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updated Sat. July 20, 2024

CHENNAI: Ashwin Sukumaran was 10 when his mother brought home a pair of guppy, a freshwater aquarium fish, from a trade exhibition held in the city. He soon released them in a glass tank and started watching their movements. After a couple of weeks, Ashwin found a school of fry around the adult ...
CHENNAI: Ashwin Sukumaran was 10 when his mother brought home a pair of guppy, a freshwater aquarium fish, from a trade exhibition held in the city. He soon released them in a glass tank and started watching their movements. After a couple of weeks, Ashwin found a school of fry around the adult ...

Vypin: Guppy is a small ornamental fish of less than an inch length. But for Siju Cherian from Cherai, Vypin, it is the luckiest fish which brought him a place among world's finest ornamental fish breeders. This year, his Guppy won him the first runner up prize in Guppy Championship held by Asian Guppy ...
Vypin: Guppy is a small ornamental fish of less than an inch length. But for Siju Cherian from Cherai, Vypin, it is the luckiest fish which brought him a place among world's finest ornamental fish breeders. This year, his Guppy won him the first runner up prize in Guppy Championship held by Asian Guppy ...
Marine and reef aquarium livestock wholesaler Carolina Aquatics has acquired long-time business partner Blue Ridge Fish Wholesale. Blue Ridge Fish Wholesale, founded in 1993, has grown to offer a complete line of tropical freshwater aquarium fish, pond livestock, reptiles, small animals and more.
Marine and reef aquarium livestock wholesaler Carolina Aquatics has acquired long-time business partner Blue Ridge Fish Wholesale. Blue Ridge Fish Wholesale, founded in 1993, has grown to offer a complete line of tropical freshwater aquarium fish, pond livestock, reptiles, small animals and more.

Pet Fish For Sale, the Washington-based pet fish retailer, knows that several varieties of pet freshwater aquarium fish really stand out from the pack. Obscure varieties like cichlids, gouramis, and genetically-modified fish create additional impact when housed in a home or office aquarium. “Unusual or ...
Pet Fish For Sale, the Washington-based pet fish retailer, knows that several varieties of pet freshwater aquarium fish really stand out from the pack. Obscure varieties like cichlids, gouramis, and genetically-modified fish create additional impact when housed in a home or office aquarium. “Unusual or ...
In the study, researchers divided 120 male P. reticulata guppies (aged three months) into four dietary groups differing in levels of carotenoids and n3LC-PUFA. Researchers reared the popular live-bearing fresh-water aquarium fish for four months before extracting and analysing sperm for velocity, motility, ...
In the study, researchers divided 120 male P. reticulata guppies (aged three months) into four dietary groups differing in levels of carotenoids and n3LC-PUFA. Researchers reared the popular live-bearing fresh-water aquarium fish for four months before extracting and analysing sperm for velocity, motility, ...

SINGAPORE - The Republic is the world's largest exporter of ornamental fish like mollies, guppies, goldfish and koi. Industry players here typically import fish from the region, which they either rear or breed for re-export. The latest UN Comtrade statistics released by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority ...
SINGAPORE - The Republic is the world's largest exporter of ornamental fish like mollies, guppies, goldfish and koi. Industry players here typically import fish from the region, which they either rear or breed for re-export. The latest UN Comtrade statistics released by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority ...
Guppies are a species of freshwater aquarium fish whose natural range is in the Caribbean region. Kotrschal and his colleagues previously conducted an artificial selection experiment and successfully generated large- and small-brained guppies. In this study, they aimed to test whether brain size ...
A counterintuitive fishery in Brazil's Amazon yields 40 million tropical fish a year while protecting the rainforest. By Sy Montgomery|Thursday, March 21, 2013. RELATED TAGS: SUSTAINABILITY, ENDANGERED SPECIES, ECOSYSTEMS ?Share. fisherman-rio-negro. A fisherman on the Rio Negro hunts for the cardinal tetra ...
A counterintuitive fishery in Brazil's Amazon yields 40 million tropical fish a year while protecting the rainforest. By Sy Montgomery|Thursday, March 21, 2013. RELATED TAGS: SUSTAINABILITY, ENDANGERED SPECIES, ECOSYSTEMS ?Share. fisherman-rio-negro. A fisherman on the Rio Negro hunts for the cardinal tetra ...
9:56 · Aquarium Ideas - ZooExpo 2011, Warsaw - Duration: 10:40. DefiniteAquascapeTV 757,067 views · 10:40. Top 15 freshwater aquarium fish. - Duration: 2:42. Tanner Duve 1,296,411 views · 2:42 · Segrest Farms in Tampa with hundreds of thousands of fish - Duration: 9:33. bluezootv1 579,790 views.
9:56 · Aquarium Ideas - ZooExpo 2011, Warsaw - Duration: 10:40. DefiniteAquascapeTV 757,067 views · 10:40. Top 15 freshwater aquarium fish. - Duration: 2:42. Tanner Duve 1,296,411 views · 2:42 · Segrest Farms in Tampa with hundreds of thousands of fish - Duration: 9:33. bluezootv1 579,790 views.
While most freshwater aquarium fish are already bred in captivity, breeding saltwater species has been more difficult. According to a press release on Holt's work, saltwater species “tend to spawn smaller, less robust larvae, which are harder to rear to maturity, and to rely on various foods, such as plankton, ...
While most freshwater aquarium fish are already bred in captivity, breeding saltwater species has been more difficult. According to a press release on Holt's work, saltwater species “tend to spawn smaller, less robust larvae, which are harder to rear to maturity, and to rely on various foods, such as plankton, ...


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