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updated Sat. August 10, 2024

Solih was the secretary of the Uzbekistan Writer's Union at the turn of the 1990s. While in the position, he set up the Birlik (Unity) movement, which espoused nationalist Uzbek views. Later, he went on to found the Erk (Freedom) Democratic Party. In December 1991, Solih was the only person to make a ...
A former parliamentarian, Juraev was a member of the now-banned political party, Erk (Freedom). In 1994 he was arrested in Kazakhstan and extradited to Uzbekistan. The next year he was convicted of several crimes, including “high treason,” “conspiracy with a purpose of seizure of power,” and “calls for ...

Human Rights Watch called him the world's longest-imprisoned-journalist; he was convicted of a number of trumped-up charges, including terrorism, while he was writing for the opposition newspaper Erk, or Freedom. He is now enjoying his newfound freedom, and he said he did not carry a grudge.
A prominent Uzbek opposition activist and human rights advocate, Agzam Turgunov, has been released several months early after nine years in prison. ... Now 66, the opposition Erk (Freedom) party member and chairman of unregistered human rights group Mazlum (Oppressed) was sentenced to 10 years ...
A few days before the presidential election, one of the longest-held political prisoners in the world, 72-year-old Samandar Kukanov of the Erk Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, was released in late November 2016, after spending more than 23 years behind bars. Journalist Muhammad Bekjanov, the one-time ...
“The tragic death of this human rights defender in Uzbekistan casts serious doubt on the government's claims that the country is undergoing meaningful reforms.” Jumaniyazov, a rights activist and member of the opposition Erk (Freedom) party, was sentenced in March 2014 to eight years and three months ...

For three years [following the 1991 election], Erk served as the primary forum of written dissent against the government of President Karimov, who had been First Secretary of the Communist Party in Uzbekistan in the 1980s. While Karimov's policies aimed to limit democratic development and silence ...
“It would show that Uzbekistan's new leader is willing to end impunity for the abuses committed during Islam Karimov's long reign,” added Brigitte Dufour, director of IPHR. As the editor of Erk (Freedom) in the early 1990s, Bekjanov tried to initiate a debate on such taboo subjects as the state of the economy, ...
For 18 years, Uzbek newspaper editor Muhammad Bekjanov barely survived behind bars, held captive by an authoritarian government that tortured him for writing pro-democracy articles and exposing forced labor and other human rights violations.
Erk was consequently banned in 1994. Undeterred by this, Bekajnov continued to support the publication from its underground base, and remained a leading voice in the fight for democracy in the Uzbek nation. However, he was later arrested in Kiev on ...
However, he had faced harassment by the authorities in connection with his role as the editor of the banned newspaper Erk and for being the brother of Muhammad Salih, the leader of the opposition People's Movement of Uzbekistan. Muhammad was ...
As the editor of Erk (Freedom) in the early 1990s, Bekjanov tried to initiate a debate on such taboo subjects as the state of the economy, the use of forced labor in the cotton harvest and the Aral Sea environmental disaster.
Bekjanov dituduh memiliki hubungan dengan kelompok yang melakukan serangan bom di ibukota Tashkent pada tahun 1999. Ia kabur dari Uzbekistan ke Ukraina. Di sana ia menjadi editor bagi koran oposisi Erk. Namun, Ukrania mengekstradisi dirinya dan ...
Bekzhanov era in prigione dal luglio 1999, con la falsa accusa di aver collaborato all'organizzazione di una serie di attentati orditi dall'esilio dal capo del partito di opposizione Erk. Bekzhanov era il capo redattore del quotidiano del partito. In ...
MEXICO CITY - A Mexican man who had just been deported from the United States fell to his death Tuesday from a bridge near the Tijuana-San Diego border crossing.
Uzbek journalist and dissident Muhammad Bekjanov has been released from prison today after serving 18 years. The former editor of opposition newspaper Erk, Mr Bekjanov was charged with 15 years' imprisonment in 1999 for terrorism, in relation to a ...
(Bishkek) - Rustam Usmanov, a peaceful political activist imprisoned arbitrarily in Uzbekistan for 19 years and brutally tortured, was finally freed on February 13, 2017, at the end of his prison term, Human Rights Watch said today.

For three years [following the 1991 election], Erk served as the primary forum of written dissent against the government of President Karimov, who had been First Secretary of the Communist Party in Uzbekistan in the 1980s. While Karimov's policies ...
U muxolifatdagi "Erk" demokratik partiyasi rahbari Muhammad Solihning ukasi va "Erk" ro'znomasining sobiq bosh muharriridir. Bekjon 1999 yildagi Toshkent portlashlari ortidan Kiyevdagi uyidan o'g'irlab ketilgan va portlashlarga aloqadorlikda aybdor, deb ...
Muhammad Bekjanov and Yusuf Ruzimuradov, of the opposition newspaper Erk, are the longest-imprisoned journalists worldwide, CPJ research shows.
Kuzatuvchilarga ko'ra, marhum Islom Karimov tuzumining asosiy muxoliflaridan biri bo'lgan "Erk" demokratik partiyasi rahbari va O'zbekiston Xalq Harakati yetakchisi Muhammad Solihning Turkiyadan boshpana topib kelayotgani voqe'ligi ham bu masalada ...
One such individual was Muhammad Solih, a poet and leader of the Erk political party, who had dared to stand against Karimov in the 1991 presidential election on a nationalistic and pan-Turkic platform.
Mustaqillikning ilk davrida birinchi bo'lib ular (Erk partiyasi misolida) ta'qibga ham uchrashdi. 90-yilgacha shakllangan demokratik institutlar, jamiyatdagi shaffoflik zavolga uchratildi. Natijada jamiyatni bo'shliq qopladi, diniy radikalizm o'rtaga chiqdi. (99 yilgi ...
(Brussels) - Uzbek authorities should immediately and unconditionally release imprisoned political activist Samandar Kukanov, whose sentence has been arbitrarily extended for three years by Uzbek prison authorities, the Association for Human Rights in ...
Some Birlik and Erk members assisted in writing the constitution, a document declaring Uzbekistan a democracy. Others, like the anti-Soviet poet Erkin Vohidov, became the new national poets of Uzbekistan. Karimov restored Navruz and Ramadan, replaced ...
Vaziyat 1992 yilgi Prezidentlik saylovlarida "Erk" partiyasi raisi Muhammad Solihning rasman 12 foiz ovoz olishi ortidan o'zgardi. Muxolifat liderlari birin-ketin xorijga ketishga majbur bo'ldilar. "Yulduz va Hilol" filmi ijodkorlari "Birlik" harakati rahbari Abdurahim ...
Zulmni erk dedik... O'zimizni erga urdik. Kazzobdan payg'ambar yasadik. Xoindan Xudo... Bundan Yaratganning g'azabi keldi. Boshimizga balo yog'dirdi... Ochunolar Temur saltanati qani? Kuch - qudratda beqiyos saltanat? Bu tengsiz imperiya boshiga kim ...
Muxolifatdagi "Erk" Demokratik partiyasi va "Birlik" Xalq harakati faollarining O'zbekiston parlamentida o'z deputatiga ega bo'lish maqsadidagi harakatlariga to'sqinlik qilib kelingan, hatto mustaqil nomzodlar sifatida Markaziy Saylov komissiyasida ro'yxatdan ...
Muxolifatdagi "Erk" Demokratik partiyasi va "Birlik" Xalq harakati faollarining O'zbekiston parlamentida o'z deputatiga ega bo'lish maqsadidagi harakatlariga to'sqinlik qilib kelingan, hatto mustaqil nomzodlar sifatida Markaziy Saylov komissiyasida ro'yxatdan ...
Janob Bekjonov "Erk" gazetasining sobiq muharriri sifatida konstitutsiyaviy tuzumni ag'darishga urinish degan shubhali ayblovlar bilan 15 avgust 1999 yili ozodlikdan mahrum etilgan edi. Uning qamoq hukmi yillik amnistiyaga muvofiq 2003 yilning dekabr ...
Muhammad Salih, pemimpin partai terlarang, Partai Demokratik Erk, yang sudah menetap di Istanbul, Turki, selama lebih dari satu dekade mengatakan kepada stasiun TV Rain pada Kamis bahwa langkah parlemen Uzbekistan merupakan "pelanggaran ...
Muhammad Salih, leader of the banned Erk (Freedom) Democratic Party, who has been living in exile in Istanbul, Turkey for more than a decade, told Russia's privately-owned TV Rain on Thursday that the Uzbek parliament's move was a "gross violation of ...
The Cost of Uzbek White Gold (Photos by Thomas Grabka) - IWPR journalists travelled to cotton fields across Uzbekistan in 2004 and spoke to people as they picked the crop, one of Uzbekistan's most important exports. Forced cotton-picking, where ...
... changed its name to the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (PDP). In the December 1991 Presidential Election, 86 percent of the public cast their votes for Karimov and 12.3 percent for his rival Muhammad Salih, chairman of the Erk (Freedom) Party.
Traditional wedding in the Oykabura village in the Fergana Valley region of Uzbekistan. (Photo: Uriel Sinai/Getty Images). Uzbek men sip tea at a teashop August 13, 2006 in Margilan in the Fergana Valley region. (Photo: Uriel Sinai/Getty Images). An ...
Uning rahbarlik yillari mamlakatda muxolifat qattiq tazyiq ostiga olingan, muxolifatning ko'zga ko'ringan liderlarining deyarli hammasi mamlakatni tark etishga majbur bo'lganlar. Ular orasida 1991 yilgi saylovlarda janob Karimovga asosiy raqib bo'lgan "Erk" ...
Under Soviet rule, Karimov had been the first secretary of the Uzbek Communist Party, and his suppression of the earliest opposition political parties started practically with independence.
"Karimov's death is great news," said Muhammad Salih, the head of the banned opposition Erk (or Freedom) Democratic Party, who has lived in exile in Istanbul for more than a decade.
Federal Xavfsizlik xizmatining bu bayonotlaridan keyin ham Rossiya va ham Ukraina mulozimlari o'z tillariga erk berishdi. Rossiya prezidenti Putin Ukrainani "terror amallariga o'tib olganlikda" aybladi va Qrimda ikki rus harbiysi o'ldirilgani uchun Kiev javob ...
BBC O'zbek xizmatining navbatdagi Facebook jonli muloqoti muxolifatdagi "Erk" demokratik partiyasi hamda O'zbekiston Xalq harakati rahbari Muhammad Solih bilan bo'ldi. Turkiyaning Istanbul shahridan uyushtirilgan jonli muloqot Facebook orqali ...
Xullas, so'raganimiz hukumatning axloqiy qoidalarga doir qarori bilan bog'liq edi. Sizningcha, bu kabi amaldorlarni "tartibga chaqirib qo'yish" maqsadida ekani aytilgan qaror ish beradimi? Sizningcha, zo'ravon va og'ziga erk beradigan amaldorlarni qanday ...
Yuldashev's case plays a major role in the Uzbek government's narrative about terrorism and Islamism, and he remains a central figure in the government's official view of the Andijan massacre of May 13, 2005.
Solih is a longtime foe of the Uzbek government. He co-founded the Erk (Freedom) Democratic Party in 1989 when Uzbekistan was still a Soviet republic. Solih ran in the first presidential election in Uzbekistan in December 1991 against Islam Karimov ...
61 yoshli Muhammad Bekjon muxolifatdagi "Erk" demokratik partiyasi rahbari Muhammad Solihning ukasi va "Erk" ro'znomasining sobiq bosh muharriridir. U 1999 yildagi Toshkent portlashlari ortidan Kiyevdagi uyidan o'g'irlab ketilgan va portlashlarga ...
"Erk" demokratik partiyasi va O'zbekiston Xalq Harakati rahbari bo'lgan Muhammad Solih 1993 yildan buyon muhojirotda yashaydi. U 1991 yil dekabridagi ilk prezidentlik saylovlarida Islom Karimovning raqibi bo'lgan edi. O'zbekiston mahkamasi Muhammad ...
Rossiya prezidenti diplomatik me'yorlarga yot o'laroq, yana ham ehtirosiga erk bergan va "aftidan Alloh qudratdagilarni aqldan ozdirib jazolashni istaganga o'xshaydi", deb aytgan. Biz Facebook va Odnoklassnikidagi muxlislarimizdan Anqara va Moskva ...


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