updated Tue. September 24, 2024
Argonaut Online
November 15, 2017
Themes of access and transparency were deliberately woven into the redesign by Culver City-based Paravant Architects, with design input from Michael Boyd and Taschen. Clear-glass storage cases display the archives adjacent to the main exhibition space, with lots of natural light. “Most museums are allÃÂ ...
Santa Monica Mirror
September 7, 2017
Museum of the Cold War will open its expanded campus at Culver City's iconic Armory Building the weekend of November 18-19, 2017, with an opening night preview party and a free community open house to celebrate the museum's new headquarters and inaugural exhibition “Cold War Spaces.”.
Wired News
October 3, 2010
A months-long investigation by the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this year found that the Army and Raytheon awarded a multi-million dollar subcontract to a firm called Paravant for the training of Afghan troops. Paravant claimed to have "years" of experience performing such work. As it turnedÃÂ ...
Wired News
February 24, 2010
Paravant employees were supposed to be helping train Afghan security forces. But according to the committee investigation, Paravant employees were also indulging in extracurricular activities like joyriding with automatic weapons, and treating an Afghan National Police arsenal like their own personalÃÂ ...
ABC News
February 1, 2010
According to several military and government sources familiar with Xe's contracts, Xe also operates under the names Paravant and XPG. Both "affiliates" are based at the same Moyock, North Carolina address as Xe. Other Prince-owned companies that have received government contracts includeÃÂ ...
January 7, 2010
Both men were in Afghanistan working for the security company Paravant, a subsidiary of Xe, the military contracting firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide. FBI agents have arrested both men, the Justice Department announced. Drotleff, Cannon and two other contractors, Steven McClain andÃÂ ...
RPG Italia (Comunicati Stampa) (Blog)
October 29, 2017
L'Imperatrice Alessia, conosciuta con una miriade di nomi tra cui spiccano Al-Esh, Aleshut, Paravant, Paraval, Pevesh, Perrethu e Paravania ...
Wired News
October 3, 2010
Paravant claimed to have "years" of experience performing such work. As it turned out, Paravant didn't really exist. "Paravant had never ...
Wired News
February 24, 2010
cartman The Senate Armed Services Committee is holding a hearing today on Paravant, a previously little-known subsidiary of Xe Services ...
Comunicate de presa (Comunicat de Presă)
October 10, 2016
Traind intr-o societate dinamica, ce se afla in plina miscare si in care timpul este foarte pretios, masina este unul dintre cele mai folosite mijloace de transport, fiind de nelipsit in viata de zi cu zi. In ultima perioada, insa, masina a depasit ...
Le Defi Media Group
June 7, 2016
Bizin dakkor tou dimoune pa gagne lotterie.Bann ki ena tou et pe vive dan le comfort mo demann bien ki gratitude zot enan enver zot pays ou sinon ziss guett zot linteret personel ek linteret ban celui ki dan zot entouraz..Mauricianism se nek ene ...
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