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updated Sun. June 30, 2024

The main features of the strategy are based on a number of themes, which are: preparing and following up the implementation of a national strategy for the intellectual property rights, modernizing and updating the rules and regulations of the intellectual property rights, providing the products and services of ...
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains rises in the House of Commons in Ottawa on Friday, October 20, 2017. The federal government unveiled new measures on intellectual property Thursday as it seeks to improve Canada's performance in a critical area of the ...

Paul Krugman recently made a splash in a New York Times column by suggesting there are no "serious, honest, conservative intellectuals with real influence," referring to the "unicorns of the intellectual right." I largely agree, but I would like to offer a very different perspective. This column is my ...
His book, “The End of the French Intellectual”, begins in nostalgia. Mr Sand confesses to a bygone “idealisation of Parisian intellectuals”, the “heroes” of a youth spent as a doctoral student in the city in the 1970s. Those who now pass for French public intellectuals, he argues, are a pale version of the likes ...
OTTAWA—The federal government has unveiled new measures on intellectual property as it seeks to improve Canada's performance in a critical area of the increasingly important ideas-based economy. Intellectual property, or IP, is about owning, protecting and making money from an idea in any sector ...
Trade tensions between the United States and China exploded last month as the countries started threatening each other with new tariffs. The Trump administration is looking to stop what it calls unfair trade practices, targeting perceived imbalances, including alleged widespread intellectual property theft.

This is the second piece in a week-long series on intellectual property. You can read the previous piece here. Not many years ago, business leaders concerned themselves with only a business's tangible assets. Those days are long gone. Today, intangibles make up the majority of corporate assets, ...
SAN JOSE, Calif.--TiVo Corporation (NASDAQ: TIVO), a global leader in entertainment technology and audience insights, today announced that the company has entered a multi-year intellectual property (IP) license agreement with Telstra, a leading telecommunications and technology company in ...
Facts and evidence have started taking a backseat to opinion, and that mentality is bleeding into investing, according to Bernstein. The firm scoured more than 5 million books spanning 500 years in an attempt to provide quantifiable evidence of this trend. Bernstein argues this is a harmful mindset that ...
Beijing has hit back at Washington over an investigation into China's intellectual property practices, saying the United States failed to take China's advances in IP protections into account. Shen Changyu, head of China's revamped State Intellectual Property Office, made the remarks on Tuesday in response ...
Several months before the 2016 election, Harper's Magazine published an unlikely essay by Alan Jacobs suggesting that in the midst of the fractious punditry gripping the country, we might benefit from the return of Christian public intellectuals. “Their task,” Jacobs suggested, “would be that of the interpreter ...
More than 300 French signatories, including former prime ministers and other elected officials, intellectuals and artists, signed a manifesto denouncing the “new anti-Semitism” in France. The manifesto published Sunday in LePareisien, the largest circulation newspaper in France, comes after the murder of ...
We find ourselves in strange times with respect to how we Americans have become polarized with our politics and what's best for us. I am in a quandary trying to understand what, exactly, voters are hoping for when they vote for a candidate. The process has become so psychologically sophisticated that ...
Science and technology play a crucial role in the development of any economy. In the past decades, most human development has been propelled by science. In fact, science has even changed how we communicate and how the economy operates. A major issue today is the growing income gap between the wealthy and ...
These are some of the pivotal events, highlighting the current intolerance for rigorous, honest debate in progressive circles, that led to the birth of a loose configuration of disparate thinkers that's now called the Intellectual Dark Web, a term coined by Bret Weinstein's brother Eric, managing director at Thiel ...
Our conversations about intellectuals are largely dominated by poets, writers, painters, and filmmakers. Why are musicians seldom acknowledged in this category? Kumar Gandharva perhaps got a fair deal — and rightly so — given his epochal music that so many were drawn to. Mallikarjun Mansur was ...
Mental retardation (MR) is a developmental disability that results in an individual showing far-below-average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for everyday life. It is evaluated by four gradings: mild, moderate, severe and profound, and is defined by an intelligence quotient (IQ) score ...

With under a year to go, most have tired of the meaningless “Brexit means Brexit” mantra. Whether it is hard, soft or scrambled and whether we stay in the single market, a single market or find a whole new marketplace, what should a designer Brexit – one that works for the UK's flourishing intellectual ...
As the tit-for-tat trade war between China and the United States escalates, you might be forgiven for assuming that intellectual property (IP) rights and protections barely exist in China. Yet, despite its reputation as an inveterate bootlegger, trademark squatter and state sponsor of corporate espionage, China ...
... and that intellectuals should document what is going on and preserve that information for future generations. The panel moderator, Dr. Jamal Eric Watson, executive editor of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, posed the question: “What is the role of the Black intellectual in the age of Donald Trump?”.
Most American firms use their China-based research labs to adapt products for the local market, but prefer to keep core development efforts offshore due to concerns about intellectual property (IP) theft, according to a survey released on Thursday. Some three-quarters of 52 U.S. companies surveyed said ...
China remains the darling of western, particularly American, intellectuals and academics even though President Xi Jinping is reverting to the dictatorial habits of the era of Mao Zedong. The system is not only incredibly corrupt but also authoritarian. We hear constantly about suppression of free speech, ...
More than 600 dignitaries, decision-makers, intellectuals, researchers and experts participated in the conference. The foundation's director general Prof. Henry Uwait spoke of the circumstances in which the conference is held, during a difficult and fateful historical moment, unprecedented in intensity and ...
Managing IP now has a dedicated US version of its site, highlighting its recently expanded US coverage. Please select which version of you would like to view. All stories are available on both sites, but prioritised by region. You can change your mind later by using the buttons in the top left ...
President Trump announced stiff new tariffs in March, hitting back at China for what he calls “the unfair and harmful acquisition of U.S. technology.” According to a 2017 report by the United States Trade Representative, Chinese theft of American IP currently costs between $225 billion and $600 billion ...
This shot was taken in 2006 in Shandong province, near the port city of Weihai – I was there to film the fourth instalment of a five-hour video work, Seven Intellectuals in a Bamboo Forest. The film is based on the third-century fable of the seven sages: seven young people who sought to escape corrupt court ...
Worries over intellectual property rights for U.S. businesses in China will eventually be a non-issue, BlackBerry CEO John Chen said. Those concerns would ease as Chinese firms produce more of their own intellectual property, Chen said. Trade policies, including so-called technology transfers, in China ...
Together, these officials draw on years of experience working in Dublin, London, Brussels and Belfast in their work on the Brexit negotiations. “You would have intellectual weight but you would also have the drafters, the workhorses and some of the best networkers,” said a former Iveagh House source. The diplomatic effort ...
Peggy Weaver, who grew up in Chapel Hill, wrote, “I think 'public intellectual' is an oxymoron in these days of celebrity-obsessed consumer and social media addicted 'citizens.' The people of the most influence are seldom intellectuals these days. I think of David Brooks as a public intellectual, whether one ...
President Trump's Korean peace initiative is the most significant US diplomatic effort since the end of the cold war: if successful, it means the end of an era in northern Asia. The Koreans realize this: the Chinese realize this; it's only the American punditocracy that just doesn't get it. There are a few reasons ...
While ratcheting up the pressure on China, the U.S. is also prepared to engage in continued discussions toward preventing intellectual property violations. The Trump administration thinks Beijing has evaded previous American attempts to open the Chinese market and protect intellectual property, and that ...
Then matchmaking: In some key industries, like China's energy, telecom and auto sectors, U.S. companies have to form joint ventures with domestic firms. That means transferring valuable technology — intellectual property — to the local company, allowing then local firms to create their own new products ...
If that's the way public intellectuals carry on these days, what chance do the rest of us have to debate divisive issues in a civilised way? Peterson was responding to an incendiary piece by Pankaj Mishra, the respected literary critic from India, on his new book 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos, in the ...
The Trump administration has decided to apply aggressive tariffs on China, in large part in response to concerns about Chinese intellectual property theft. The tariffs have both an economic and a national security purpose. On the former, Trump hopes that protectionist measures will help close the large ...
Recently, McDonald's entered into a multi-year agreement with Anaqua, which provides a unified intellectual property (IP) asset management platform. The purpose of the agreement was to manage IP on a single cloud-based platform, avoiding the patchwork of homegrown IP management systems that ...
UMCEBO Design plans for this year's Intellectual Property Exhibition programme, kicked off with a business breakfast at Alliance Francaise Durban recently. Invited artists displayed their art and fashion at the launch, which was followed by a panel discussion chaired by Raymond Perrier, Director of the ...
“This is a very important moment for our country, in that we are addressing a critical area for the aerospace and defense industry and that is protecting our intellectual property,” Hewson, a 2018 Wash100 recipient, said during the signing of the presidential memo Thursday. The report noted that Chinese ...
Peggy Weaver, who grew up in Chapel Hill, wrote, “I think 'public intellectual' is an oxymoron in these days of celebrity obsessed consumer and social media addicted 'citizens.' The people of the most influence are seldom intellectuals these days. I think of David Brooks as a public intellectual, whether one ...
What she brought was an especially intimate and approachable voice, that of an intellectual who doesn't mistake solemnity for seriousness and actually seems to be enjoying herself. It was as if a young woman in a peasant dress had begun to circulate in a room full of starched shirtfronts, the way it must ...
Just as deft in the movement of his rooks as with his fists, Cazeneuve claimed victory against his Ukrainian challenger after seven alternating rounds of boxing and chess. The match played out before a crowd of curious onlookers drawn to the spectacle of the so-called "Intellectual Fight Club". Chess boxing ...
Peggy Weaver, who grew up in Chapel Hill, wrote, “I think 'public intellectual' is an oxymoron in these days of celebrity obsessed consumer and social media addicted 'citizens.' The people of the most influence are seldom intellectuals these days. I think of David Brooks as a public intellectual, whether one ...
United States President Donald Trump is not the first to complain about intellectual property (IP) theft by Chinese companies but ironically it was US companies' use of China's resources that led to the development of its powerhouse of patents. In the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, western firms like ...
This is the case in the vast caste system of global liberal academia, too, where there are whole hierarchies of clubs, intellectuals, courses and prizes. But now one man has begun to insult the very idea of intellectuality. If he were an outsider, the establishment would have defamed him as a bitter simpleton ...
With America's president casually stirring racial and other hatreds, it would be helpful for our civic good to have an organization SPLC Robert King Polaris via Newscom that tracks with honesty and precision what rabble his rhetoric is rousing. The Southern Poverty Law Center, the nation's largest (and ...
“Hostile individuals, organizations and nation-states have taken note of our success,” Rod J. Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, said at a news conference on Friday. “They increasingly attempt to profit from America's ingenuity by infiltrating our computer systems, stealing our intellectual property and ...
Walk me through what the regulations are that would lead me to start to hand over some of my intellectual property. KENNEDY: If you want to invest in China, produce in China, sell in China, you will need a Chinese partner that will share ownership of your company. You will need to contribute technology, ...
Donald Trump just announced plans to slap nearly $50 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese goods—punishment against China for its unfair trade policies. With China prepared to retaliate, observers say that the move puts the US once step closer to igniting a global trade war. The tariffs are an attempt to ...
The United States Trade Representative, which led the seven-month investigation into China's intellectual property theft and made recommendations to the Trump administration, found that "Chinese theft of American IP currently costs between $225 billion and $600 billion annually." Those numbers are in ...
IN view of the importance of Intellectual Property (IP) to businesses today, chambers of commerce and business associations across the world are experiencing a growing need to provide their members with IP support services and Zimbabwe cannot be an exception. To the uninitiated, IP can appear ...
The critics of Darwin's theory never questioned his intellectual arguments based on their grandparents not having seen apes transform into humans, as HRD minister Satyapal Singh recently said. Instead, they based their arguments on the work of other scientists, such as the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste ...


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