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updated Mon. September 23, 2024

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, US drone strikes have killed as many as 1,551 civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen since ... Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK's Director, said, “Civilians are dying at the press of a button from a drone operator sitting behind a screen ...
According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, US drone strikes have killed up to 1,551 civilians since 2004 in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia. Amnesty International and others have exposed how some drone strikes have violated international law, and may amount to extrajudicial ...

On 17 April Amnesty International released a report documenting the collective punishment of women and children related to suspected ISIL members ... The Afghan security forces and all international military forces operating within Afghanistan must prioritize the protection of civilians and strictly adhere to ...
During the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the UK government arrested hundreds of men as part of “Operation Demetrius” in the summer of 1971. 342 people were interned (imprisoned without trial) as part of the Operation. 14 men were chosen for 'special treatment' and were taken to a secret interrogation ...
Amnesty International's latest annual report has found that fewer executions were carried out around the world in 2017 than the year prior. ... In Afghanistan, five people were put to death by hanging, the report said, in what appeared to be a hasty response to a growing number of terrorist attacks.
Even if born and raised in Pakistan, Afghan refugees are deported to Afghanistan, a land they've never known .... Each signed a document saying they were "voluntarily returning" to Afghanistan, a practice Amnesty International has said is often illegal, because the detainees are usually not given legal ...

Amnesty International-Israel served as a propaganda front busy manipulating “human rights” reports to suit Israel's interests.[4] AI-London has not commented on the manipulation by its Israeli siblings. In 2012, Amnesty erected advertising posters in the US applauding NATO's actions in Afghanistan ...
Notwithstanding the progress made, the ongoing conflict and terrorist attacks continued to inflict immense suffering on Afghan people, and continued .... KATE GILMORE, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, presented reports concerning Afghanistan, Cambodia, Haiti and Yemen.
De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State oordeelt vandaag in een uitspraak dat, hoewel de veiligheidssituatie in Afghanistan als geheel “zorgelijk” is, Afghaanse asielzoekers geen recht hebben op asiel enkel vanwege het feit dat zij uit dit land komen. Als gevolg van deze uitspraak dreigt ...
The Council based its ruling on reports and documents from various organizations, including the United Nations, Amnesty International, and Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland. On Wednesday at least 26 people were killed in an attack in the Afghan capital of Kabul, according to the broadcaster. A terrorist blew ...
The Council of State was ruling on an appeal brought by an Afghan man whose request for asylum had been rejected. ... The court said it had based its ruling on reports by 16 Dutch and international organisations, including the UN, Amnesty International and refugee organisation Vluchtelingenwerk.
The Council of State was ruling on an appeal brought by an Afghan man whose request for asylum had been rejected. ... The court said it had based its ruling on reports by 16 Dutch and international organisations, including the UN, Amnesty International and refugee organisation Vluchtelingenwerk.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL has condemned a new ruling from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concluding that British authorities did not engage in torture during the ... Following the memos' specifications, the CIA would use the 'five techniques' on victims in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
ISLAMABAD: Human rights watchdog Amnesty International has called on Pakistan to resolve hundreds of cases of enforced disappearances for which ... Pakistan has had a history of enforced disappearances over the past decade, mainly confined in the past to conflict zones near the Afghanistan border ...
According to Amnesty International, Afghanistan's minister of finance, Eklil Hakimi, told the Afghan Parliament in 2016: "If Afghanistan does not cooperate with E.U. countries on the refugee crisis, this will negatively impact the amount of aid allocated to Afghanistan." And Afghanistan can't survive without ...
In its annual report for 2071/2018, titled The State of the World's Human Rights, released on Thursday, Amnesty International (AI) painted a grim picture of human rights violations and casualties in Afghanistan during the reporting period and said ongoing conflict continues to cause widespread suffering.
Amnesty International released its annual report Thursday, highlighting a worsening of human rights worldwide. The report ... Germany, grappling with an influx of refugees from the Middle East and Afghanistan, reported more than 1,000 criminal offenses against refugees and asylum seekers. But the ...

As well as refugees, Amnesty International's The State of the World's Human Rights 2017-2018 report references the former government's failure to ... into allegations made in the book "Hit and Run", namely, that the New Zealand Defence Force committed war crimes during a 2010 raid in Afghanistan.
In 2016, 785 people were returned from the UK to Afghanistan, and between 2007 and 2015, 2,018 people who had sought refuge in the UK as unaccompanied child asylum seekers were deported to Afghanistan, according to a report from Amnesty International. The annual report quoted Eklil Hakimi, ...
“We stand in solidarity with our colleagues at Save the Children following this dreadful news, which comes after a wave of violence against civilians including the deadly assault at the Intercontinental Hotel. “It is an organisation that has worked tirelessly in Afghanistan for more than four decades, delivering ...
"The attack on Shamshad TV is a horrific crime that tragically demonstrates the risks Afghanistan's journalists face for their legitimate work. The Afghan authorities must do what they can to protect the country's media, allowing them to work freely and without fear. The perpetrators must be brought to justice ...
Several people Amnesty International interviewed for the report were sent to parts of Afghanistan they had never known, despite the dangerous situation ... in Afghanistan, European governments recognized it when the European Union (EU) signed the “Joint Way Forward,” an agreement to return Afghan ...
(LONDON)--The Amnesty International, a London-based NGO for human rights with more than seven million members and supporters worldwide, has released its annual report, saying ... The Amnesty International mentioned the case of Azerbaijani investigative journalist Afghan Mukhtarli in its report.
The Kabul Process conference must put the protection of Afghan civilians and accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity at the heart of its discussions this week, Amnesty International said. Leaders and representatives of 23 governments, the United Nations, the European Union and the ...


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