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updated Sun. September 29, 2024

Kamp Holland in Tarin Kowt in de Afghaanse provincie Uruzgan, was een van de plekken waar Nederlandse militairen waren gelegerd. Foto: DvhN/Archief. Direct dit artikel delen: Facebook · Twitter · Whatsapp · E-mail. Het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) moet nieuw onderzoek instellen naar de explosie van een handgranaat in ...
An official army report says four Black Hawk helicopters headed out of Tarin Kowt in the early hours of June 21, 2010, for an assignment described to The Australian as “a quick hit” on a Taliban target. Rudland, who was one of 15 men aboard the American UH-60 that crashed, has a clear memory “from ...

Dat we betrokken raken bij een echte oorlog, is niet meer denkbeeldig. Fouten zullen namelijk zeker gemaakt worden. Een moord op een nieuwe Frans Ferdinand behoort absoluut tot de mogelijkheden. In Tarin Kowt, waar destijds de legerplaats van onze militairen was, zit nu weer de Taliban. We kunnen ...
2. At gunpoint. “U.S. Army Special Forces soldier reenlisting in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan,” allegedly. I mean, everybody jokes about it. Nobody usually does it. Except, you know, with wedding and engagement photos.
As they approached Tarin Kowt, the Australian base from where our special forces troops were conducting “kill-capture'' missions against the Taliban, the risk of someone taking aim at the plane with a shoulder-held missile launcher was very real. Only you wouldn't know it looking over at Angus Campbell, ...

When he took the rifles to the maintenance store in Tarin Kowt, a warrant officer checked the database and found no record of them and reported this to the squadron hierarchy. The soldier subsequently “threatened to bash” the warrant officer. The rifles were shipped back to Perth, arriving on November 15, ...
The 28-year-old Ozbat, of Prince George, was assigned to 168th Brigade Support Battalion, 214th Fires Brigade, Fort Sill, Okla., when he was killed in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. Also killed was Army 2nd Lt.

Australian Army Pvt. Levi Mooney, right, bumps fists with a child during a patrol in Tarin Kowt, Uruzgan province, Afghanistan, July 26, 2013. Mooney carries a HK417 rifle, similar to the M110A1 that will be the new squad-level designated marksman rifle. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Jessi Ann ...
De Task Force Uruzgan ging in 2006 van start, naar aanleiding van een NAVO-verzoek om bij te dragen aan de wederopbouw van Afghanistan. Vanuit Kamp Holland in Tarin Kowt droeg Nederland tot augustus 2010 bij met in totaal 617 miljoen euro. Een eventuele verlenging van de missie leidde tot een ...
Tarin Kowt, capital of Oruzgan province and previously the major Australian base in Afghanistan, was also briefly captured in 2016, and centres in Helmand, Kandahar, Ghazni and Nangarhar provinces have come under increasing Taliban attack. The urbanisation of a conflict that was largely rural until ...
TARIN KOWT, Afghanistan -- When Sultan Mohammad's wife went into labor in Uruzgan Province last week, the medical clinic in Deh Rawood was not an option -- it had been shut down along with other local clinics by Taliban fighters who control most of the territory outside the provincial capital, Tarin Kowt ...
The Taliban in the Afghanistan province where Australians fought and died have forced the shutdown of dozens of health clinics as part of a push to have doctors treat their wounded fighters in further signs the country is sliding back into chaos. The new tactic by the insurgents, who control large swathes of ...
Even before US President Donald Trump's speech heralding a tougher stance in the country, the perilous situation facing Tarin Kowt, the provincial capital in Oruzgan where the Australian Defence Force was based, and where most of the 41 Australian fallen died, has forced an intervention by coalition air ...
Tarin Kowt could be the second. It is the third Afghan provincial city to be threatened by the Taliban in recent months. Other cities include Lashkar Gah in the southern province of Helmand, where the British suffered heavy casualties. Authorities in Helmand say the Taliban is now in control of about 80 per ...
The chief of Defence says Afghan insurgents are getting the upper hand in many districts around the former Australian military base in Tarin Kowt. Key points. Top US commander says security situation in Afghanistan is "bleak"; Australian Defence Force echoes US concerns, says insurgents gaining ground ...


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