updated Tue. July 30, 2024
Outlook India
December 2, 2017
The principal themes of Gorbachev's tenure were economic reform (perestroika) and democratisation of governance (glasnost). Unfortunately for him, perestroika ran aground even as glasnost gathered steam, focussing public attention on the shortcomings of the system and unleashing forces that he could ...
The Nation.
December 1, 2017
My generation was lucky—perestroika commenced just as we were starting out professionally. Ogonyok magazine, where I had the good fortune to work, was in the avant-garde of changes, wrote the truth about the past and present, called for civil rights and freedom of speech, and was supported by ...
Il Manifesto
December 1, 2017
Risponde pienamente alla «mission», dunque, Chronicles of The Time of Troubles, inserito nella sezione TFFdoc internazionale, documentario concepito da Vladymir Eysner per rappresentare gli anni della perestroika, o almeno per provare a restituirne brandelli di percezione, attraverso lo smarrimento ...
The American Conservative
November 14, 2017
The reasoning of Gorbachev's program of perestroika—as an attempt to both transcend tired Soviet orthodoxies while remaining loyal to the underlying assumptions of the regime—also explains the attraction of Trumpism to many conservative intellectuals, voters, and activists. Trumpism gives its followers ...
Deutsche Welle
November 6, 2017
In 1987 — after the beginning of Glasnost and Perestroika — discussions about a radical reassessment of the Russian Revolution and its effects began. Such heretofore taboo figures as the Bolshevik Nikolai Bukharin suddenly reappeared; works that had been prohibited for decades were published and ...
December 31, 1999
My father, the playwright Alexander Guelman, was well known in the 1970s and was once lauded by Mikhail Gorbachev as the father of perestroika , the movement for reform within the Communist Party. At that time, theater was changing the perceptions of an entire generation. During the period of glasnost ...
MWC News
December 31, 1999
In a direct way, Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost were his general admissions that the system needed a drastic overhauling, something with which many of us agreed. But he had no means at his disposal or power to effect such transformations without unleashing those very forces which eventually got ...
Economic Times
September 13, 2017
Such 'glasnost', and highlighting of his 'perestroika' in the Congress shows he may be finally learning to tactfully position himself. Blaming BJPÃÂ ...
September 13, 2017
"I have in mind the oil price hikes of $100-120 per barrel. I cannot fail to recall the collapse of these prices during the perestroika era," he wrote.
Georgia Today
September 12, 2017
In fact, the reform is a continuation of Georgia's never ending “perestroika” and will not significantly change the environment, due to problemsÃÂ ...
September 10, 2017
Part One: "Millennium Approaches" was first performed at the National Theatre in 1992 and was followed by Part Two: "Perestroika" theÃÂ ...
August 26, 2017
In Partnership with Annie Russell Theatre and the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Purchase a Season Pass to attend all NationalÃÂ ...
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
August 17, 2017
Songa Offshore's shareholders Perestroika AS (“Perestroika”), funds beneficially owned by Asia Research & Capital Management Ltd, andÃÂ ...
The Nation.
August 17, 2017
The peak—and at the same time, the end—of perestroika came in 1991. It awakened unprecedented civil activity in Soviet people, in all classesÃÂ ...
August 17, 2017
The respective members of these highly regarded collectives have decided to team up as a new duo called Perestroika. With a full-lengthÃÂ ...
Russia Beyond the Headlines
August 15, 2017
Viktor Tsoi died on Aug. 15, 1990, at the age of 28 and became a true symbol of the Perestroika during the late Soviet Union. He remains a cultÃÂ ...
Communities Digital News
August 11, 2017
Our portfolios have been pounded this week. Good inflation news helps stocks Friday, though the selling tsunami may not be over yet.
Broadway World
August 9, 2017
Part One: Millennium Approaches was first performed at the National Theatre in 1992 and was followed by Part Two: Perestroika the followingÃÂ ...
July 24, 2017
The National Theatre Live presentation of Angels in America, Part 1: Millennium Approaches by Tony Kushner will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday, August 21 in theÃÂ ...
July 20, 2017
On July 27 Perestroika, the second part of the current London production of the Pulitzer Prize-winning drama Angels in America, is broadcastÃÂ ...
The Durango Herald
December 31, 1999
It is so sprawling it comes in two parts: Millennium Approaches and Perestroika. Parts I and II will be streamed on two nights this weekend fromÃÂ ...
The Epoch Times
December 31, 1999
But even as his administration pushed through the fateful policies glasnost and perestroika, Gorbachev held onto the Marxist ideology—with itsÃÂ ...
New York Times
December 31, 1999
Going beyond the aforementioned entries, we also have PLAY MAKER, PERESTROIKA, LATE EDITION, TSAR ALEXANDER II (a highlyÃÂ ...
Opera News
December 31, 1999
Seen on July 30 in Anne Bogart's unspectacular but effective Perestroika-era production Dimitrij proved fascinating and rewarding.
Belfast Telegraph
March 26, 2017
He was its Moscow correspondent during the era of Glasnost and Perestroika and would get "great stuff" by going to politicians' homes to ask them questions.
Free Press Journal
March 26, 2017
Many others are hateful of Boris Yeltsin and bitter about Mikhail Gorbachev and his policies of Perestroika and Glasnost. This is the account of a former, high-ranking Kremlin insider: "Stalin created a state that was impossible to puncture from below ...
Daily Sabah
March 26, 2017
This was mostly contracted during the difficult perestroika era from 1985 to 1991, a time of failed attempts to reform the USSR's dysfunctional political and economic system.
Hindu Business Line
March 24, 2017
Despite 25 years of perestroika, Russia still keeps a lot of things within the reach of the common people, making it abundantly affordable to get there.
The Calvert Journal
March 24, 2017
The artist takes this legend and sets it against the backdrop of perestroika, skillfully bringing together his teenage days spent in 1980s Ufa (Bashkortostan's capital) with elements of anime and manga.
The Peak
March 24, 2017
The play has been widely acclaimed by critics as a sensitive telling of the struggles during the beginning of the AIDS crisis, while also presenting many sympathetic characters and storylines.
March 23, 2017
Under bright lights and crowded room, each student stepped up to the microphone and faced a panel of judges at the San Diego Hall of Champions to spell words such as "Fennec," "Hartebeest," and "Perestroika." With three students and the contestÃÂ ...
March 21, 2017
A generation later, at the peak of the perestroika initiative in 1988 of yet another Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, Grechukhina inquired again for details -- and again, her request was refused.
March 21, 2017
Part One: Millennium Approaches and Part Two: Perestroika, which begin in March 2018, will be performed in repertory. Rounding out the season are Cho's Office Hour, directed by Berkeley Rep associate director Lisa Peterson and described as a "searingÃÂ ...
Nashville Scene
March 21, 2017
The play's characters connect continuously from Part 1 ("Millennium Approaches") to Part 2 ("Perestroika"), and that requires two distinctly different casts of 10.
The Liberty Conservative
March 20, 2017
But an important component of any religion, even the leftist secular version, involves recognizing a false prophet. And the Left is famous for worshiping them, from Lenin, to Stalin, to the Rosenbergs, to Hiss.
Time Out New York (blog)
March 17, 2017
If you can't make it over, Angels in America will be broadcast live to cinemas around the UK and internationally (including cinemas across the US).
Roanoke Times
March 16, 2017
Known as the Soviet National Ballet during the transitional period of Perestroika in the late 1980s, it emerged as part of a newfound creative freedom.
Lynchburg News and Advance
March 16, 2017
2013: Perestroika - "the policy of economic and governmental reform instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union during the mid-1980s.
Broadway World
March 16, 2017
BWW Review: ACT 1's Otherworldly ANGELS IN AMERICA: PERESTROIKA Make no bones about it: the mind and imagination of playwright Tony Kushner (whose Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes is playing at Nashville's DarkhorseÃÂ ...
Yahoo Finance
March 13, 2017
"Angels in America" will be broadcast in two parts; "Part 1: Millennium Approaches" on Thursday, July 20 at 7:00 p.m. local time and "Part 2: Perestroika" on Thursday, July 27 at 7:00 p.m. local time. Andrew Garfield plays Prior Walter alongside cast ...
March 13, 2017
Starting from 1992 Chernyayev was a staff member of the Gorbachev Foundation in charge of the project entitled Documental History of Perestroika. Foreign Policy of Perestroika. Show more. Share. Top News. March 13, 16:24. EU prolongs sanctions againstÃÂ ...
The Guardian
March 6, 2017
As a teenager during Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika, he devoured literature about the Whites, and swiftly became a monarchist.
Huffington Post
March 5, 2017
It should also make it easier for American audiences to sympathize with them, assuming they embrace Gorbachev's policies of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (the restructuring of political and economic institutions). Philip, increasingly ambivalent ...
Las Vegas Sun
March 4, 2017
Trump's first visit to the country took place in 1987 when Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika reform program was in full swing, although private property was still outlawed.
ABC Online
March 3, 2017
But the school's principal Victor Loktyuhin is older and his memory is longer. "If we to compare it to the 90s, after perestroika, the difference is striking," he said. profile shot of school principal viktor loktyuhin. Victor says life in Russia is ...
The Australian
March 3, 2017
During the turbulent Perestroika years he was a second secretary at the Soviet mission to the UN before moving to the Washington embassy.
Los Angeles Times
March 3, 2017
Sergey Kislyak has seen it all: Moscow's man in Washington started his diplomatic career back in the Cold War, went through the perestroika and glasnost era, and has been Russia's ambassador to the U.S. for more than a decade. But chances are you neverÃÂ ...
UB News Center
March 3, 2017
The Russian National Ballet Theatre was founded in Moscow during the transitional period of perestroika in the late 1980s, when many of the great dancers and choreographers of the Soviet Union's ballet institutions were exercising their new-found ...
The BRICS Post
March 2, 2017
It was under his rule that glasnost or openness was introduced as part of his bid to democratize the Soviet Union - a movement that came to be called perestroika. Gorbachev is perhaps more widely known in the West for his 1986 meeting with the late USÃÂ ...
The Independent
March 2, 2017
His watchwords were glasnost and perestroika - the one denoting "openness", above all over the Soviet Union's bloody and officially distorted history; the second meaning "restructuring", of the economy and the bureaucratic system that underpinned it.