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updated Sat. March 30, 2024

Scientific evidence at the start of the last major Ebola epidemic in West Africa that suggested the virus would change exceptionally rapidly was probably due to methodological biases. This has been shown by scientists led by Tanja Stadler, a professor at ETH Zurich's Department of Biosystems Science and ...
Dahlia Schweitzer received an email from UCLA in 2014 announcing the school's intent to handle any possible cases of Ebola on campus. That year, many Americans refused to ride the subway and avoided other public spaces for fear of coming in contact with the disease, Schweitzer said. After witnessing ...

Scientific evidence at the start of the last major Ebola epidemic in West Africa that suggested the virus would change exceptionally rapidly was probably due to methodological biases. This has been shown by scientists led by Tanja Stadler, a professor at ETH Zurich's Department of Biosystems Science and ...
The researchers used simulated data, together with real data for Ebola virus isolates collected in Guinea and in the early stages of a Sierra Leone outbreak, to explore methodological biases that affect epidemiological dynamic models. "During the West African Ebola virus disease epidemic, an unusually ...
MJ: We found that the number of preprints increased substantially between the Ebola and Zika epidemics. They were also being used to share new data and analyses and to make them available months before matched journal publications (a median of 150 days earlier!). However, we identified preprints ...
... who have developed an Emergency Smart Pod that “can serve as an isolation unit for patient care during infectious disease outbreaks, such as the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa.” Waite notes Anandasabapathy's team was “selected as one of 14 winners of USAID's Fighting Ebola Grand Challenge, ...

In February 2016, in the wake of the major Ebola outbreak in West Africa and early in the Zika epidemic in the Americas, leading funding agencies and journals issued a statement about the importance of data sharing and preprint posting in infectious disease outbreaks. Johansson and colleagues ...
Introduction: For effective public communication during major disease outbreaks like the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic, health information needs of the ... As fear drives epidemics, evidenced by the Ebola spread in West Africa, it is essential to understand public opinion to identify health information needs 23.
The west African Ebola crisis took more than 11,000 lives – seven times the total of the 22 Ebola epidemics that preceded it. But widespread death isn't the only threat. For those who survive the initial infection, an epidemic leaves its own particular trail of disfigurement and disability. People who contracted ...
Richards' book contrasts most accounts of the Ebola epidemic by acknowledging local responses to the disease and countering the mainstream .... Richards: And if there were any further Ebola epidemics in Africa then I think they will be a lot better handled because these lessons have been learned.
"If you use an AAV gene therapy vector to deliver the DNA blueprint to a cell, that cell will produce a protective antibody against Ebola virus, which is then ... Wootton is now seeking research funding for human clinical trials from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, formed after the Ebola ...
One of the main challenges for the country's next leader will be facing the consequences of the Ebola epidemic that killed more than 4,000 people. It's been two years since the official end of the epidemic, but thousands of survivors feel abandoned by the authorities. Our team on the ground reports.
Researchers are trying to work out whether - like Ebola - Lassa can stay in the body and be passed on through sexual contact even after illness subsides. Nigeria has a strong public health system, and is used to dealing with epidemics like this. The World Health Organization (WHO) is working with ...
... “We must take the deadly, dangerous threat of the Ebola epidemic as seriously as we take ISIS.” And since that year, the U.S. has been a leader in the Global Health Security Agenda. America made these changes because it understood that epidemics affect everything — health, jobs, migration and war.
The Vodafone Foundation said analysis of such data could provide potentially life-saving insights during an epidemic, such as the 2014 Ebola outbreak across west Africa. “As we can now measure human mobility it is possible to model how infections spread,” said Joakim Reiter, the Vodafone external ...
Many signs point to the US retreating from supporting the global and public health efforts that can prevent epidemics of diseases like Lassa fever (which has, since January, been linked with ... Two of them occurred within the space of two years: the Ebola epidemic in 2014 and the Zika epidemic in 2016.
Malaria cases were 50 percent higher in December of 2017 than they were before the Ebola epidemic. Wagenaar says the research highlights how more attention must be devoted to maintaining basic services during a health emergency. The data his group analyzed could be used in other outbreaks to ...

The West Africa Regional Centre for Surveillance and Disease Control (ECOWAS-RCSDC)-the region's response to managing and preventing epidemics-goes operational in Abuja on Wednesday, nearly three years after heads of regional governments approved it in 2015. The West African Health ...
The Ebola epidemic, which killed more than 11,000 people over an expanse of West Africa between 2014 and 2016, has enabled experts to draw a series ... its surveillance and detection capacity so it can better protect the population from epidemics, said Georges Alfred Ki-Zebro, the WHO representative in ...
A study conducted during the worst Ebola virus epidemic on record identified risk factors for transmission of the disease among household contacts, along with other factors that can be protective, including access to piped drinking water. Almost 29,000 people were infected in the West African Ebola ...
From 2014-16, an unprecedented Ebola epidemic killed more than 11,000 people across West Africa. Now scientists have linked the outbreak to ... The outbreak was only identified as Ebola three months later, in March 2014, by which time it had killed 30 people. The contagion coursed through the towns ...
In 2014, an Ebola epidemic began to ravage West Africa, becoming the largest Ebola outbreak in history, lasting two years and infecting an estimated 28,000 people—most in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. Ultimately, the disease took more than 11,000 lives. Many of those lives might have been saved ...
Early intervention is vital to lessening the impacts of epidemics. In the case of the Ebola outbreak, proactive U.S leadership helped to avoid a worst-case scenario of 1.4 million infections in four months. Early action also lowered the risk of infection among U.S. citizens, and reduced the chance of a viral ...


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