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updated Fri. June 28, 2024

The border issue has its roots in the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I, and in subsequent international treaties that gave many islands that had once belonged to the Ottoman Empire — including Kastellorizo, the nearest permanently inhabited island to Ro — to other European ...
Life in the Ottoman Empire 200 years ago was an orgy of color, sex, mustache-twirling, same-sex encounters, and a serious lack of clothes. If you need proof, look no further than the illustrations and manuscripts of an “Ottoman playboy,” a collection of 200-year-old illustrations and texts that show a rare and ...

By Asjad Ali. Around 1299 small groups were forming and one of the strongest was led by Uthman in the area of Turkey. It was the start of Ottoman Empire. This Empire lasted for 600 years (1299-1922) under it's 36 sultans. It covered Turkey to South-East Europe, western Asia, North Africa and to Azer ...
Germany's biggest gun manufacturer, Mauser, supplied the Ottoman Empire with millions of rifles and pistols and Krupp — the forerunner of industrial giant ThyssenKrupp — supplied artillery pieces which were used to blast away at Armenian fighters holding out on the Musa Dagh mountain in 1915.
He renamed Constantinople as Istanbul which became centre of Ottoman Empire and most of the rulers resided there. His rule is considered in two reign (August 1444-September 1446) and (3rd February 1451-3rd May 1481). He was born on 30th March 1432 in Edrine. His father was Sultan Murad II and ...
... newspapers and hospitals so long as they paid taxes to the sultan. But in the 1830s, modernizers of the Ottoman Empire introduced a westernized concept of citizenship and did away with the millet system. A group of Muslim intellectuals, known as the Young Ottomans, fiercely opposed the reforms.

He also expressed concern over Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's belligerent language, including his references to reviving the Ottoman Empire, and to Turkey's continued drift away from Europe and from international law. Relations between Greece and Turkey are at a low ebb over a host of ...
Dubai is known for its incredible international cuisine and restaurant scene. All through the city, one can try different authentic style of foods and some of the best in the Middle East. Arabic food of course is very popular as is Lebanese and Persian. But one special kind of cuisines that is well loved in the ...
“When we talk about Ottoman subjects we're talking about all the people in the large area which comprised the Ottoman Empire,” Basaran said, displaying a map showing the transcontinental empire stretching from southeastern Europe across North Africa to western Asia. Although her research focused on Istanbul, this was ...
The early 20th century was a period of upheaval and trauma for the Armenian people, encompassing the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the annexation of Armenia as a Soviet Republic, and most tragically, the Armenian Genocide, resulting in the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians and the deportation of a ...
It was the ancestors of Turkic people who conquered and Turkified the Crimean Peninsula in the late 13th century. Two-hundred years after the Golden Horde, the Ottomans began ruling the peninsula for the next 300 years from 1475 onward. This is how Crimea became a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, ...
Turkey under the AKP made considerable efforts to cultivate close relationships with nearby Arab states, and to present to their populations a positive rebranding of the Ottoman Empire, after decades of anti-Ottoman indoctrination in Arab media and government curriculums, said Moubayed. The export of ...
Turkey under the AKP made considerable efforts to cultivate close relationships with nearby Arab states, and to present to their populations a positive rebranding of the Ottoman Empire, after decades of anti-Ottoman indoctrination in Arab media and government curriculums, said Moubayed. The export of ...
In 2005 it was reported that the Palestinian embassy in Ankara had received documents provided by the Turkish authorities from the Ottoman State Archives relating to land registry [tapu in Turkish] from the time of the Ottoman Empire. The Palestinians received about 140,000 pages of Muslim/Palestinian ...
Mikhail, who is a historian of the early modern Muslim world, the Ottoman Empire, and Egypt, focuses his research and teaching on the history of empires and environments and on Islam and global history in the early modern period. With his five-year-grant, Mikhail intends to create an international research ...
An exhibition titled “An Armenian Family Odyssey” will be on display at Brand Library & Art Center in Glendale from March 24 to April 27. The exhibition traces the lives of the Dildilian family through the last decades of the Ottoman Empire and the violent eradication of Armenians from their homeland in the ...
Bulgaria celebrates the national holiday - 140 years since the liberation from Ottoman Rule. On March 3 (February 19th in old style), in 1878, the San Stefano Peace Treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire was signed, which provides for the rebuilding of Bulgaria. Independence was proclaimed ...

Apparently Erdogan means at the very least the recapture of all the lands once held by the Ottoman Empire. That's not just Greece, as in the article title below. That's also Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and more. How seriously this can be taken is ...
Selim I was the ninth ruler of the Ottoman Empire and the 74th Caliph of Islam who conquered Egypt in 1517 in the battle of Ridaniya. Also called Selim the Grim, he was known as much for his military success as for his rage that spared neither his ministers nor the residents of the cities he conquered.
The Ottoman Empire is one of the largest empires in history. In existence for 600 years, at its peak it included what is now Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories, Macedonia, Romania, Syria, parts of Arabia and the north coast of Africa. In some countries, it ...
Turkey stresses that it has only peaceful intentions behind this buildup. Yet in a region that has not seen such deployments since Turkey's predecessor, the Ottoman Empire, ruled much of the Middle East, such a return is not always welcome. “The Arab world will not be led from Tehran and Ankara,” United ...
The Republic of Turkey is a continuation of the Ottoman Empire, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday. In remarks made during a commemoration ceremony to mark the centenary of the death of Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II at the Yildiz Palace in Istanbul, Erdogan said: “The Republic of ...
Business in the Ottoman Empire was a fluid affair. Early modern trade and mercantilism under the sultanate differed greatly from the highly institutionalized economic practices of the age of globalization. In the absence of institutional frameworks that might otherwise be considered a requisite for ...
The Ottoman Empire collected some statistical data periodically about its territories along with the lands that were newly conquered to determine tax rates, land ownership and ways of saving. These were called "tahrir," meaning cadastral records. These records had a large role in the organization of the ...
The Ottoman Empire will always be remembered by its last infamous chapter—the genocide of the Armenian people. Thus, when Erdogan recounts the presumed splendor of the Ottoman era, it should have a chilling effect on any country with which Erdogan seeks active bilateral relations, because there ...
... the Sanhedrin Trail and make “Israel's first interactive hiking path”—and they have found important archaeological artifacts, including a rare gold coin from Suleiman the Magnificent, the longest-reigning emperor of the Ottoman Empire. Participants are currently clearing the 43-mile trail on which important ...
Christine M. Philliou, a UC Berkeley associate professor of history and an authority on the social and political history of the Ottoman Empire, will use a recently announced 2018 Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowship to finish research on a book, The Many Deaths of the Ottoman Empire, 1800-2017.


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