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 Military Professional Resources

MPRI is a professional services company that consists of former military, law enforcement, diplomatic and private sector leaders who share a common commitment to uncompromising integrity, professionalism and the values that are at the very foundation of our nation. Incorporated by eight retired senior military leaders in 1987, MPRI has its headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia and manages programs throughout the United States and in more than twenty countries overseas. With more than 1500 employees worldwide, MPRI provides comprehensive and integrated programs that address training, education, leader development, organizational design and implementation, democracy transition, and emergency management across a broad spectrum of functional areas.

Organization and Management

Corporate senior management includes: General (Ret.)

Carl E. Vuono
(President), General (Ret.)

Ronald H. Griffith
(Executive Vice President), Joe Wolfinger (Senior Vice President / General Manager of The Alexandria Group), Colonel (Ret.) Stephen E. Inman (Chief Financial Officer), William F. Kernan (Senior Vice President / General Manager of the International Group) and Alan Pesch (President of Ship Analytics).

MPRI logo
images:  google   yahoo YouTube

updated Wed. October 2, 2024

... from Paulsboro Refining Company, where he managed community outreach activities and charitable giving functions, as well as serving as the primary contact for media, public officials and other stakeholders. Prior to that, he held executive positions with Bank of America and L-3 Communications/MPRI, ...
Jakarta – Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menyatakan, Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI Perjuangan) adalah partai wong cilik (orang kecil) yang memperjuangkan demokrasi di negeri ini. Pernyataan itu disampaikan Presiden Jokowi saat berpidato pada peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ...

Po uprawomocnieniu się decyzji, co powinno nastąpić w połowie stycznia, przystąpimy do sporządzania dokumentacji przetargu na generalnego wykonawcę – informuje Edyta Adamczyk z MPRI. Przymiarki do budowy dzielnicowego ratusza dla Mokotowa zaczęły się jeszcze w 2000 r. W 2001 r. dzielnica ...
American Special Forces and private contractors such as Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) also trained RPF and Ugandan fighters guilty of civilian atrocities. The U.S. government, as we can see, has thus far had a strong stake in sustaining Kagame's rule for geostrategic motives and out of desire ...
A far cry from the professional results I saw MPRI produce in Africa and the Balkans. A further cry from the African forces trained by Special Forces. This gets to my point on other posts about the State Department desiring to maintain the lead for training security forces. The problem is they have to default to ...
Michigan achieved the largest drop in recidivism of former prisoners in the United States while using the MPRI, which was introduced in 2003 to help equip parolees with tools they need for success in their communities. An overall 18 percent reduction in returns to prison was experienced between 2005 and ...

NATO liaison to the project was ensured because the unit of L-3 which specializes in such training, Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) has been headed since 2010 by US General Bantz Craddock, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO from December 2006 until June 2009, after which, ...
Some people who've been in and out of prison are getting out and staying out thanks to a program called Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative or MPRI. “After 33 years of doing time, they finally got it right. And today I've got a life. I own my own business. I'm living the American dream and it started at MPRI,” ...
CHICAGO – A group of Serbs united under Krajina Serbs Parliament, who lived in Krajina until Operation Storm, sued Virginia based company “Military Professional Resources Inc.” (MPRI), accusing them for “participation in genocide”, militarily equipping the Croatian Armed Forces, training the Croatian ...
The interesting news today is that MPRI, one of the earliest U.S. private military contractors, albeit one that has operated strictly in a training capacity, is being sued. The suit, filed by the Genocide Victims of Krajina in Chicago Federal Court, against both MPRI and its parent company, L-3 Communications, ...
In March 2005, one of the Pentagon's most trusted contractors — Virginia-based MPRI, founded by retired senior military leaders — won a $400 million contract to train police in Iraq and other hotspots. Two months later, MPRI set up a company in Bermuda to which it subcontracted much of the work. […].
In 1994 it referred MPRI to Croatia's visiting defense minister Gojko Susak, who duly contracted the company to train and equip its forces. According to U.S. Army War ... It was a real life and present-day strategy session at MPRI (formerly known as Military Professional Resources, Inc.). Its client: the Kosovo ...
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Jajaran Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (DPP IMM) beberapa waktu lalu diterima beraudiensi dengan Ketua DPD RI, Oesman Sapta Odang, di ruang ketua DPD RI gedung DPR-MPRI RI Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat .
Rekao sam mu da sam opet na posredan način, preko drugih kontakata, saznao da MPRI naoružava Hrvate u Hrvatskoj, kao i bosanske Hrvate, za veliku ofanzivu na pozicije bosanskih Srba, da to dosta komplikuje stvari i da je situacija uzavrela. Naglasio sam da je Beograd izuzetno nervozan i da je ...
A far cry from the professional results I saw MPRI produce in Africa and the Balkans. A further cry from the African forces trained by Special ...
Since 1997, Military Professional Resources Inc., which has two contracts (see ... The Army reviewed MPRI's draft, submitted revisions to the ...
NATO liaison to the project was ensured because the unit of L-3 which specializes in such training, Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) ...

The Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative (MPRI) helps parolees get a new start. Harry Hampton (pictured) now runs his own business. The state ...
Serbs from Croatia suing Military Professional Resources Inc. ... sued Virginia based company “Military Professional Resources Inc.” (MPRI), ...
The interesting news today is that MPRI, one of the earliest U.S. private military contractors, albeit one that has operated strictly in a training ...
Two months later, MPRI set up a company in Bermuda to which it ... But tax lawyers say that MPRI appears to be avoiding the payment of ...
... tidak mengusik agama lain, 'bagimu agamamu dan bagiku agamaku' itu tertuang dalam isi Alquran,” kata Ketua MPRI RI, Zulkifli Hasan saat ...
In 2004, the state began the Michigan Prisoner ReEntry Initiative, or MPRI. This program allocated state resources to “reducing (released ...
RMOL. MPR RI tidak mempermasalahkan isu kebangkitan komunis di Indonesia dengan adanya kunjungan Sekjen Partai Komunis Vietnam.
American Special Forces and private contractors such as Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) also trained RPF and Ugandan fighters ...
Mumbai, July 14 (KNN) The Maharashtra Government is planning to set up the Maharashtra Policy Research Institute (MPRI) in order to assist ...
As per a government resolution (GR) issued on July 7, the Maharashtra Policy Research Institute (MPRI) will conduct a comparative evaluation ...
The MPRI, apart from assessing the schemes, shall also help the government in fine-tuning or if needed discarding the outdated laws and ...
On je naveo da je organizacija MPRI bila produžena ruka američke Vlade za izvođenje prljavih poslova širom svijeta, među koje spadaju ...
MAHARASHTRA Policy Research Institute (MPRI), a policy think tank announced by Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis last week, will come up ...
A far cry from the professional results I saw MPRI produce in Africa and the Balkans. A further cry from the African forces trained by Special ...
NATO liaison to the project was ensured because the unit of L-3 which specializes in such training, Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) ...
The Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative (MPRI) helps parolees get a new start. Harry Hampton (pictured) now runs his own business. The state ...
The contractor, Military Professional Resources Inc., or M.P.R.I., led by a top aide to former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, works on ...
The interesting news today is that MPRI, one of the earliest U.S. private military contractors, albeit one that has operated strictly in a training ...
Two months later, MPRI set up a company in Bermuda to which it ... But tax lawyers say that MPRI appears to be avoiding the payment of ...
... akan mempersatukan Indonesia," kata Presiden Jokowi dalam Pidato Presiden RI di depan Sidang Tahunan MPRI RI Tahun 2017 di Jakarta ...
U okviru medjunarodne vojne suradnje valja spomenuti tecajeve organizacije MPRI, koje je u 1995. godini zavrsilo oko 150 casnika i docasnika. Ministarstvo obrane skoluje u civilnom visokom skolstvu: 37 polaznika na magistarskom stupnju, 715 polaznika ...
Dan pada kesempatan itu kedua seleb muda ini juga menyempatkan diri untuk menyerahkan piagam penghargaan dari MPRI kategori Excellent Attitude kepada Dewi Sartika Sibarani selaku Asst.
Michigan achieved the largest drop in recidivism of former prisoners in the United States while using the MPRI, which was introduced in 2003 to help equip parolees with tools they need for success in their communities.
TRIBUN-BALI.COM - Memperhatikan kepribadian seseorang dalam mengabdikan dirinya di masyarakat, didalam hal cara bersikap yang sangat menyenangkan.
"Saatnya membangun rasa saling percaya, saling menghormati dan saling menghargai. Perbedaan politik jangan sampai memecah belah," ungkap Ketua MPRI Ri, Zulkifli Hasan saat memberikan Orasi Ilmiah bagi Wisudawan Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia ...
Program-programnya bagus sekali, seperti pendidikan dan pemberdayaan sangat membantu sekali masyarakat untuk bisa lebih berdaya dan mandiri," ujar Zulkifli saat CEO Rumah Zakat, Nur Efendi bersilaturahmi ke Gedung MPRI RI Jumat (3/12).
Pada waktu dan tempat yang beda Sutradara Muda Casko Wibowo yang juga sebagai founder/Pemilik dari Museum MPRI diJawa Timur ini sempat bertemu dan berbincang bersama Pengusaha Hotel Putu Wijaya & Tokoh Budayawan Indonesia Made ...
Aliff Alli yang merupakan adik kandung dari Artis Sinetron papan atas Miller Khan ini melanjutkan lagi, "pada liburan kita kali ini Casko yang merupakan Founder dari Museum MPRI juga menyempatkan diri menganugerahkan 2 Piagam Prestasi dari dari ...
Karenanya, meraka pun mengundang Sang Pebisnis sukses itu sebagai narasumber dalam 'Bincang Bisnis', di Rezzen Cafe MPRI, Jln. Mertojoyo Blok K-2 Merjosari Malang. Ronna Himmah Ilmiyati dalam kesempatan itu menceritakan kisah suksesnya ...
... 2 Desember 2016 lalu sama sekali tidak terkait dengan upaya perebutan kekuasaan atau penggulingan pemerintahan yang sah, melainkan hanya ingin menyampaikan aspirasi kembali ke UUD 1945 yang asli ke Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPRI).
Karenanya, meraka pun mengundang Sang Pebisnis sukses itu sebagai narasumber dalam 'Bincang Bisnis', di Rezzen Cafe MPRI, Jln. Mertojoyo Blok K-2 Merjosari Malang. Ronna Himmah Ilmiyati dalam kesempatan itu menceritakan kisah suksesnya ...
Rachmawati hanya ingin menyampaikan aspirasi kembali ke UUD 1945 yang asli ke Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPRI) RI. Namun rencana Rachmawati menyampaikan aspirasi ke MPR RI pada tanggal 2 Desember 2016 tidak terjadi, karena di pagi ...
Kalau memang ada anggota MPR yang mengusulkan, dari anggota MPR dari unsur parpol atau usulan DPD dan jumlahnya minimal 1/3 jumlah anggota MPR dan diajukan secara tertulis sesuai ketentuan Pasal 37 ayat 1, 2, 3, maka pimpinan MPRi akan ...


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