updated Sat. June 8, 2024
Zee Business
April 29, 2018
The results of UPSC Civil Services Exam 2017 result has been declared! Candidates who have been eagerly waiting to find out how they fared, can visit the website the official website upsc.gov.in and upsconline.nic.in to get the good news. We at ZeeBusiness have mentioned the names of the candidatesÃâà...
April 29, 2018
"Those who are from a mechanical engineering background should not opt for civil services. Society has to be built up. ... Earlier, arts graduates use to appear for the civil services examination and now, medical and engineering graduates are also joining the services, he said. Mr Deb said civil serviceÃâà...
Times of India
April 29, 2018
NEW DELHI: According to Tripura chief minister Biplab Deb, civil engineers, and not mechanical engineers should pursue the Civil Services ... Earlier, arts graduates used to appear for the Civil Services Examination and now, medical and engineering graduates are also joining the services, he said.
Interesting Engineering
April 29, 2018
For many, the Middle Ages is not seen as a period of great technological development, especially in the field of mechanical engineering. The period is generally agreed to lie between the fall of Rome in 476 AD and the Renaissance of the 14th Century it is often seen as the doldrums of humanÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
April 28, 2018
On April 26, 2017, the scientific community of mechanical engineers worldwide lost a renowned scientist and educator who dedicated his life to the ... In 1979, Professor Litvin emigrated to the U.S. and since then worked as a professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Gear Research Center atÃâà...
Tufts Daily
April 27, 2018
Tufts students in the courses “Children and New Technology” (CSHD-0114) and “Robotics and Mechatronics” (ME-0084) are collaborating to create learning technologies intended to help young children learn new concepts and skills, according to “Robotics and Mechatronics” Professor Ethan Danahy.
The Advocate
April 22, 2018
Half were electrical engineering majors and the other half were from computer science, mechanical engineering and fine arts programs. Five of the six teams competed in the robotics category; one team competed in a separate event focused on professional ethics. The robotics competition required teamsÃâà...
The Daily Toreador
April 22, 2018
Jerzy Blawzdziewicz, professor and associate chairman in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Siva Vanapalli, associate professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering, published a research paper titled “Roll Maneuvers are Essential for Active Reorientation of Caenorhabditis elegans inÃâà...
Hartford Courant
April 22, 2018
A team of Xavier High School students captured top honors Saturday in the Real World Design Challenge, the second time in three years the Middletown Catholic boys school has won the prestigious international engineering competition. A team of four Xavier seniors and three sophomores beat out 19Ãâà...
Lowell Sun
April 22, 2018
Alexander Avakian of Bedford, a junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering, was a member of a team that completed a project in Washington, D.C., titled "History and Impact of the Washington, D.C., Project Center." Eva Barinelli of Tewksbury, a junior majoring in Robotics Engineering, was a member of aÃâà...
Shetland Times Online
April 20, 2018
Shetland Fish Products is a fishmeal and fish oil producer. The Shetland factory is a purpose built facility that processes fish and trimmings all year round to produce high quality fishmeal and fish oil. We are looking to recruit a Mechanical Engineer to work in our maintenance department on plannedÃâà...
The Daily Orange
April 20, 2018
Faculty members were similarly concerned about the incident and said they had also seen or experienced racism. “I love this university, and this video is not representative of the university or this college,” said Ed Bogucz, an associate professor in the department of aerospace and mechanical engineering.
April 19, 2018
Blacksburg, VA - A year of study abroad in Sweden gave Adam Wise a glimpse of Scandinavia. Now, Wise will hav another 10 months to see the area after having earned a Fulbright research grant. Wise, a native of Chantilly, Virginia, and a senior in mechanical engineering in the College of Engineering,Ãâà...
Lima Ohio
April 15, 2018
BLUFFTON — Dakota Bricker, 19, a senior at Bluffton High School is counting down the days until graduation. “I don't really know what college I'm going to go to yet, but I plan to major in mechanical engineering,” he said. It's a field that's been calling him for many years. “Growing up I just liked mechanicsÃâà...
March 29, 2018
By Mohanned Majdalawi. Intelligent machines are coming for our jobs. Robots are already replacing factory workers and cashiers, while artificial intelligence is being used to handle investment portfolios and even insurance claims. Yet, the notion that this is some issue that needs to be solved in the farÃâà...
Washington University in St. Louis Newsroom
March 28, 2018
Guy Genin, an internationally renowned expert in mechanobiology, was installed as the Harold and Kathleen Faught Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis Feb. 12. Genin, professor of mechanical engineering, studies interfaces and adhesion in nature, physiology andÃâà...
March 24, 2018
But the brace issue may be solved, thanks to a marathon manufacturing effort by Purdue's engineering school. “We've been working with sports medicine here at Purdue for more than the years,” said Eric Nauman, Purdue professor of mechanical engineering. “We've done concussion studies and builtÃâà...
Deseret News
March 24, 2018
CEDAR CITY — The Southern Utah University board of trustees has approved an expansion of the engineering program with the addition of a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering. Current students have already started transitioning to the new degree, and the first degrees may be bestowed asÃâà...
March 23, 2018
With effect from 6 March 2018, a new Sectoral Employment Order has effect in the mechanical engineering building services contracting sector. The Order is the second such SEO to be given effect under the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015. The first was the Sectoral Employment Order for theÃâà...
Nevada Today
March 22, 2018
Recently published research by Guoping Xiong, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, could help pave the way for a new generation of supercapacitors, capable of storing more energy and lasting longer than the existing technology. Xiong and his collaborators have developed a new, bio-inspiredÃâà...
Pasadena Now
March 9, 2018
Teams of Caltech mechanical engineering students put nearly half a year's work of robotics design to the test for all to see at Caltech's 33rd Annual Engineering Design Competition Thursday in front of bleachers filled with cheering spectators. The campus's Beckman Lawn was transformed into aÃâà...
Missouri S&T News and Research
March 9, 2018
Master guards: Brady Kluesner, a senior in nuclear engineering from Urbandale, Iowa; and Tallis Farakh Lockos, a senior in mechanical engineering from Sunset Hills, Missouri. Guards: Alexandria Lore, a senior in chemical engineering and biological sciences from Sullivan, Missouri; Christopher Smith,Ãâà...
March 9, 2018
Tesla has posted a job opening directly related to the development of its upcoming electric crossover SUV — the Model Y. As could be seen in Tesla's job listings on its Careers page, the company is currently looking for a Mechanical Design Engineer who would be responsible for designing, developing,Ãâà...
South Florida Business Journal
March 8, 2018
A national mechanical engineering company is seeking $1.35 million in state and local incentives to expand its Palm Beach Gardens facility and create 100 jobs. On March 13, the Palm Beach County Commission will consider the incentive application for “Project Knight.” The company's name will remainÃâà...
March 8, 2018
In 1999, Neptune earned her mechanical engineering degree at the University of Notre Dame (UND) in Indiana.But during this time, the auto industry was facing an uncertain future and had experienced a recent strike. So instead of pursuing her original plan, Neptune looked for work with companies thatÃâà...
AL.com (blog)
March 7, 2018
Torch Technologies, a 100% employee-owned technology services and solutions company headquartered in Huntsville, is proud to announce it has been chosen by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), North Alabama Section (NAS), as the Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Firm forÃâà...
Manhattan Mercury
March 7, 2018
From Greater Kansas City: Macey Elkinton, sophomore, electrical engineering, Gardner; Robert Wasinger, freshman, mechanical engineering, Leawood; Jack Cashman, freshman, mechanical engineering, Lenexa; Syrus Herz, freshman, mechanical engineering, Olathe; and Lindsay Eckman, freshman,Ãâà...
Pierce County Herald
March 3, 2018
The following area students received degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison during the winter commencement ceremony on Dec. 16, 2017. Prescott — Andrew Gavic, College of Engineering, Bachelor of Science-Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering; Madeline Schmid, Law School,Ãâà...
March 2, 2018
MANILA, Philippines – The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced on Friday, March 2 that 933 out of 1,983 passed the Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination and 20 out of 44 passed the Certified Plant Mechanic Licensure Examination administered by the Board of Mechanical Engineering in ManilaÃâà...
The Guardian
February 28, 2018
... … we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. And unlike many news organisations, we haven't put up a paywall – we want to keep our journalism as open as we can. So you can see why we need to ask forÃâà...
UC Berkeley
February 23, 2018
And there is no systematic way to predict which patients are most vulnerable,” says Grace O'Connell, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at UC Berkeley. With support from the Signatures Innovation Fellows program, O'Connell and graduate student Bo Yang are developing a model to helpÃâà...
Wisconsin Public Radio News
February 12, 2018
The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay has announced a new mechanical engineering program, funded in part by a $5 million private donation. The gift comes from Richard Resch, CEO of the Green Bay-based office furniture manufacturer KI and the new school will be named in his honor. Resch said hisÃâà...
Irish Times
February 2, 2018
Best known as the voice of St Vincent de Paul over many years, he was also an internationally recognised academic who at the height of his career was professor of mechanical and manufacturing engineering at Trinity College. But he was also the boy from Carrow Road, Drimnagh, who, like many of hisÃâà...
Manhattan College News
December 31, 1999
Under the guidance of Mohammad Naraghi, Ph.D., chair of the mechanical engineering department, students Christian Gilleo '18, Gustave Menocal '18, Brian Queenan '18, Aidan Vascatto '18 and William Wagner '18 presented their plan on the effective use of mist cooling in data centers to maintain anÃâà...
New Mexico State University NewsCenter
December 31, 1999
She began her doctorate studies in mechanical engineering in January 2018. Ceballes earned a bachelor's degree in both aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering with a minor in mathematics in December 2017. She was the Highest Honors Graduate for the College of Engineering at the fallÃâà...
UTSA Today
December 31, 1999
(March 20, 2018) – Brendy Rincon Troconis is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) and head of the UTSA Corrosion Research Laboratory. She specializes in the degradation of materials. Since joining UTSA in 2016, Rincon Troconis has received a $125,000Ãâà...
The Daily Herald
December 31, 1999
Christina Jordan, of Stanwood, received the Program for Continuing Education Grant from P.E.O. Chapter FQ, in Snohomish. Jordan has three generations of familial ties to P.E.O.. P.E.O. is a 150-year-old philanthropic organization focused on celebrating, educating and motivating women. Jordan is onÃâà...
Dixie Sun News
December 31, 1999
Dixie State University added a Mechanical Engineering bachelors program to the College of Science and Technology, which held an open house Feb. 22 in celebration of the addition. The event highlighted areas of study such as robotics, mechanical design and manufacturing. Two of St. George's roboticsÃâà...
Georgia Tech News Center
December 31, 1999
But Jonathan Rogers, assistant professor at the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, is trying to change that. He is designing, building and programming robotic drones that can link up and carry larger, heavier objects as a unit. “In my lab, we are working with multiple drones that lift andÃâà...
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