updated Sun. August 18, 2024
The Hindu
April 21, 2018
Though many of these host plants have been documented since the 1800s, the records are scattered and hard to find, says Ravikanthachari Nitin of the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bengaluru. “The taxonomies of the plants [as well as the] butterflies are also archaic and outdated,” heÃâà...
Healthcare Trends
April 20, 2018
Application coverage of global Molecular Biology Analyzers market based on Biological Study and Diseases Screening. ... Biology Analyzers market bifurcated into five geographic regions and conducts a regional attractiveness on the basis of global Molecular Biology Analyzers market taxonomy.
April 20, 2018
Once considered freaks of nature or biological oddballs by many naturalists and experts, natural hybrids are back in the conservation spotlight as key to evolution. In February, new research ... “The species as a taxonomic unit has been one of the most controversial topics in biology.... Modern biology hasÃâà...
Undark Magazine
April 19, 2018
Potts first joined the Smithsonian Institution, the United States' vast network of public museums and research centers, back in 1985, and he knew he wanted to create a new kind of human evolution exhibit — one that went beyond phylogeny and taxonomy. The hall's lofty title — “What Does It Mean To BeÃâà...
April 13, 2018
Moreover, genetic analysis of 113 morphological and 5,280 molecular characters for 63 species reveals stonefish possessing the lachrymal saber are closely related, producing a revised taxonomy of flatheads, scorpionfish, sea robins and stonefish. The researchers found the switchblade-like devices inÃâà...
Valley Courier
April 13, 2018
ALAMOSA – Adams State University biology majors Sam Ogden and Julie Starkey are pursuing their passion for science and preparing for their ... with each other and the environment due to their overwhelming presence on Earth and their contributions to nutrient cycling, foundational biological processes,Ãâà...
Michigan Medicine (blog)
April 5, 2018
The research helped us understand the functional consequences of specific mutations, particularly how they drive the biology of tumors. Nearly all ... Insights about genomics for thyroid cancers and other cancers have catalyzed or accelerated revisions of tumor taxonomies, or how we classify tumors.
Yale News (blog)
April 5, 2018
In biological taxonomy, every new genus and species was associated with a defining "type specimen," and thousands of type specimens resided in the Peabody's collection rooms. The museum's collections included type specimens of plant materials and vertebrate and invertebrate animals. In addition toÃâà...
Science Magazine (blog)
March 26, 2018
Ohl is at his best in the book's final chapters, where he merges linguistics, philosophy, and biology together in a consideration of some particularly unusual matters of taxonomy. A chapter devoted in part to Nessie the Loch Ness Monster raises interesting questions of the implications of naming an objectÃâà...
March 21, 2018
Biological sciences had the highest proportion of respondents who shared data relating to publications (75%), followed by the Earth sciences (68%), ... solutions - Abstracting & Indexing (A&I), Knowledge Modeling (Taxonomies, Thesauri and Ontologies), and Metadata Enrichment & Entity Extraction.
Perfect Analyst
March 20, 2018
The recently imported report titled 'Global Histidine Market' contains all the necessary data and caters complete guidance to the readers and competitors of Histidine market. It gives an accurate study of Histidine market for a forecast period from 2018 to 2023. In the beginning, it introduces market segments,Ãâà...
Mental Floss
March 20, 2018
In The Art of Naming (The MIT Press), Michael Ohl, a biologist at the Natural History Museum of Berlin, delves into the art, science, language, and history of taxonomy. There are some 1.8 million known species—and scientists estimate that 100 million more await discovery. Every one will need a name.
March 20, 2018
Taxonomy is the science of defining groups of biological organisms on the basis of these shared characteristics, and then naming the groups. .... This interface development has huge potential for Digital Biology, and enables morphology and in situ gene expression patterns to be explored easily using aÃâà...
The Hindu
March 17, 2018
The national conference-cum-workshop by the Orchid Society of India on 'Current trends in conservation, sustainable development, and biological and social benefits of medicinally and floriculturally significant orchids' will address orchid diversity, assessment, and taxonomy; biology, restoration ecology,Ãâà...
March 4, 2018
She is currently studying her PhD in Plant Taxonomy and Economic Botany at the University of Nairobi. ... She would go on to graduate with first class honours in Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Nairobi, after which she was awarded a scholarship by DAAD, a funding organisation for theÃâà...
The Hindu
March 1, 2018
... and biological and social benefits of medicinally and floriculturally significant orchids', P. Rajendran, associate director of research, RARS, Ambalavayal, told The Hindu. The conference will address orchid diversity, assessment, and taxonomy; biology, restoration ecology, and improvement; propagationÃâà...
Science Daily
February 27, 2018
They employed genome sequencing (ddRADseq) to study the evolutionary history of Cebuella and found two lineages. Professor Boubli said: "There has long been confusion over the taxonomy of these wonderful creatures mostly because Spix did not record in his travel diaries the exact location where heÃâà...
UH System Current News
February 26, 2018
Stallman is a graduate student in UH Hilo's Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science program, where he studies fungal taxonomy and conservation genetics of Hawaiian plants. He is working on his master's thesis on Hawaiian fungi with Don Hemmes, professor emeritus in biology and aÃâà...
Brattleboro Reformer
February 19, 2018
He taught on topics such as general biology, tropical ecology, ornithology, marine ecology, comparative physiology, plant taxonomy and desert ecology. And he was ... Jennifer Ramstetter, who teaches biology and environmental studies at Marlboro College, considers Engel her mentor. She attended theÃâà...
Harvard Medical School
February 6, 2018
He received the funding for his proposal “Molecular and functional taxonomy of vagal motor neurons.” ... Eric FischerEric Fischer, assistant professor of biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology at HMS, is a 2018 recipient of the Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award, which funds cancerÃâà...
February 6, 2018
To update the count of global mammal species, the researchers reviewed more than 1,200 taxonomic publications appearing after the end-2003 cutoff date ... to ignore taxonomy, so many people do—but it's the essential language for how researchers communicate through time to study biological diversity.
Science Trends
December 31, 1999
Scientific classification of the biological world is our way of classifying species based on their biological, morphological, other characteristics that help to define them as ... We consider these groupings to be paraphyletic, which is a loose grouping term that does not adhere to the strict structure of taxonomy.
Daily Nation
December 31, 1999
Magrate Kaigongi a research scientist (Plant Taxonomy) KEFRI Nairobi during the interview, Wednesday, February 21, 2018. ... She would go on to graduate with first class honours in Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Nairobi, after which she was awarded a scholarship by DAAD,Ãâà...
Discover Magazine (blog)
December 31, 1999
And if we can't decide whether this little bird deserves to be a species, perhaps there's more uncertainty than we might like in the world of taxonomy. In 2013, two ... The distinctions are subtle, but that's common in the field in the field of taxonomy. ... There's the classical biological definition, of course.
The Hindu
December 31, 1999
Orchid Fest-2018, a three-day international orchid festival being organised jointly by the Department of Agriculture Development and Farmers' Welfare, Kerala Agricultural University, and Orchid Society of India, will be held at the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS) of the university atÃâà...
PLOS Research News
December 31, 1999
I got drawn into tardigrade research very quickly since so many things about these amazing and beautiful creatures are yet to be uncovered, no matter whether it's their taxonomy, phylogeny, evolution, ecology, behavior, physiology, or any other aspect of their biology. Everything about tardigrades is simplyÃâà...
Horticulture Week
December 31, 1999
US efforts to develop biological SWD controls have so far yielded mixed results. According to Michigan State University researcher ... "We now need to look at their biology and taxonomy," says researcher Kent Daane of the University of California, Berkeley. Three candidate species are now being testedÃâà...
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