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updated Thu. March 21, 2024

Y'all must really dig the stuff going on at Armature Works in Tampa Heights, huh? And CL doesn't blame you — SoHo Capital definitely seems to be cultivating a little something special along the Hillsborough River, which is likely why our coverage on the opening day of Heights Public Market towered over ...

Chuy's Holdings Inc logo Telsey Advisory Group restated their market perform rating on shares of Chuy's (NASDAQ:CHUY) in a research note issued to investors on Wednesday morning, reports. Telsey Advisory Group currently has a $29.00 target price on the restaurant operator's stock, ...
Risk Alert: Before we dive into any analysis we simply note that Chuy's Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:CHUY) risk is elevated. We'll detail it below -- but that's the lede -- the option market is starting to flash those neon lights that signal "risk is rising" with an IV30 of 47.38% versus the IV30 of the S&P 500 at 14.76%.
Jesus “Chuy” Garcia's race for Congress felt “the Bern” of support that only Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) could provide at a recent campaign rally in Chicago. The political rally entitled “America's Progressive Future: Rally with Bernie Sanders and Chuy Garcia” was a standing room only affair by the time ...
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.4 in Q3 2017. Its down 0.06, from 1.46 in 2017Q2. It is negative, as 21 investors sold Chuy's Holdings, Inc. shares while 27 reduced holdings. 17 funds opened positions while 50 raised stakes. 15.95 million shares or 4.13% less from 16.64 million shares in 2017Q2 were ...
Bernie Sanders of Vermont brought his progressive star power to town Thursday to bolster Jesus “Chuy” Garcia's congressional bid, telling the crowd at a Little Village rally he needs his ally in Washington to fight for working people and stand up to “pathological liar” President Donald Trump. Garcia, who's ...
Bernie Sanders told me Tuesday he wants to make sure progressives like Jesus “Chuy” Garcia get elected to Congress; is open to backing Marie Newman over Rep. Dan Lipinski, and is “thinking about” a 2020 presidential run. I interviewed Sanders, the Vermont Independent, in advance of a four-state ...
Bernie Sanders hits Chicago on Thursday to stump for House hopeful Jesus 'Chuy' Garcia, part of a swing to boost 2018 contenders taking the Vermont Independent also to Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan. Sanders and Garcia, a Cook County Commissioner, forged a relationship when Sanders was running ...
On Jan. 10, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia appeared before the Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board. We asked him why he's running for the Democratic seat in the 4th Congressional district of Illinois in the March 2018 primary: Jesus Garcia, Cook County Commissioner for the 7th district, the district in the greater ...


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