updated Sun. September 1, 2024
April 26, 2018
According to the US National Debt Clock, government debt now stands at over $21 trillion – or, put another way, $174,000 per taxpayer. Imagine what the interest payments on that must be. The CBO, in fact, commented on this. Believe it or not, the government's annual payments on interest alone, madeÃâà...
Economics Gazette
March 30, 2018
Berlin's fiscal discipline campaign marks a small but symbolic achievement in the first week of 2018: for the first time in more than two decades, Germany's closely watched “Debt Clock” moved backwards. It was reprogrammed on January 1 to take into account the new federal and regional budget plans.
March 30, 2018
JEFFERSONVILLE — With four children, eight grandchildren and eight-great grandchildren, it's no wonder John Van Binsbergen worries about what we'll leave behind for the next generation of Americans. The 85-year-old has been voting in local, state and national elections since the early 1960s, not longÃâà...
The Canary
March 29, 2018
If you were wondering what the time was on the evening of Wednesday 28 March, it was around 'our-national-debt-hitting-a-flabbergasting-milestone' o'clock. Because one of the various UK national debt clocks tipped over the Ãâã2tn mark. Theresa May must be happy, though, as a promise George OsborneÃâà...
Idaho Statesman
March 28, 2018
To my detriment, I looked at the national debt clock again. We discussed this remarkable real-time chronometer last summer as the national debt was approaching $20 trillion, and it looks on pace to surpass $21 trillion this summer. The big round number was greeted with a yawn, and Congress wasted noÃâà...
LA Daily News
March 26, 2018
I clicked on the national debt clock, you can too, http://www.usdebtclock.org/ and caught a screen grab of the following number: 21,042,833,367,005. Those are dollars. Trillions and trillions of dollars. More than twenty trillion with no end in sight. Every second of every day that number races into deep space.
Juneau Empire
March 24, 2018
According to the national debt clock (http://www.usdebtclock.org/) our debt is $21,034,831,400,009. According to the U.S. Census Bureau (https://www.census.gov/) the current U.S. population is 327,381,490. Dividing the debt by the U.S. population gives a debt of $64,252 for each man, woman and child inÃâà...
KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper
March 12, 2018
Annually, the debt clock displaying the current debt is posted on the Campus Green in its massive form for students to see. The intent is to bring awareness, invoke questioning from the public and encourage them to do their research. This year, it will be posted from 12:30-4:30 p.m. on March 15.
Meadville Tribune
March 8, 2018
Congressman Mike Kelly has a “national debt clock” on his web page purporting to show our nation's growing debt. Why bother? Kelly and many of his GOP brethren are fake fiscal conservatives. They've given up any pretense of caring about deficits with their latest tax and budget bills. In June, before bothÃâà...
January 7, 2018
A “debt clock” in Berlin, run by German tax lobbyists to shame the government into reining in spending, is falling for the first time in its 22-year history. In a sign of Berlin's famously tight fiscal discipline, it shows public coffers moving into the black at a rate of €78 per second. At this pace it would take someÃâà...
The Local Germany
January 5, 2018
A "debt clock" in Berlin, run by German tax lobbyists to shame the government into reining in spending, is falling for the first time in its 22-year history. In a sign of Berlin's famously tight fiscal discipline, it shows public coffers moving into the black at a rate of €78 ($94) per second. Granted, at this pace itÃâà...
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