updated Sun. December 3, 2023
Workers World
February 1, 2018
In the book “Terrorism and War” (2002), historian Howard Zinn wrote, “Most Americans have no idea what we did in Korea, but Korea was really a preview of Vietnam, particularly in the use of napalm and the bombing of villages, which contributed to more than 2 million people dying, most of them civilians.”.
Broadway World
January 4, 2018
John Luther Adams writes: "As I composed Dark Waves, I pondered the ominous events of our times: terrorism and war, intensifying storms and wildfires, the melting of the polar ice and the rising of the seas. Yet, even in the presence of our deepening fears, we find ourselves immersed in the mysteriousÃâà...
Brooklyn Rail
December 6, 2016
I just remember that years ago, reading Howard Zinn's doctoral thesis on [Fiorello H.] LaGuardia in Congress, which was later published by Cornell University ... And he writes about it in a little book that we did called Terrorism and War, which includes a little history of bombing and 20th century munitions.
In Defense of Marxism
November 2, 2014
This reputation is well deserved, but Zinn was never a Marxist, and his analysis of war and terrorism is based more on bourgeois morality than on a real understanding of the class struggle. In this book, Terrorism and War, Howard Zinn concerns himself primarily with trying to distinguish the differenceÃâà...
January 21, 2012
“They're willing to let people think about mild reforms and little changes, and incremental changes, but they don't want people to think that we could actually transform this country.” — Howard Zinn. Howard Zinn has long been known as the historian of the American everyman and woman.
Socialist Worker Online
January 27, 2010
A range of writings over decades, from Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal to Terrorism and War, challenged militarism and imperialism. Zinn also showed off his talents as a playwright--among his plays were Emma, about anarchist Emma Goldman, and Marx in Soho, which brought Karl Marx back to life inÃâà...
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