updated Thu. November 2, 2023
Earthquake Report
March 2, 2018
Moderate earthquake - Western Xizang - March 1, 2018. Created March 2, 2018 Last update March 2, 2018 02:39 By Armand Vervaeck. –. Most important Earthquake Data: Magnitude : 4.3. Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2018-03-02 06:31:27. GMT/UTC Time : 2018-03-01 22:31:27. Depth (Hypocenter) : 10 km.
Earthquake Report
February 21, 2018
Are you one of the people who felt the shaking ? If Yes, please tell what you experienced by filling up the I FELT IT form behind the earthquake or at the bottom of this page. Your I FELT IT report may also be used by partner scientists. Using our iOS or Android EQ Report application (see link above) wouldÃâà...
Earthquake Report
February 15, 2018
Update 10:32 UTC: This earthquake could have been moderately dangerous if the epicenter was located in a populated region, but in this case it is not. Chinese shallow earthquakes are dangerous for eventual damage and injuries from a 4.5 Magnitude. Most important Earthquake Data: Magnitude : 4.7.
Asia Times
February 12, 2018
The government of the Tibetan Autonomous Region, aka Xizang in Mandarin, recently promulgated a detailed guideline on how the public should provide information on activities of “criminal gangs connected to the separatist forces of the Dalai Lama,” according to Xinhua. The document warns locals to beÃâà...
Daily Maverick
February 7, 2018
It was no coincidence, said the sikyong, that the Mandarin appellation for Tibet – Xizang – meant “Western Treasure”. This proved, he claimed, that China had “always been aware” of the wealth in the Tibetan highlands. “Why do you think Chinese phones are so cheap?” he asked. “It's because of the lithiumÃâà...
Sify News
November 17, 2017
New Delhi: A strong earthquake hit Tibet (also known as the Xizang Autonomous Region or Xizang) in southern China early today morning. According to an assessment of the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC), the earthquake's intensity was measured at magnitude 6.9. However, the UnitedÃâà...
November 17, 2017
Guwahati (India) (527 km SW from epicenter)(no details): Felt it around 4:05am while still at bed. The house shook for few seconds, heard the dogs barking outside and then it was quite again. (via EMSC). Tezpur (India) (428 km SW from epicenter)(no details): Felt it in Tezpur too... moderate one jerk.
The Asian Age
June 26, 2017
China's legendary revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, standing in front of Beijing's Tiananmen Square in the 1950s, talked about Tibet and the Himalayas: “Xizang (Tibet) is China's right hand's palm, which is detached from its five fingers — of Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal (formerly NEFA).
The Jamestown Foundation
December 31, 1999
By 2016, Tibet University's graduate employment situation remained largely unchanged, with 74 percent of graduates entering government work units, 14 percent taking up positions in state-owned enterprises, and only 12 percent securing positions in non-state work units (Xizang Daxue, February 15,Ãâà...
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