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updated Mon. May 20, 2024

That marks a dramatic shift from the high tensions of last year, when in defiance of world opinion and despite intensified economic sanctions, North Korea ... month to accept Kim's invitation for a meeting — the first ever between the leaders of the United States and North Korea during six decades of hostility.
President Trump objected to the terms of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by defining it as “the worst trade deal ever”; withdrew the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) describing it as a “job killer” and a “rape” of US interests; and stalled the Transatlantic Trade and Investment ...

What's behind Emmanuel Macron's courting of US President Donald Trump? At odds on a ... When he received Fox News at the Elysee Palace before flying to the United States, he is actually talking to Donald Trump because he knows that the president of the United States is eagerly following Fox News.
For the time being, this will require some level of US troops on the ground, but the US should avoid the temptation for nation building or regime change in Damascus. Second, the US needs to realise that after seven years of bloody fighting there is nothing it can do to engineer an outcome to the Syrian Civil ...
Just a few days ago, Trump announced the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria. There is no strategy for the Middle East, neither in Washington nor in Europe. The options available to the West have been reduced to this one single alternative: sending a message. That, though, isn't a plan; it isn't something ...
That people abroad may hate American freedom is a mythology pandered to obscure the real effect of US intervention and “aid” has wrought across the globe. When the US subsidises human rights ... Is that not "against the national security interests of the United States"? The United States has a special ...

Today, this is hard to fathom; he is the only 20th century figure whose name is associated with a US holiday and he is also the only non-President of the United States to have a memorial statue on or near the National Mall in Washington, D.C. This monument that pays tribute to him presents a number of his ...
The 39 Indians apparently killed by Daesh (the so-called IS) in Iraq must have come to the region like so many of us, dreaming of a better and secure future for their children. The list of Daesh's high crimes against humanity has been endless. But this must be one of their worst and most heinous. There's not ...
Watch very carefully for increased numbers of US troops deployed to Syria as “special advisers” and observe how Trump deals with Bolton's Fox slots being given even more prominence. Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, viewpoints and editorial ...
For Russian cyber-targeting of U.S. and European power plants and utilities. And for election meddling, both in 2016 and, our intel ... Finally, countering Putin must include demonstrating the moral difference between us and him in the court of world opinion. Brown University's Stephen Kinzer says Trump ...
However, most of us should be well aware by now that the problem isn't that of Facebook's alone, but it is the business model shared by most internet behemoths controlling the most valuable online real estate, in which we are not the customers, but the commodity. Facebook and other social media sites ...
World opinion supported free trade, and the US should take China's resolve to defend its interests seriously, was the upshot of a barrage of editorials and ... “The behaviour of the United States against China is not desirable and it is disappointing,” Doug DeVos, president of Amway Corporation, reportedly ...
A new study reveals something that most of us already knew: Bad news travels faster than good news. But unlike the old truism, this report actually quantifies the disparity in speed between the two types of information, at least on Twitter, and it is akin to the difference between a tortoise and a hare: False ...
Westerns are so synonymous with the legend that is America that it's little wonder that from their heyday in the 1950s until today, they've played a key role in shaping our perception of ourselves, as well as the world's opinion of us. The white-hatted cowboy standing firm against long odds is iconic, and not ...
Hawkish and politicized rhetoric from our top policymakers is unlikely to galvanize world opinion in America's favor. But through local governmental policies, community activism, business relationships and even personal travel, we all have the opportunity to shape the image of the United States in the minds ...
The firing of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was inevitable but Trump's leadership style of running the administration as his personal fiefdom likely means that the US State Department is just getting a change of face, not a change of culture. The “moron” quip might have been the first nail in the coffin for ...
The Xi administration is moving ahead with building up its air and naval forces to counter those of the United States. It will deploy top-of-the-line stealth fighters, while also aiming at building a new nuclear aircraft carrier. It cannot be overlooked that the country is advancing its military expansion policy, while ...

So this International Women's Day, let's look to the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom as a model that all of us, no matter our background, can follow. What begins as sharing sharing stories can transform into connections that transcend social divides and ultimately help chip away at bigotry and hatred. We can ...
As a practising pharmacist that has seen us change from 'counting pills' to provision of clinical services, its disheartening to see us devalued once again. We are not asking for more pay and during current economic times, we are grateful for our jobs and steady wages. But devaluing services patients have ...
While the answers are not difficult, implementing solutions have been nearly impossible – as those of us, like me, who have been “gender advisers” in the humanitarian world, know well. White men in powerful positions do not want to give up their power and privilege which, too often, includes sexual abuse ...
Many of us can suffer from this unknowingly. It might lead to low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. Verbal abuse is the aggressive use of words aimed at an individual to control them or to make them feel powerless. This abuse can include words, such as “stupid,” “worthless” or “useless.” The abuse can ...
However, the recent announcement of US President Donald Trump acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem brought the Palestinian cause back to the forefront of the media and the political scene. The decision highlighted the fact that the ...
Winfrey, for example, said the world's opinion of the United States has deteriorated under President Donald Trump and then asked the people in front of her if they cared what the world thought of the United States. She also asked the audience if they believed Trump's “s***hole” countries remark — seeming ...
In 1958, 73 percent of us trusted the government to do the right thing all or most of the time, according to a Pew Research Center Poll. Last year, 18 percent did. Similarly, it is not the worst thing in the world if people are a little dubious of the news business. But a national news media approval rate of 11 ...
Most of us can agree on current effects that are a threat to our way of life: air pollution, ever-growing mountains of trash and increased demands on diminishing water. A famous quote says it all, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” We can't keep doing what we are ...
Call me a hopeless optimist, but I'm sure the United States and the rest of us will survive this insane presidency. I simply do not believe that Donald Trump will fundamentally change the U.S. or even the world. He's too chaotic for that. Above all, though, Trump is not America. I have come to this realization ...
Separately, the Pew Global Attitudes Project measures foreign opinion of the United States. That survey found that only two of the 37 countries have a more favorable opinion of the United States since Trump took office. The president made his remarks about world respect at a campaign rally, which got far ...
The papers showed how the United States escalated the conflict in ways that they had not told the people of the United States. ... “To McNamara the cost in U.S. lives – one pilot killed for every 40 sorties – and in domestic and world opinion was not justified by the limited effect of the bombing on North ...
... bad idea for everyone else as well. Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, viewpoints and editorial policies of TRT World. We welcome all pitches and submissions to TRT World Opinion – please send them via email, to
What I think is that when enough of us start to really explore our limits and start to play an active part in change, the more progress we will see. When we take to the streets, when we demand accountability and when we mount enough pressure on Israel to stop violating human rights, then progress towards ...
Not long ago, US President Donald Trump warned North Korea in severe terms and almost said that US would not hesitate to destroy North Korea in one stroke, if necessary. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un retorted that his nuclear missiles would hit US, if he would so desire. The war of words and ...
Currently, approximately 1.5 percent of US exports go to sub-Saharan Africa despite the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) that offers African ... There is no monopoly, we have multifaceted, multifarious relations with parts of the world." Opinion surveys have shown that majority of respondents in ...
In a column on media distrust, I wrote that I have no interest in being trusted by that large cohort of us for whom facts command no respect and for whom truth is just a speed bump on the road to crazy town. The issue is not ideology. Rather, it is America's vanishing ability — and willingness — to reason.
No phone while driving, a point worth repeating. The first rule of smartphone etiquette is obvious and yet too many of us ignore it on a regular basis: absolutely no smartphone use while driving. This is for the very simple reason that you could kill someone! If that fact alone doesn't do it for you, there are three ...
The rebuttal of world opinion shows how far Poland's nationalist leadership has come in two years with its quest to defect from the European mainstream. The us-against-them narrative forged by the governing Law & Justice party puts into sharp relief how political forces in Europe's east – from Warsaw to ...


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