updated Sat. September 21, 2024
Foreign Affairs
April 16, 2018
In 1968, the legal scholar Louis Henkin wrote that “almost all nations observe almost all principles of international law and almost all of their obligations almost all of the time.” Subsequent empirical studies, primarily in the fields of international trade and international environmental law, have confirmedÃâà...
The Wire
April 3, 2018
The second argument – that states are not bound by international law – is not so much a serious claim as it is a rhetorical device employed by those who believe sovereign nations act and do as they please. The American scholar Louis Henkin famously observed that “almost all nations observe almost allÃâà...
Mintpress News
March 9, 2018
Several CounterPunch articles have provided excellent summaries of the contents of this devastating report: Poverty American Style, The Professor and the Poverty Tour, and War and ... “Before the end of World War II, how a state treated its own inhabitants was nobody else's business” (Louis Henkin).
Lawfare (blog)
January 26, 2018
Louis Henkin asserted in his “Foreign Affairs and the U.S. Constitution” that “[t]o the Constitutional Fathers, one might guess, the most important power in foreign relations was the power to declare war.” In his account of the Framers' allocation of powers in “The Imperial Presidency,” Arthur Schlesinger calledÃâà...
Just Security
December 8, 2017
Laurie Blank Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the International Humanitarian Law Clinic at Emory Law School ... Sarah Cleveland Louis Henkin Professor of Human and Constitutional Rights, Co-Director of the Human Rights Institute at Columbia Law School, Former Counselor on International Law to the LegalÃâà...
Lawfare (blog)
September 15, 2017
This is most certainly true of human rights law, in the tradition of Louis Henkin, long a constitutional and foreign affairs law scholar and a later an icon of ... Professor Roberts demonstrates that international law consists not so much of an “invisible” college, as Oscar Schachter famously claimed, as of aÃâà...
World Policy Institute
February 18, 2015
There is a tendency when looking at the international legal order to focus on instances where the system does not function, creating a false impression of pervasive non-compliance. When Louis Henkin, one of the most influential scholars of international law and foreign policy, published his famous bookÃâà...
New York Times
October 16, 2010
Professor Henkin, unusual in combining equal expertise in constitutional law and international law, moved easily between academia and government. ... Through his teaching at Columbia University, where he founded the Center for the Study of Human Rights in 1978 and the Human Rights Institute in 1998Ãâà...
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