updated Wed. January 17, 2024
Times of India
March 31, 2018
Mozilla has launched an extension in its search engine Firefox to make it hard for Facebook to track users' Web activity. The extension blocks Facebook users' identity while using other websites. The extension will restrict Facebook from collecting the data from the website to target users with related ads.
Digital Trends
March 30, 2018
(in)Secure is a weekly column that dives into the rapidly escalating topic of cybersecurity. Of all browsers, Firefox arguably has the longest history of keeping security at the front of its mind, both technically and philosophically. The browser's parent company, Mozilla, is an active participant in manyÃâà...
The Independent
March 24, 2018
US software giant Mozilla and Germany's Commerzbank have both said they will pull advertising from Facebook over the Cambridge Analytica affair. The social network has been under fire all week over revelations that the political consultancy harvested private data from the Facebook profiles of 50mÃâà...
March 24, 2018
THE MOZILLA FOUNDATION has announced it is to stop advertising on Facebook in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The not-for-profit will 'pause' offering ad revenue to the social networking giant until it strengthens the privacy of user data. Denelle Dixon, Mozilla's chief business and legalÃâà...
March 24, 2018
Firefox maker Mozilla has outlined its 2018 roadmap to make the web less intrusive and safer for users. First up, Mozilla says it will proceed and implement last year's experiment with a breach alerts service, which will warn users when their credentials have been leaked or stolen in a data breach. MozillaÃâà...
March 24, 2018
Mozilla has temporarily pulled its advertising from Facebook over the Cambridge Analytica controversy. The leak of data from 50 million Facebook users to the political consulting firm prompted Mozilla to examine Facebook's default privacy policies, which can give third-party apps access to your profile dataÃâà...
The Register
March 24, 2018
Mozilla intends to add basic ad filtering capabilities to its Firefox browser later this year, according to its recently updated roadmap. The move follows from what Asa Dotzler, Firefox roadmap and community leader at Mozilla, describes as changes that are making the web experience worse. "TrackersÃâà...
The Guardian
March 23, 2018
Before Zuckerberg broke his silence on Wednesday night and discussed the changes Facebook would make in response to the scandal, Mozilla had proposed its own fixes. The organisation suggested a blanket ban on third parties accessing information about the friends of people who use an app, notingÃâà...
Economic Times
March 23, 2018
Internet company Mozilla Corp said on Wednesday it was suspending advertising on Facebook Inc's social media platform on concerns of data ... "We found that its (Facebook) current default settings leave access open to a lot of data - particularly with respect to settings for third party apps," Mozilla said in aÃâà...
March 23, 2018
Mozilla's moves come after revelations about how Cambridge Analytica was able to siphon data about millions of us on Facebook then feed that profile information into US and UK political campaigns. So far the scandal has triggered multiple government investigations, the suspension of CambridgeÃâà...
March 23, 2018
So Mozilla has launched an experiment to identify and eventually eliminate the pop-ups. "Mozilla has a long history of protecting our users from invasive user experiences and tracking practices. We are experimenting with being able to identify and potentially block in-content pop-ups," said Nick Nguyen,Ãâà...
ABC News
March 23, 2018
FILE - In this Aug. 27, 2009 file photo, the site Facebook login webpage is seen on a computer screen in Ottawa, Canada. Mozilla, Tesla and other companies are distancing themselves from Facebook following revelations of a major leak of user data to political consultants associated with the 2016 TrumpÃâà...
March 22, 2018
It's worth noting that Mozilla isn't the only institution to give Facebook the cold shoulder in recent days. There's also pressure on the investor side. Yesterday, the sustainable investment arm of Nordic bank Nordea announced it intends to divest itself of Facebook shares. If this trend snowballs, it could proveÃâà...
March 10, 2018
Google has announced cryptography changes in Android P. The company plans to deprecate some functionality from the BC provider in order to avoid additional costs and risks. In the later release, it plans to remove the deprecated functionality entirely. “In a previous post, we announced that the CryptoÃâà...
March 9, 2018
Mozilla launched the faster Quantum version of its Firefox browser last fall in a bid to restore the nonprofit's reach and influence. Now, the leader of that effort has been promoted to oversee all Mozilla products. Mark Mayo, formerly senior vice president of Firefox, is now Mozilla's chief product officer, CNETÃâà...
February 28, 2018
Mozilla will add an option in Firefox 60 that will let users disable and hide the Firefox Sync option in the Firefox settings panel. Firefox Sync is a Firefox feature that lets users synchronize and backup browsing details to a Firefox account, such as open tabs, installed add-ons, browsing history, browserÃâà...
IEEE Spectrum
February 27, 2018
Last year, Mozilla and the National Science Foundation offered $2 million in prize money for two types of technology: one designed to connect the currently unserved (or underserved) populations to the Internet, and one that can reconnect people should a disaster take out their Internet access. The quest, itÃâà...
Technical.ly Brooklyn
February 22, 2018
“Firefox is a big part of Mozilla's work, but not the whole picture,” explained the Mozilla Foundation's Kevin Zawacki in a text message. “We also run advocacy campaigns and provide grants and fellowships that support an open, equal internet. That's why you'll see us sounding off on net neutrality — or inÃâà...
Chattanooga Times Free Press
February 22, 2018
The National Science Foundation and Mozilla Foundation announced Thursday they have picked the Enterprise Center in Chattanooga to share in part of $2 million being distributed for projects across the country that help bridge the digital divide between those with Internet connections and those who lackÃâà...
February 22, 2018
Mozilla Corp. and Vimeo Inc. filed legal challenges to the Federal Communications Commission's repeal of net neutrality rules, attacking the agency's gutting of Obama-era policy. Regulations the FCC passed in December were published Thursday in the Federal Register, setting in motion legal andÃâà...
February 20, 2018
The FCC may be hard at work at “bridging the digital divide,” as Chairman Pai so frequently puts it, and the Connect America Fund II will help. But while the big players are setting up, people all over the U.S. are going without reliable internet. Mozilla and the National Science Foundation are awarding cashÃâà...
February 14, 2018
Mozilla, the organization behind the development of Firefox (including the excellent Firefox Quantum), filed its own lawsuit back in January, in an attempt to prevent the rule reversal from going into effect. The FCC countered the initial filing by arguing that Mozilla's lawsuit was premature. The FCC's orderÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Mozilla's update comes in the wake of Facebook's scandal with Cambridge Anaytica, where at least 50 million Facebook users had their personal data used without their direct consent. As Mozilla explained, this browser wouldn't have prevented that access, but it does give users more control in what type ofÃâà...
December 31, 1999
In the wake of news that data firm Cambridge Analytica improperly accessed information from millions of Facebook users, some companies are pulling ads from the platform. Mozilla's chief marketing officer, Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, tells Peter Alexander why his company has cut advertising ties with Facebook,Ãâà...
December 31, 1999
Before we continue, though, it is important to note that Mozilla uses the words addons and extensions interchangeably. When Firefox was first released, these programs were only referred to as addons. When Google Chrome was released, they started calling them extensions. Due to the massive popularityÃâà...