updated Sat. December 30, 2023
News of Observer
April 25, 2018
Access the sample page at: http://emarketresearch.us/global-protein-based-fat-replacers-market-2017-2022/#Request-Sample. The global Protein-based Fat Replacers market report is mainly classified on the basis of: Prominent market players consisting of: Parmalat Canada Ingredients, CPKelco andÃâà...
MTA Star
April 25, 2018
PARMALAT SPA ORDINARY SHARES ITALY (OTCMKTS:PLATF) had a decrease of 1.44% in short interest. PLATF's SI was 527,700 shares in April as released by FINRA. Its down 1.44% from 535,400 shares previously. The SI to PARMALAT SPA ORDINARY SHARES ITALY's float is 0.28%. It closed atÃâà...
The Herald
April 25, 2018
Separating the winners from the losers is a constant challenge for investors. Many focused investors may look to track stock momentum based on historical prices. Parmalat S.p.A. (BIT:PLT) currently has a 6 month price index of 0.93279. The six month price index is calculated by dividing the current shareÃâà...
Park City Caller
April 24, 2018
At the time of writing, Parmalat S.p.A. (BIT:PLT) has a Piotroski F-Score of 5. The F-Score may help discover companies with strengthening balance sheets. The score may also be used to spot the weak performers. Joseph Piotroski developed the F-Score which employs nine different variables based on theÃâà...
The Weekly Times
April 10, 2018
The forecast by industry analysts Freshagenda comes as Parmalat last week informed its Victorian suppliers they could enter into a two-year contract with a weighted average full season “floor price” of $5/kgMS. On top of this “floor price” was 40c/kgMS paid each year as a “contract incentive”. A 20c/kgMSÃâà...
The Weekly Times
April 3, 2018
In a letter sent to suppliers yesterday Parmalat senior milk supply manager Malcolm Fechney said the two year contract included a “weighted averaged full season floor price of $5kg MS”. He explained that in “addition” to this floor price there would be a “contract incentive” of 40c/kg MS paid each year withÃâà...
April 1, 2018
... the Victorian town's Easter Festival gala parade earlier today received a SMS warning them of the threat, The Age reports. Bendigo is approximately 150 kilometres north west of Melbourne with a population of over 110,000. Parmalat is a global dairy company that produces products including Pauls Milk,Ãâà...
Industria Italiana
March 12, 2018
Puntano a diversi obiettivi e traguardi strategici le sfide per l'innovazione, che un colosso come Parmalat sta affrontando in questo momento. Innanzitutto, aumentare interconnessione ed efficienza sulle linee produttive; separare, dal punto di vista operativo, le utenze di produzione rispetto a quelle diÃâà...
BZ Weekly
March 11, 2018
Shares of Parmalat S.p.A. (BIT:PLT) last traded at 2.975, representing a move of -0.668%, or -0.02 per share, on volume of 211,240 shares. After opening the trading day at 2.985, shares of Parmalat S.p.A. traded in a close range. Parmalat S.p.A. currently has a total float of 1.85 billion shares and onÃâà...
Frisco Fastball
March 10, 2018
The stock of PARMALAT SPA ORDINARY SHARES ITALY (OTCMKTS:PLATF) registered an increase of 13.61% in short interest. PLATF's total short interest was 606,200 shares in March as published by FINRA. Its up 13.61% from 533,600 shares, reported previously. With 300 shares average volume,Ãâà...
Wolcott Daily
March 9, 2018
PARMALAT SPA ORDINARY SHARES ITALY (OTCMKTS:PLATF) had an increase of 13.61% in short interest. PLATF's SI was 606,200 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its up 13.61% from 533,600 shares previously. With 300 avg volume, 2021 days are for PARMALAT SPA ORDINARY SHARESÃâà...
Weekly Register
March 8, 2018
Shares of Parmalat S.p.A. (BIT:PLT) last traded at 2.985, representing a move of 1.015%, or 0.03 per share, on volume of shares. After opening the trading day at 2.965, shares of Parmalat S.p.A. traded in a close range. Parmalat S.p.A. currently has a total float of 1.85 billion shares and on average seesÃâà...
Gatton Star
March 7, 2018
Paul has worked on the farm since 1994, and soon after in 1995 they began to supply Suncoast milk at Nambour which is now owned by Parmalat. From there, the business took off. "Dairy goat farming is a lifestyle for us,” she said. "I have about 180 goats all up and we are milking about 130 of them now.
Monotone Critic
March 7, 2018
The global “Protein Based Fat Replacers market ” study wraps a thorough perception into the Protein Based Fat Replacers market and verifies the main drifts pertaining to the different sectors of the Protein Based Fat Replacers market, in addition to offering a detailed data regarding the quality and quantityÃâà...
March 6, 2018
Shares of Parmalat S.p.A. (BIT:PLT) last traded at 2.955, representing a move of 0.51%, or 0.015 per share, on volume of 19,655 shares. After opening the trading day at 2.98, shares of Parmalat S.p.A. traded in a close range. Parmalat S.p.A. currently has a total float of 1.85 billion shares and on averageÃâà...
March 4, 2018
Shares of Parmalat S.p.A. (BIT:PLT) last traded at 2.96, representing a move of -0.67%, or -0.02 per share, on volume of 164,243 shares. After opening the trading day at 2.96, shares of Parmalat S.p.A. traded in a close range. Parmalat S.p.A. currently has a total float of 1.85B shares and on average seesÃâà...
Technology 24
March 1, 2018
Global Protein Based Fat Replacers Market research Report 2018 to 2021 presents an in-depth assessment of the Protein Based Fat Replacers including sanctionative technologies, key trends, market drivers, challenges, standardization, regulative landscape, deployment models, operator case studies,Ãâà...
February 26, 2018
Con sentenza n. 1886 del 4 luglio 2017 la Corte d'appello di Bologna ha riformato una sentenza del Giudice di pace di Parma, che aveva respinto la domanda avanzata da un risparmiatore per un acquisto di azioni Parmalat in data 12.12.03 per la complessiva somma di € 2.518,50 presso una filiale dellaÃâà...
Hill Country Times
February 26, 2018
PARMALAT SPA ORDINARY SHARES ITALY (OTCMKTS:PLATF) had an increase of 13.61% in short interest. PLATF's SI was 606,200 shares in March as released by FINRA. Its up 13.61% from 533,600 shares previously. With 300 avg volume, 2021 days are for PARMALAT SPA ORDINARY SHARESÃâà...
Warwick Daily News
February 11, 2018
LYING dormant for years, vandalised and derelict, the old Parmalat site has finally been sold and the new owner has an exciting vision for the historic building. Warwick businessman Graeme Collins took ownership of the 2.42ha site in late January and he and a small team of workers have been clearingÃâà...
Frisco Fastball
February 10, 2018
The stock of PARMALAT SPA (OTCMKTS:PLATF) registered an increase of 19.63% in short interest. PLATF's total short interest was 159,700 shares in February as published by FINRA. Its up 19.63% from 133,500 shares, reported previously. With 400 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 399Ãâà...
La Repubblica
February 7, 2018
"Con decisione pubblicata in data 25 gennaio 2018 il Tribunale di Milano - ha spiegato ancora la banca - ha accolto l'eccezione di giudicato proposta da Citi e tesa a rigettare integralmente la domanda risarcitoria di 1,8 miliari di euro svolta da Parmalat nel giugno 2015 nei confronti di Citi (e di alcuni suoiÃâà...
La Stampa
December 31, 1999
Parmalat ha chiuso il 2017 con un fatturato di 6,69 miliardi di euro, in rialzo del 3,2% rispetto al 2016, un Margine operativo lordo di 453,6 milioni (-1,1% a cambi correnti e incluso il Venezuela), e un utile di esercizio di 103,6 milioni (+30,5%). I risultati sono stati approvati dall'assemblea dei soci, che haÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Citigroup Inc. has said an Italian court rejected a 1.8 billion-euro ($2.2 billion) civil claim filed by Parmalat SpA against the bank over the food company's collapse in 2003. The Milan court dismissed a lawsuit filed against the lender and a number of its former employees in June 2015, according to aÃâà...
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