updated Wed. April 17, 2024
The Australian
April 4, 2018
An Indonesian court has granted jailed former Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama a divorce and custody of his two younger children after finding sufficient evidence of infidelity by his wife, Veronica Tan. The three-judge panel accepted Ahok's argument the marriage of more than 20 years wasÃâà...
Radio New Zealand
April 4, 2018
Yanto Awerkion was given a ten-month sentence for treason by an Indonesian court. Mr Awerkion was arrested in May 2017 in Timika because of his involvement with a petition calling for West Papuan independence from Indonesia. After 17 court appearances, trial delays and over nine months in jail, theÃâà...
April 3, 2018
1 Year 2017 regarding the Implementation of the 2017 Supreme Court Meeting as a Guideline for the Role of Indonesian Courts (“SEMA No. 1”). SEMA No. 1 is a 41-page document that contains new policies to be applied by courts in Indonesia when handling criminal, civil, religious and military matters.
ABC News
March 27, 2018
Australian Joshua Baker, left, listens to his lawyer in a courtroom during his verdict trial in Bali, Indonesia, Tuesday, March, 27, 2018. Indonesian judges sentenced Baker to ten months in rehabilitation on allegations for trying to smuggle illegal drugs on to the island. (AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati)more +.
Wichita Eagle
March 16, 2018
An Indonesian court has found a Papuan activist guilty of incitement and sentenced him to 10 months in prison for promoting a petition calling for a referendum on independence for the region. Yanto Awerkion was arrested last May in Timika near the U.S.-owned Grasberg gold and copper mine that's aÃâà...
Radio New Zealand
March 13, 2018
A member of the pro-independence West Papua National Committee has been given a ten-month jail sentence for treason by an Indonesian court. West Papuan political prisoner Yanto Awerkion is sentenced to ten months jail for treason by an Indonesian court. Photo: Supplied. Yanto Awerkion wasÃâà...
Asia Pacific Report
January 25, 2018
Protesters gather in front of Banyuwangi District Court in Indonesia's East Java province, this week in the freedom of expression case. ... An Indonesian court has convicted and sentenced an environmentalist to 10 months in prison on a charge of spreading communism by carrying a hammer-and-sickleÃâà...
Global Voices Online
December 18, 2017
The Indonesian Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusional or MK) has rejected the petition of an Islamic conservative group to outlaw extramarital and gay sex. Activists believe the proposal to amend several articles of the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) is aimed at persecuting the lesbian, gay,Ãâà...
Free Malaysia Today
December 31, 1999
Equanimity (Cayman) Ltd, the legal owner of the 1MDB-linked yacht, says the US government has not taken any steps to prove its case or entitlement to the vessel. Equanimity (Cayman) Ltd says the DoJ's proposed course of action will drastically reduce the vessel's value and expose it and its crew toÃâà...