updated Mon. May 27, 2024
Ashland Daily Press
April 18, 2018
Scott Walker. Norvado, which was awarded $190,000, proposes to build optic fiber to the homes and businesses in the vicinity of Tomahawk Lake in the Bayfield County Town of Barnes. The new fiber route will pass 215 homes and 15 businesses. advertisement. Although the awards announced ThursdayÃâà...
Superior Telegram
April 17, 2018
Both Cederstrom and Mirva Johnson, a graduate student studying Finnish language and culture, have brought their knowledge to the Oulu Cultural and Heritage Center in Bayfield County. In addition to giving presentations, Johnson interviewed a number of Finnish-speaking residents. "So far I've lined upÃâà...
Wisconsin Public Radio News
April 16, 2018
State figures show Ashland County has just 25 practicing attorneys and nearby Bayfield County has 14. Perrine has a list of about a dozen attorneys he contacts when conflicts arise on cases. Even so, he said they've sought attorneys from as far away as Madison on several occasions. One reason may beÃâà...
Ashland Daily Press
April 16, 2018
The Northwest Chapter of the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association (WWOA) will hold its annual meeting and conference on Saturday, April 21, at Flat Creek Inn and Suites, 10290 Highway 27 in Hayward. Registration will start at 8:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 9:30, and finishing by 2 p.m..
Wisconsin Public Radio News
March 30, 2018
Owners of a deer farm in Washington County where a deer recently tested positive for chronic wasting disease say they will comply with a request to depopulate a related herd hundreds of miles away in Bayfield County. A buck at Tamarak Elk and Deer Farm in Kewaskum tested positive for CWD inÃâà...
Ashland Daily Press
March 29, 2018
Voters in a pair of Bayfield County Supervisory Races will have decisions to make about who to select for the upcoming County Board term. Both races pit political newcomers against former incumbents. In District 2, former supervisor, County Clerk and County Administrator Tom Gordon will be facing offÃâà...
Superior Telegram
March 27, 2018
In the case of the deer recently transferred to Bayfield County, McGraw said, it may be best to try to get the deer off the landscape. That's what Rep. Nick Milroy, D-South Range, is pushing for. He sent a letter to DATCP Secretary Sheila Harsdorf on Friday asking that all the deer that were transported off theÃâà...