updated Mon. September 2, 2024
Catholic Herald Online
April 28, 2018
The report highlighted abuses of religious freedom in Asian countries: China, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Russia, Sudan and ... USCIRF recommended the US government focus its efforts on supporting the release of prisoners of conscience. A goodÃâà...
Salt Lake Tribune
April 27, 2018
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom cited more than two dozen countries as main contributors to an “ongoing downward trend” in religious liberty worldwide and called on the Trump administration to prioritize the release of religious prisoners and assist in resettling refugees fleeingÃâà...
Forum 18
March 24, 2018
Two conscientious objectors, both Jehovah's Witnesses, were jailed for one year in January. One had just completed a corrective labour sentence. These are the first jailings of conscientious objectors since 2014. No prisoners of conscience are known to have been freed under the Novruz amnesty.
Forum 18
December 5, 2017
Despite "mistakes" in the verdict jailing Jehovah's Witness conscientious objector Daniil Islamov for six months, the Supreme Court failed to overturn it. Jailed Protestant Pastor Bakhrom Kholmatov has chosen not to appeal further. Police and secret police raided a Protestant church's worship and fined aÃâà...
Forum 18
November 7, 2017
In Russia's prisons one Muslim prisoner of conscience has recently been tortured, and Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses have both been denied .... (born 15 June 1986) are – like prisoners of conscience Kim and Aliyev (see above) - accused of organising meetings of Muslims to read the works of Nursi.
Forum 18
November 3, 2017
On 13 October Jehovah's Witnesses filed an appeal to the Supreme Court for the acquittal and release of prisoner of conscience Teymur Akhmedov, a cancer sufferer who was tortured and jailed in May for five years and banned for a further three years from conducting "ideological/preaching activity".
Forum 18
October 20, 2017
Jehovah's Witness conscientious objector to military service Daniil Islamov has been jailed for six months. And the government has imposed highly intrusive Mourning Regulations ordering among other things: "Crying while grieving for the dead is allowed. But crying and wailing loudly .. is forbidden".
Forum 18
September 27, 2017
Another of the disappeared Muslim prisoners of conscience from Turkmenabad died in the summer in Ovadan-Depe top security prison. Aziz Gafurov's body, returned to relatives, was "incredibly thin" and "blue from beatings". The authorities disappeared another Muslim prisoner of conscience, AnnamuradÃâà...
Forum 18
January 23, 2017
At least two Muslim prisoners of conscience died in Turkmenistan's top security Ovadan-Depe prison in the second half of 2016, the exile Alternative Turkmenistan News noted on 10 January. Lukman Yaylanov died in summer 2016, possibly as a result of torture, and Narkuly Baltayev several months later.
Forum 18
December 6, 2016
The government delegation completely ignored the Committee's questions as to why prisoner of conscience Saparov – and other prisoners – are being held ... The Committee Against Torture's Co-rapporteurs on Turkmenistan had raised the cases of prisoners of conscience Saparov, Masharipov andÃâà...