updated Sat. July 6, 2024
April 4, 2018
Yet despite marine ecosystems' apparent dependence upon atmospheric dust, few studies have documented a direct, long-term connection between it ... the gulf's surficial dust and chlorophyll a concentrations, even when the researchers account for lags in the marine ecosystem's response, between 1 andÃâà...
Town Topics
April 4, 2018
Researching climate change pressure on marine ecosystems, or lung function in 9/11 first responders, or protein design and antibiotic resistance, or memory and learning and Alzheimer's disease, or liver cancer and cancer immunotherapy in the setting of some of the top university science laboratories inÃâà...
March 26, 2018
Marine fish populations along Canada's Atlantic coast have dropped by 38 per cent since the early 1970's, not the least of which are cod and capelin. Sigrid Kuehnemund, vice-president of ocean conservation for World Wildlife Fund Canada, says the decline in cod and capelin stocks is disappointing, andÃâà...
Irish Examiner
March 25, 2018
It is probably fair to assume that most people living on this island would not be aware that there are coral reefs in Irish territorial waters. We usually associate these marine ecosystems with exotic locations and tropical oceans. In fact, we have a number of such underwater treasures, the latest onlyÃâà...
Cape Breton Post
March 24, 2018
We need more local scientists committed to marine ecosystem research and management. On a personal note, near the end of a long career conducting research in many of the world's oceans, I count myself privileged to have the opportunity to study in the ocean sector at Cape Breton University. Bruce G.
March 20, 2018
An international research team aboard the Niwa vessel Tangaroa spent six weeks installing instruments and carrying out experiments in the Ross Sea to help their understanding of the climate, atmospheric and oceanographic processes in the region and how they influence the marine ecosystem. But theyÃâà...
ABC Online
March 13, 2018
Coral bleaching in waters near the Cobourg Peninsula is ringing alarm bells that the Northern Territory's marine ecosystems are under threat from rising sea surface temperatures, scientists say. Rangers at the Garig Gunak Barlu National Park on the remote peninsula, about 60km north-east of Darwin,Ãâà...
North Coast Journal
March 8, 2018
Cynthia Catton's voice catches a bit as she describes diving along the North Coast this summer to survey the region's red abalone stock as part of annual state monitoring efforts. She had known the situation was bleak but that didn't prepare her for what she would see. "At all of the sites we saw a hugeÃâà...
Lab News
March 7, 2018
A team of scientists, led by the British Antarctic Survey is bound for Antarctica to investigate a mysterious marine ecosystem that's been hidden beneath an Antarctic ice shelf for up to 120,000 years. The iceberg known as A68, which is four times of London, calved off from the Larsen Ice Shelf in July 2017.
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