updated Sat. June 22, 2024
National Hog Farmer
July 28, 2017
The occurrence of PRRS in Uruguay was reported to the World Organization for Animal Health on July 20. A subclinical infection of PRRS was diagnosed through indirect ELISA testing and RT-PCR. There were five premises affected in Uruguay. Officials report an epidemiological investigation has startedÃÂ ...
September 1, 2016
A former Guantanamo Bay inmate who was resettled in Uruguay and then arrested in Venezuela after going missing has been sent back to Uruguay, officials announced in Montevideo. Syrian Jihad Diyab, 45, who was resettled in Uruguay as a refugee in 2014 -- was jailed at the headquarters of theÃÂ ...
International Business Times
February 18, 2015
Uruguay Medical Marijuana More Expensive, But US Recreational Cannabis Still More Costly Uruguay officials said that its medical marijuana would be more expensive than recreational because it will contain more THC and have greater regulation, but in American markets like Colorado and Washington,ÃÂ ...
ABC Online
June 27, 2014
World Cup 2014: FIFA defends harsh punishment for Suarez bite, Uruguay officials and Maradona say penalty is excessive ... FIFA defended the harsh punishment it handed down to Uruguay striker Luis Suarez for biting an opponent during the World Cup, despite complaints from his coach, politicians andÃÂ ...
National Hog Farmer
July 28, 2017
The occurrence of PRRS in Uruguay was reported to the World Organization for Animal Health on July 20. A subclinical infection of PRRS was diagnosed through indirect ELISA testing and RT-PCR. There were five premises affected in Uruguay. Officials report an epidemiological investigation has startedÃÂ ...
September 1, 2016
A former Guantanamo Bay inmate who was resettled in Uruguay and then arrested in Venezuela after going missing has been sent back to Uruguay, officials announced in Montevideo. Syrian Jihad Diyab, 45, who was resettled in Uruguay as a refugee in 2014 -- was jailed at the headquarters of theÃÂ ...
International Business Times
February 18, 2015
Uruguay Medical Marijuana More Expensive, But US Recreational Cannabis Still More Costly Uruguay officials said that its medical marijuana would be more expensive than recreational because it will contain more THC and have greater regulation, but in American markets like Colorado and Washington,ÃÂ ...
ABC Online
June 27, 2014
World Cup 2014: FIFA defends harsh punishment for Suarez bite, Uruguay officials and Maradona say penalty is excessive ... FIFA defended the harsh punishment it handed down to Uruguay striker Luis Suarez for biting an opponent during the World Cup, despite complaints from his coach, politicians andÃÂ ...
August 8, 2016
Global media became transfixed with the story when Uruguayan officials said the former detainee might have slipped across the border intoÃÂ ...