Rising, Study Says Climate Change Is Accelerating It ... Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann, who was not involved with the study, said “it confirms what we have long feared: that the sooner-than-expected ice loss from the west Antarctic and Greenland iceÃâà...
February 11, 2018
In refusing to dismiss claims against Steyn and Simberg, the D.C. Court of Appeals placed tremendous weight on the fact that Penn State and other institutions investigated Mann and did not find evidence of academic misconduct. Yet it is the alleged inadequacy of Penn State's investigation that was theÃâà...
December 31, 1999
A group of scientists has suggested that dumping tremendous amounts of salt into the upper atmosphere could help lessen the effects of climate change. Quite similar to the sulfur dioxide plan we wrote about last year, the ploy would be based on the idea that salt particles can deflect some light, helpingÃâà...
The Daily Collegian Online
December 31, 1999
During a panel titled “Academic Freedom: In and Out of the Classroom” on Friday, other members of the Penn State American Association of University ... Climate scientist Michael Mann detailed the disputes surrounding his work reconstructing past climate, including the “hockey stick” diagram that showsÃâà...
Live Science
December 31, 1999
This idea falls into the category of geoengineering — a deliberate, large-scale attempt to change the environment as a means to counteract climate change. [Top 10 Craziest Environmental Ideas]. "It's an interesting idea," Michael Mann, a distinguished professor of meteorology at Penn State, told LiveÃâà...
Appalachian State University
December 31, 1999
The book, which was self-published by Ayers and Harman in October 2017, explains why climate change is affecting the earth and how to solve what the ... including Dr. Michael Mann, distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Penn State and director of Penn State's Earth System Science Center;Ãâà...
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