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updated Sun. August 18, 2024

Venezuela said Wednesday it has taken action against the ELN, shutting down a clandestine radio station of the far-left Colombian rebel group. Venezuelan state forces located radio station in Apure, a state bordering Colombia, finding technological and communication equipment inside, according to ...
Chevron confirmed on Tuesday that a pair of employees from its Global Technology Services Company were "arrested by local authorities" on Monday. The US supermajor is a joint venture partner with Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA in the Petropiar project in the Latin American nation. "We have ...

A man wears a cap with the logo of PDVSA at the swear-in ceremony of the new board of directors of Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA in Caracas, Venezuela, January 31, 2017. REUTERS/Marco Bello. CARACAS (Reuters) - Chauffeured around in a sleek black pick-up, the head of Venezuela's oil industry, Major ...
As Venezuela's humanitarian crisis deepens, desperate people are using medicine made for dogs. Pharmacies are empty, the country's healthcare facilities are crumbling and prices on the black market are prohibitively high, so pet medication is sometimes the only thing attainable for people in need of ...
Cuba will attempt to retain its energy relationship with Venezuela, which now totals about 50,000 barrels per day, for as long as possible. But because of the perilous state of Venezuela's economy, Caracas can share little of its diminishing largesse with Havana, meaning austerity is likely to reign during the ...
Things don't get much worse than the state of Venezuela's oil industry. As one of the founding members of OPEC, it's a shame how things turned out. To say it's on the verge of collapse isn't hyperbole, either. A recent report suggested that 90% of Venezuela's hard currency is obtained through oil exports.

"Our airspace has been taken over," Luis Lippa, a former governor of Apure, a Venezuelan state near the border with Colombia, told the New York Times in 2012. Flying planes that are often poorly maintained, the pilots have one of the world's most dangerous jobs. "If they screw up, they're almost always ...
The grave crisis facing Venezuela has also affected the life of the local Church. As early as August 2015, it had been reported that the economic crisis had caused the production of hosts in three Venezuelan states to drop by 60 percent. In a March 28 RCN Radio broadcast, Sister Pilar Rivas of the Servants ...
Washington, D.C. - The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemns the deaths of at least 68 people at the General Headquarters of the Regional Police in the Venezuelan state of Carabobo (Comandancia de Carabobo), Venezuela. The IACHR urges the State to investigate those ...
The state of Venezuela's jail system has been described by Human Rights Watch alleging that “corruption, weak security, deteriorating infrastructure, overcrowding, insufficient staffing, and poorly trained guards [have] allow[ed] armed gangs to exercise effective control over inmate populations within ...
A riot has broken out at a prison in the central Venezuelan state of Carabobo, leaving five inmates dead and two police officers injured, media outlets reported. The five inmates died on Wednesday because of burns and smoke inhalation, some of their family members said. The cause of the riot is still ...
A senior Russian official has confirmed that Venezuela's debt to Russia, a total of $3.15 billion owed to the Kremlin over a 10-year period, will not be repaid in any part with Venezuelan state cryptocurrency petro. Konstantin Vyshkovsky, chief of the Russian finance ministry's state debt department, told ...
“A survey of 104 health facilities in Venezuela, commissioned by the opposition-controlled National Assembly, paints a grim picture of a collapsed system hurting for even the most essential goods and services. … The U.S. State Department says it stands ready to send in aid as soon as the Venezuelan ...
Washington: US president Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order making it illegal for Americans to purchase any cryptocurrency issued by Venezuela. The order prohibits US entities from engaging in any financial transactions involving the Venezuelan state digital currency, the Petro, on or ...
The international community and the Venezuelan State must start cooperating immediately to defuse this explosive crisis. ... Amnesty International calls on the Venezuelan State to work with the international community to ensure that financial and technical resources are available to guarantee timely access ...
This initiative of the State of Venezuela was born with the objective of fighting the financial blockade, attract investments and generate a new payment mechanism of goods and services, according to official sources. As part of the construction of a commercial, financial and monetary zone of the ALBA-TCP ...
... to local reports, he then proceeded to eat them. The shocking footage recorded in the borough of Los Guayos in the Venezuelan state of Carabobo has been used by local media to highlight the level of despair in the South American country. A man was filmed butchering a dog in the street (Image: CEN) ...

More than 6,000 tests of internet speeds in urban, suburban and rural zones of the 23 Venezuelan states were made for the study, according to the ... recently told the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional that the accumulated debt that the Venezuelan State had with international telecommunications ...
In an announcement on Venezuelan state television, Maduro declared that “this is the moment to accelerate the entry of the Petro, to have faith in what we've created and in the technological and intellectual capacity of our country.” “The Petro will have a great impact in how we access foreign currencies for ...
MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. Rosneft does not see problems with debt servicing by the Venezuelan state oil and gas corporation PDVSA and views shares of the US-based Citgo as a first-grade pledge, press secretary of the Russian oil producer Mikhail Leontyev told TASS on Wednesday. "We do not ...
The country's oil production has steadily eroded over the past decade and a half since the Venezuelan state sacked experienced professionals at PDVSA and used revenues for other purposes while failing to invest in existing oil assets. Verisk Maplecroft argues that Egypt is a potential contemporary ...
“The CIDH not only exhorts but also demands that the State of Venezuela accept the humanitarian aid offered because it is clear that, for whatever ... The representative for the Venezuelan state, Larry Devoe, fired back that the crisis is the fault of the United States for imposing economic sanctions until a ...
Animals at a zoo in the Venezuelan state of Zulia are dying of starvation as the country dives deeper into a food shortage. Screenshot: Christian Veron Twitter. A male and female couple of Andean condors brought into captivity in order to save the species from extinction have not been fed for weeks, El Pais ...
Venezuelan state oil firm to strike deals using national cryptocurrency. Published time: 21 Feb, ... The country's oil ministry tweeted the president's directive, which also applies to Venezuelan state-run conglomerate CVG, which is charged with economic development in the Guayana region. It also operates ...
"Even though Venezuela really begins to develop its oil economy, the Venezuelan state doesn't benefit hugely because, in essence, it's only charging rent for the land," says Julia Buxton, author of The Failure of Political Reform in Venezuela. After the discovery of oil, decades of oppression by military ...
He said he was only concerned with the social policy of the Venezuelan state towards "young people of low-income backgrounds" and in seeing the project take hold in other countries. "I think it's important because it will spread the ideas that constitute the fundamentals of our project - solidarity, social ...
That's because Venezuelan state-owned oil company Citgo, which owns the property previously used for fuel storage, is in the midst of remediating the island. Camera icon Sydney Schaefer. Volunteers pick up supplies prior to participating in a shoreline cleanup of Petty's Island on Saturday morning.


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