updated Thu. March 21, 2024
The Union-Recorder
March 17, 2018
“I see all these histories — the genocide of the Armenians committed by the Turks in the 1910s, the genocide of the Jews committed by the Germans in the 1940s, of Pol Pot against his own people in the 1970s, and of the Bosnian Muslims committed by Serbian Christians in the 1990s — as essentialÃâà...
The Australian
March 9, 2018
Those soldiers were from the Khmer Rouge army, led by Pol Pot, who wanted to restructure Cambodian society into his vision of an agrarian utopia. The people he had marched out of every city were forced to become farmers and grow rice on communal farms in the countryside. Moreover, he envisioned aÃâà...
The Rafu Shimpo
March 1, 2018
The musical play "Cambodian Rock Band," starring Brooke Ishibashi, opens next week at South Coast Repertory. Posted On March 1, 2018 Life & Arts, Music, Performing Arts. The cast of “Cambodian Rock Band” includes, from left, Brooke Ishibashi, Raymond Lee, Joe Ngo, Jane Lui and Abraham Kim. COSTA MESAÃâà...
The Cambodia Daily
February 26, 2018
Phnom Penh railway station radiates the ghosts of passengers past. It's a gigantic white wedding cake where signs point commuters to “consignes” and “toilettes”. The destinations listed above most of the ticket counters are optimistic. After dictator Pol Pot held court on the concourse in 1975, only a fewÃâà...
La Croix International
February 24, 2018
Prime Minister Hun Sen and many in his inner circle had their training with the Khmer Rouge, joining the ultra-Maoists after then Prince Norodom Sihanouk took to the airwaves from China in 1970 and urged support for Pol Pot. That's not to say they are were from the same cloth as the murderous bunch ofÃâà...
American Media Institute Newswire
February 19, 2018
“First They Killed My Father,” produced and directed by Jolie, is based on the memoir of Loung Ung who as a young girl experienced the depravity of the communist regime first hand. Ung described the reign of terror that occurred after Pol Pot and the communist Khmer Rouge swept to power in 1975 duringÃâà...
ABC Online
December 31, 1999
By one reading, the casinos are a sign of economic renewal in the tiny South-East Asian nation, which has struggled to break free of the deadly legacy of Pol Pot and the Killing Fields. But their proliferation is stirring up local concerns that the country's development has taken a worrying turn. In the past twoÃâà...
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