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updated Thu. June 20, 2024

Unlike other hermit crabs, these extraordinary crustaceans do not search for empty shells to settle in for protection. Instead, they have developed a symbiotic relationship with sea anemones to cover their soft bellies. To do this, the crabs use highly specialized chelipeds to pull back and forth the anemone's ...

Some of the ocean's tiniest creatures may be creating powerful jets of water that profoundly alter the Earth's environment. By studying brine shrimp that measure just a few millimeters long, researchers at Stanford University discovered that small sea creatures can produce shockingly large-scale effects ...
But those of well-endowed ancient crustaceans? Much more tragic. According to a new study published in science journal Nature, ostracod species with massive junk were more likely to go extinct than their less-blessed peers. To quote professor and study author John Swaddle, ostracods were “the Don ...
Gene Hunt at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC and his colleagues studied the fossil record of small, chalky-shelled crustaceans called ostracods, some of which survive today. To accommodate their sex organs, the males' shells are more elongated than the females', making it easy ...
Fisheries that targeted smaller open sea fish, on the other hand, contributed only 2 per cent of the sector's emissions despite accounting for a fifth of all reported landings. Previous research has suggested that fisheries targeting crustaceans consume substantial quantities of fuel while catching relatively low ...
Understanding various facets of the global crustaceans market, Persistence Market Research has come up with an analytical research publication titled “Crustaceans Market: Global Industry Analysis (2012-2016) and Forecast (2017-2025).” The comprehensive crustaceans market research report focuses ...
It's no secret that male and female animals tend to differ in their appearance. Human males are larger on average than human females, for instance, to a degree consistent with what's observed in other primates. Sometimes, as with peahens and their strutting peacock counterparts, the divergence can be ...
Hidden over 1,000m underwater along the Sunda Strait off the coast of Jakarta is a peculiar spider crab with plates resembling ears that actually protect its eyes. It had not been seen for some 10 million years, till researchers from Singapore and Indonesia discovered it while trawling the depths of the sea ...
Market Research Report Search Engine (MRRSE) recently announced the addition of a new research study to its comprehensive collection of research reports. The research report, titled “Global Market Study on Crustaceans: Direct Distribution Channel to Witness High Growth Potential in the Years to ...


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