updated Thu. September 5, 2024
Farmington Daily Times
April 29, 2018
There is no middle ground in the climate debate. That is because the debate is being conducted by the two extremes, both of whom I believe are dangerous to our society. The Deniers, many of them in the oil and gas industry, point to a number of possible natural causes for the warming, dismissing evenÃâà...
April 29, 2018
“A food systems approach is critical to tackling some of the most pressing issues of our day, such as climate change, sustainable land and water use, food waste, and of course human health,” Professor Joachin von Braun, co-chair of the project, said in a press release. “This calls for science initiatives thatÃâà...
The Guardian
April 29, 2018
The government will partner with the Great Barrier Reef Foundation in a $444m agreement to tackle crown-of-thorns starfish, reduce pollution and mitigate the impacts of climate change. The government will increase funding for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Department of theÃâà...
The Express Tribune
April 29, 2018
ISLAMABAD: The government has allocated a budget of Rs803 million from Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for the development portfolio of Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) for the financial year 2018-19. The government has earmarked Rs36 million for two new schemes and Rs767Ãâà...
April 29, 2018
Scientists have known for a long time that as climate change started to heat up the Earth, its effects would be most pronounced in the Arctic. This has many reasons, but climate feedbacks are key. As the Arctic warms, snow and ice melt, and the surface absorbs more of the sun's energy instead of reflecting itÃâà...
ABC Online
April 29, 2018
"There is no planet B" says President Macron in an electrifying speech to Congress, yet for most of us climate change is of much less concern than the cost of living, taxes, schools and health services. As a slow creeping threat, "unlikely to affect me much anyway", climate change is easy to dismiss andÃâà...
April 29, 2018
I have a specific question about one aspect of climate change. We know the sun is our source of energy, and that variations in solar activity have been responsible for past climate changes. But only relatively recently have we been able to measure its energy output. So how can we know that anotherÃâà...
April 29, 2018
May of these are various kinds of geoengineering projects that are designed to counter specific symptoms of the climate change problem. In Smith's case, it would be pumping sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to mimic the chilling effect of massive volcanic explosions. It's important to note that while thisÃâà...
The New Yorker
April 27, 2018
With climate change, it's different. The explosion of a billion pistons inside a billion cylinders every minute of every day just doesn't induce the same tremble. True, Trump is alone among world leaders in dismissing global warming, but most of his peers might as well agree: they've done very little of what's required even toÃâà...
April 27, 2018
As global temperatures continue to rise, snowboarder Arielle Gold, along with skiers David Wise, Jessie Diggins, Stacey Cook and biathlete Maddie Phaneuf, traveled to Capitol Hill this week to brief lawmakers on how climate change is a growing threat to winter sports and outdoor recreation. Gold, whoÃâà...
The UpTake
April 27, 2018
With climate change becoming a larger and larger headline, many wonder what their part of the Midwestern landscape could look like in 20 years. A new study by The Nature Conservancy aims to answer some of those questions and show what can be done to help areas adapt. Meredith Cornett – directorÃâà...
April 27, 2018
Scoreboard. Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England, once called climate change the “tragedy of the horizon.” He was referring to the idea that it's a long-term problem that, according to United Nations estimates, could cost some $36 trillion to address by the year 2050. Yet many investors areÃâà...
April 27, 2018
The impacts of geoengineering on the global scale are unknown, in part because no massive geoengineering project has been undertaken ― apart from human-induced climate change. But models are potentially troubling. Some suggest geoengineering will disrupt rainfall worldwide and damage theÃâà...
April 27, 2018
... and the term “fake news” became the slur du jour against climate change by candidate Donald Trump, the U.S. military was already sounding the alarm. In July of 2015, the Department of Defense published a report titled “National Security Implications of Climate-Related Risks and a Changing Climate.
The Guardian
April 27, 2018
The climate change advocate was speaking at a two-day summit organized by the Equal Justice Initiative, a civil rights legal group in Montgomery. Under its director Bryan Stevenson, EJI has created a new museum and memorial that commemorates the victims of racial violence in the US and looks at theÃâà...
U.S. News & World Report
April 27, 2018
A study called The Role of Health in Climate Litigation by researchers at George Washington University analyzed the role public health concerns play in lawsuits regarding climate change and coal-fired power plants. Lead author Sabrina McCormick, an associate professor of environmental andÃâà...
April 27, 2018
Imagine: You're wading through chest-high jungle in the Amazon Rainforest beside sweaty workers slashing through the brush to create the broad open fields that will grow soy for Brazil's greedily expanding cattle industry. Suddenly you're hovering over the kill chute of a slaughterhouse where a panickedÃâà...
The Daily Tribune
April 23, 2018
The letter included, “not even the remotest corner of the Commonwealth remains unaffected or unthreatened by the impacts of climate change. Commonwealth citizens, especially the poorest, struggle to thrive amidst our changing climate” and urged the meeting to “pursue every effort to keep the increase inÃâà...
April 23, 2018
Carbajal took the main stage during the Environmental Heros award ceremony and said "I am tired like you of watching science taking a back seat to politics." The bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reinstate information about climate change or global warming to its public web site.
The Independent
April 23, 2018
Warmer springs due to climate change are leaving chicks in UK woodlands hungry, according to new research. ... The study adds to mounting evidence that the changing climate is playing havoc with the seasons and causing problems for animals and plants whose actions are calibrated to annual rhythms.
Science Daily
April 23, 2018
Date: April 23, 2018; Source: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ; Summary: Global warming will exacerbate soil droughts in Europe - droughts will last longer, affect greater areas, and have an impact on more people. If the earth warms by three degrees Celsius, extreme events could become the normalÃâà...
April 23, 2018
"This is a very important step forward in the climate community," according to Jason Furtado, an assistant professor of meteorology at the University of Oklahoma who reviewed the study but was not a part of the research. "We are recognizing that the impacts of climate change are not just on long time scalesÃâà...
CNN International
April 23, 2018
... Everglades works without evaluating both the effects of climate change and water management," said Dr. Tiffany Troxler, principal investigator at Florida International University's Wetland Ecosystems Research Lab. With a front row seat for watching the Everglades react to a changing climate, Troxler hasÃâà...
BBC News
April 23, 2018
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he will pay $4.5m (Ãâã3.2m) to cover some of the lapsed US commitment to the Paris climate accord. He said he had a responsibility to help improve the environment because of President Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the deal. The withdrawalÃâà...
The Independent
April 23, 2018
First genetically engineered coral created to help save reefs from climate change ... basic coral biology that we then can apply to predict – and perhaps ameliorate – what's going to happen in the future due to a changing climate,” explained Dr Phillip Cleve, a geneticist and the lead author of the new study.
Science Daily
April 17, 2018
Furthermore, the prescribed burning protects against dangerous wildfires, since young stands are non-flammable for several years, which reduces fire size," says Maria Johansson. It is somehow ironic that a REDD+ project created to mitigate climate change globally, might substantially reduce climateÃâà...
April 17, 2018
On Monday, eight youth filed a lawsuit against Scott, a slew of state agencies, and the state of Florida itself. The kids, ages 10 to 19, are trying to get their elected officials to recognize the threat climate change poses to their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 18-year-old DelaneyÃâà...
TRT World
April 17, 2018
A polar expedition which includes 25 people from universities across Turkey is carrying out a range of scientific studies in Antarctica to monitor climate change. Turkey has pledged to play a more active role in the Antarctic and climate science, with a view to establishing a permanent research base on theÃâà...
Science Daily
April 17, 2018
"We wanted to see how the community would respond when the streamflow changed based on how we think it will likely be affected by climate change in the future," Gunda said. "With climate change, especially in the Southwest, we are expecting to see a reduction in the total stream flow, but also a shift inÃâà...
Pacific Standard
April 17, 2018
Pfieffer's book is one of few places to get this sort of information on the history of Lyme and how it is connected to changing climate—writing on Lyme is usually directed at people with the disease and focuses on addressing their symptoms. It isn't the first piece published about Lyme and climate change, butÃâà...
The Intercept
April 17, 2018
Billed as a “Contra-COP23,” it takes place about an hour's train ride from COP23, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's 23rd annual Conference of Parties talks in Bonn, where the world is vowing to redouble its efforts to combat climate change in spite of the spurning of U.S.Ãâà...
The Independent
April 17, 2018
Britain will become major developed economy to commit to examining how it will meet the terms of the Paris climate agreement and review its long-term target to cut carbon emissions, experts have said. The Committee on Climate Change will investigate the potential for the UK to tighten its reductionÃâà...
InsideClimate News
April 17, 2018
Eight young Floridians, ages 10 to 19, sued their state and its climate-policy-averse governor on Monday for failing to protect residents from the impacts of a warming climate. They say they already see signs of climate change around them—from powerful hurricanes to extreme heat waves to tidal floodingÃâà...
The Independent
April 12, 2018
Volcanic eruptions alter the climate by spewing smoke and ash into the atmosphere, but scientists now also think the opposite might be true – changes in climate could actually cause volcanic eruptions. According to Gioachino Roberti, a PhD student at the University of Clermont Auvergne, glaciers canÃâà...
The Conversation UK
April 12, 2018
As we've set out in a new study in Nature, the weakening of this ocean circulation system may have begun naturally but is probably being continued by climate change related to greenhouse gas emissions. This circulation is a key player in the Earth's climate system and a large or abrupt slowdown couldÃâà...
Discover Magazine (blog)
April 12, 2018
And now new evidence suggests that climate change is already weakening this massive ocean circulatory system. In a pair of papers published Wednesday in Nature, two sets of independent researchers used very different techniques to reach the same startling conclusion. Both studies found that meltingÃâà...
New York Times
April 12, 2018
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — New Zealand will stop issuing permits for offshore oil and gas exploration as it moves to combat climate change, the government announced Thursday, but it stopped short of halting exploration already underway. The move provoked bitter responses from the petroleumÃâà...
Register Pajaronian
April 12, 2018
SANTA CRUZ — A new take on climate change is the topic of a documentary film made by two local videographers. Created and produced by Lois Robin and Ed Schehl, “The Dirt on Climate Change” is a culmination of an eight-month project and will be screened Sunday in Santa Cruz. The film tacklesÃâà...
Climate Home
April 12, 2018
In the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change adopted in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, governments agreed a long-term objective of stabilizing “greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
April 12, 2018
If climate change goals aren't met, the UK's countryside will be completely unrecognisable by 2100. This is how that .... year by year. Unable to keep pace with the changing climate, most of Norfolk's butterflies will stay where they are, in ever smaller numbers, until one day they simply aren't there anymore.
Harvard Crimson
April 12, 2018
The Climate Change Preparedness and Resilience Plan, drafted in Nov. 2017, outlines steps the City of Cambridge can take to address potential issues created by climate change. The plans lists four major concerns for the city: increased temperatures, precipitation, rising sea levels, and storm surges.
Glens Falls Post-Star
April 12, 2018
I would like to add a point to your coverage of the town hall that our representative from the 21st District, Ms. Elise Stefanik, held on April 6 at Moriah. At that meeting Ms. Stefanik re-stated her belief that climate change is real and reviewed the actions she is promoting to help counter it. She focused inÃâà...
Louisiana Weekly
April 3, 2018
(TriceEdneyWire.com) — More than a million African-Americans live within a half mile of existing natural gas facilities and that number continues to grow. Because of this, many predominately Black communities “face an elevated risk of cancer due to air toxic emissions from natural gas development,”Ãâà...
April 3, 2018
A new Gallup survey shows that independent voters are less concerned about climate change than they were a year ago. In the last year, independents have become less likely to accept that global warming is happening and that humans are the cause, and less likely to perceive that there's a scientificÃâà...
Record Bee
April 3, 2018
CLEARLAKE >> The Lake County Campus of Woodland Community College is hosting a Speaker Series on Climate Change on the first three Wednesdays of April from 5-7 p.m. each evening in room 209. Everyone is invited to attend these informative and timely presentations that include the opportunityÃâà...
Climate Liability News
April 3, 2018
The admission, coupled with statements he made regarding emission reductions, could prove significant in the growing number of lawsuits against ExxonMobil for contributing to climate change, particularly in public nuisance claims by New York City and several municipalities in California. “We are not inÃâà...
April 3, 2018
April 3, 2018 – National Park Service officials have deleted every mention of humans' role in causing climate change in drafts of a long-awaited report on sea .... “It's becoming clearer and clearer to most Americans that weather patterns are changing, climate change is a real phenomenon, and it's affectingÃâà...
The Independent
April 3, 2018
Voreqe Bainimarama said the island nation now faces a “fight for survival” as climate change brings “almost constant” deadly tropical cyclones. The islands avoided a direct hit by Cyclone Josie on Sunday, but the storm brought heavy rains, high winds and flooding, which caused extensive damage toÃâà...
April 3, 2018
The ground, made from dirt and coral, disappears twice a day when the high tide comes in. I visited Nasingin on a research mission to get the locals' notions of climate change. Constantly battered by fierce typhoons, sea surges, and strong winds, the community knows that nature's course has changedÃâà...
April 3, 2018
You might assume this will happen sometime in the distant future, when sea levels rise. But it's already happening. Climate change is taking beaches away from humans — in a physical way, as rising seas erode them, and in the way humans interact with them, as several governments have closed beachesÃâà...