updated Sun. November 28, 2021
February 9, 2018
... 'form.html.php'; exit(); } try { $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=ijdb', 'ijdbuser', 'mypassword'); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $pdo->exec('SET NAMES "utf8"'); } catch (PDOException $e) { $output = 'Unable to connect to the database server.
Markets Insider
February 8, 2018
RALEIGH, N.C., Feb. 08, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Percona, the company that delivers enterprise-class MySQL®, MariaDB and MongoDB® and other open source database solutions and services, today revealed the line-up of in-depth tutorials for the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference ...
Database Journal
February 8, 2018
MySQL's policy has traditionally been to produce a new general release of MySQL Community Server every 18-24 months. Believe it or not, the last general release for MySQL 5.7 was October 21, 2015, so we're more than due for a new version of MySQL. Well, as it happens, MySQL has unveiled a few ...
Network World
February 7, 2018
For answers, we reviewed six popular free or open source database products: Microsoft SQL Server Express, PostgreSQL, Oracle's MySQL, MariaDB, Apache Derby and Firebird SQL. When selecting candidates for our review we chose fully featured relational database management system (RDBMS) ...
January 31, 2018
MariaDB is an open source relational database management system (DBMS) that is a compatible drop-in replacement for the widely used MySQL database technology. It was created as a software fork of MySQL by developers who played key roles in building the original database; they devised MariaDB in ...
January 20, 2018
$date = date("Y-m-d ",strtotime("-1 days", time()))." 00:00:"; $to = "BTC" ; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `pricing_data` WHERE `Label`='$to' AND `Timestamp` LIKE '$date%' LIMIT 1" ;. Any Solution ?? SamA74 2018-01-20 17:51:22 UTC #2. I don't see any difference in the dump of the second query other than an ...
January 16, 2018
I've got an issue when if a user tries to logout they get the message "you have been logged out" but once they click back on any link like 'add new joke' or 'joke list' it immediately logs them back in. I downloaded the code from the github repository to compare it with my code but it seemed to do the exact ...
January 11, 2018
Optimizing MySQL database performance, especially in heavy demand public cloud services, is a key challenge for data base administrators. IT operations and maintenance developers have found that just by compiling the MySQL source code using the Intel C++ Compiler with its Interprocedural ...
December 31, 1999
I'm trying to retrieve data from the database using "Admission no" which is working fine, but my problem is, it shows blank table even when wrong admission no is entered, so instead i want to show "Admission no not found" error. I'm not able to sort it out, can someone help me with this?
December 31, 1999
Need help adding mysql query in my sendmail script to store "name","email","tel","message" in database. This is my sendmail script.
October 24, 2017
PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 6th Edition is a hands-on guide to learning all the tools, principles, and techniques needed to build a professional web ...
October 17, 2017
Chances are, you have MySQL running somewhere in your datacenter. If that's the case, there might be a time when you need to set or change ...
Database Journal
October 9, 2017
Don't you just love getting that email with the subject: “The application is slow! Please check the database!”? You're then expected to very ...
October 8, 2017
Hi I'm trying to update my DB table with below code.When I select all row or only 1st row its working fine, but when I select 2nd row or another ...
App Developer Magazine
October 3, 2017
Everything you need to know about MySQL 8.0 The MySQL version 8.0 release candidate was announced in a recent blog post by MySQL ...
Enterprise Apps Today
September 29, 2017
Back in September 2016, Oracle first announced the open-source MySQL 8.0.0 milestone release and has been quietly iterating and ...
September 28, 2017
MySQL, the popular open-source database that's a standard element in many web application stacks, has unveiled the first release candidate ...
September 27, 2017
To alleviate this headache, I'm going to walk you through the process of deploying a MySQL Docker container, such that you can then connect ...
September 27, 2017
To alleviate this headache, I'm going to walk you through the process of deploying a MySQL Docker container, such that you can then connect ...
September 26, 2017
The long awaited update is here and there's so much to see. This makeover is more than just a shiny new coat of paint on MySQL. But don't ...
SiliconANGLE News (blog)
September 25, 2017
The popular open-source relational database management system MySQL is close to getting a long-overdue makeover with the launch of a ...
September 25, 2017
Im using Mysql for my database but how do i include more than 1 chained dropdown boxes to this coding because my sql tables also includes ...
Database Trends and Applications
September 25, 2017
Oracle has announced the availability of the first release candidate of MySQL 8.0, which focuses on making MySQL better for modern apps.
September 21, 2017
In order to optimise the performance of their MySQL instances, LinkedIn has created a Query Analyzer tool in order to analyze and tune ...
December 31, 1999
I began my search looking for a way to integrate Slack into a website to use as a simple customer assistance channel accessible on the website ...
September 30, 2017
I'm getting the successful message, but actually its not update anything. Whats went wrong here? $myarray = array (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12); ...
September 30, 2017
Issue when displaying results from randomization with Mysql row ... first off, I know this isn't the best method to try and randomize Mysql Rows, ...
Enterprise Apps Today
September 29, 2017
Back in September 2016, Oracle first announced the open-source MySQL 8.0.0 milestone release and has been quietly iterating and ...
September 28, 2017
Here below my code . its working fine, only $itemsize is not inserting any data in db. Others filed are okay. FYI $itemsize will repeatedly insert in ...
September 28, 2017
hi im having difficulty in adding another non AJAX column of mySQL data which in this case is "Sub-Category" without the webpage returning ...
September 28, 2017
To alleviate this headache, I'm going to walk you through the process of deploying a MySQL Docker container, such that you can then connect ...
September 28, 2017
MySQL, the popular open-source database that's a standard element in many web application stacks, has unveiled the first release candidate ...
Markets Insider
September 27, 2017
comPercona Care Ultimate Managed Service Ensures Optimized MySQL Database Performance to Enable Highly Responsive,.
September 26, 2017
The long awaited update is here and there's so much to see. This makeover is more than just a shiny new coat of paint on MySQL. But don't ...
September 25, 2017
Im using Mysql for my database but how do i include more than 1 chained dropdown boxes to this coding because my sql tables also includes ...
SiliconANGLE News (blog)
September 25, 2017
The popular open-source relational database management system MySQL is close to getting a long-overdue makeover with the launch of a ...
September 21, 2017
In order to optimise the performance of their MySQL instances, LinkedIn has created a Query Analyzer tool in order to analyze and tune ...
Design World Network
September 14, 2017
Here, Maple Systems Smart HMIs can help — by connecting to MySQL databases and letting plant managers send logged data and event ...
September 13, 2017
I have 2 x int cols in a table in which user has to specify starting and ending numbers of a range. It can be anything, like in some cases its going ...
Independent Online
September 11, 2017
Sun Microsystems has agreed to buy MySQL AB, the developers of the popular open source MySQL database, for "approximately" $1-billion.
September 1, 2017
I have an insert query that is running with a select subquery. This needs to basically "fork off" copies of the rows it finds and inserts. This part ...
August 26, 2017
Will I improve my Page Speed if I download the data to a MySQL database every minute (from the API)? And drawing data to the website ...
August 24, 2017
I have not done so, but AFAIK, MySQL has both "server" timezone (as set in the config) and "session" timezone (which falls back to using the ...
Database Trends and Applications
August 24, 2017
This release will support MySQL, saving time, minimizing the MySQL learning curve, and mitigating risks that can be associated with building ...
App Developer Magazine
August 19, 2017
Quest launches Toad Edge toolset for MySQL Quest Software, a global systems management and security software provider, has announced ...
August 18, 2017
We're excited to announce the public preview availability of Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL in India data ...
August 17, 2017
This col needs sorting but the E5 comes before EV, how to sort it so that EV comes before E5 ? AB is obviously coming on top. Thanks.
August 16, 2017
We suspect that Amazon will focus on optimizing storage, given that the Aurora databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL) handle updates quite ...
August 11, 2017
While SQL is the language used to interact with databases, MySQL is a database management system used to actually store your data.
Database Journal
August 11, 2017
A key part of keeping your MySQL database running smoothly is the regular monitoring of performance metrics. In fact, there are literally ...
news and opinion