updated Wed. October 2, 2024
March 28, 2018
PIEDMONT, S.D. - Firefighters saved a Piedmont home after a fire broke out in the attic. Around 11 Monday morning, firefighters arrived at the home on Piedmont Meadows Road. They were able to stop the flames from spreading further than the attic and a section of the roof assembly. The rest of the homeÃâà...
Black Hills Pioneer
March 28, 2018
Simmons is faced with the daunting task of overseeing the opening the new Stagebarn Middle School in the Piedmont/Summerset area this fall as well ... been superintendent in the Meade School District for nearly seven years, stepped down in December to become South Dakota's Secretary of Education.
The Weather Channel
March 23, 2018
Winter storm warnings have been posted from parts of extreme northeastern Montana, into North Dakota, far northeastern South Dakota, western and southern ... Saturday night, snow may linger in parts of the southern Appalachians and adjacent piedmont of southern West Virginia, southwest Virginia andÃâà...
KBOE 104.9 FM
March 15, 2018
32 Jesse Young, Warner, S.D., Young Farms/MasterSbilt/Sturdy. 33f Jardin Fuller, Memphis, Mo., Walker ... 20 Trevor Anderson, Watertown, S.D., Dirt Track Supply/Arrow/Victory. 20r Bryan Rowland ... 34 Mickey Lassiter, Piedmont, Okla., Lassiter Concrete & Asphalt/Hughes/Sput's. 49jr Jake Timm, Winona,Ãâà...
Tri-State Livestock News
March 15, 2018
I know I'm not the only one, especially up here in the northern part of S.D. and in Montana, who is plumb over any affection for snow and cold. Maybe by the time it is ... April 27-29 will be the Connie Combs Barrel Clinic at the Rocking H Arena, Piedmont, S.D. They're only taking 12 riders at $400. Call DellaÃâà...
Black Hills Pioneer
March 10, 2018
“So when I came, I was the youngest, newest doctor in Western South Dakota, and now, except for George Jenter, in Piedmont, who's never going to retire, I'm the oldest!” Vosler joked. “There's nobody that's practiced West River as long as me except for George Jenter. And it happened in the wink of an eyeÃâà...
KEVN Black Hills Fox
March 4, 2018
PIEDMONT, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says two miles of the eastbound lanes of Interstate 90 from Exit 44 at Piedmont will be closed beginning March 5, 2018. This work is Phase 4 of a five-phase plan to reconstruct I-90 and replace bridges between Exits 40 and 44. During thisÃâà...
March 4, 2018
PIEDMONT, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says two miles of the eastbound lanes of Interstate 90 from Exit 44 at Piedmont will be closed beginning March 5, 2018. This work is Phase 4 of a five-phase plan to reconstruct I-90 and replace bridges between Exits 40 and 44. During thisÃâà...
March 3, 2018
PIEDMONT, S.D. - Kids raised money for one of their own as she battles cancer. SHINE Kids held a benefit dinner for nine-year-old Peyton Raterman of Piedmont Valley Elementary School at Hills View Evangelical Free Church on Saturday. More than 500 church-goers supported the Raterman family inÃâà...
Black Hills Pioneer
March 2, 2018
Norbert Ham, 89, of Sioux Falls, died on Feb. 26, 2018, at his home with his family by his side in Sioux Falls. Norbert was happy to be at home and died peacefully. He lived 72 years at Shadehill, S.D., before moving to Piedmont in 1998, and he recently moved to Sioux Falls. A Visitation and Prayer ServiceÃâà...
Frisco Fastball
March 1, 2018
Moreover, Piedmont Invest Advsrs Limited Company has 0.42% invested in Time Warner Inc. (NYSE:TWX) for 191,612 shares. Tradewinds Cap Llc reported 1,258 shares. ... South Dakota Investment Council has invested 0.08% in Time Warner Inc. (NYSE:TWX). Fragasso Group Inc has 13,393 shares forÃâà...
Tri-State Livestock News
March 1, 2018
The rodeo and ranching world lost a special lady on February 24 when Char Price Stangle passed away at her ranch home north of Philip, S.D. Char was ... It will be held off of Elk Creek Road, Piedmont, S.D., 11 a.m. Auction items so far include a hydraswing, 16 wheel v-rake, lots of hay, guns, saddles,Ãâà...
Black Hills Pioneer
February 28, 2018
By the age of 4, Ed Hawks knew that he was born to be a cattleman. He fulfilled his childhood dream until he passed away on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018, of natural causes on the ranch that he loved. Edward Charles Hawks was born July 19, 1953, in Sturgis, to Charles and Mildred Hawks. He attended firstÃâà...
February 10, 2018
Black Hawk Volunteer Fire Department arrived at 7200 Shadowland Court around 12:38 a.m. Saturday morning to a maintenance shop engulfed in flames. The large volume of fire in the structure required additional help. The fire went to 3 alarms before getting under control. Firefighters contained the fire toÃâà...
KEVN Black Hills Fox
February 10, 2018
Piedmont, SD Piedmont residents of the foothills area had the opportunity to speak with their state lawmakers during a cracker barrel. Two legislators gave an update on the House at the American Legion in Piedmont. Both Representative Taffy Howard of District 33 and Representative Tom Brunner fromÃâà...
February 8, 2018
LOST SPRINGS, Wyo. - A Rapid City, S.D. man has been identified as the victim of a fatal crash in Wyoming. Eugene Sibal, 52, died Monday near Lost Springs, Wyo. Authorities say Sibal was driving eastbound on U.S. 18/20 when he lost control on the icy road, drifting into the wrong lane. He overcorrectedÃâà...
Rapid City Journal
February 2, 2018
Obviously, our legislators are not “rocket scientists.” How bad is revenue going to have to get before they look at the millions of dollars lost because of tax breaks in S.D.? ... South Dakota lawmakers are debating on changing the age limit on buying tobacco. My guess is their concern is not for young peopleÃâà...
Tri-State Livestock News
January 31, 2018
Auctioneer Lynn Weishaar, Reva, South Dakota, and announcer John E. Johnson from Piedmont, South Dkoata, rolled through the 171 cataloged consignments with 636 buyers registered from 13 states and Canadian provinces. The 2018 ... Consignor – Paul and Jana Griemsman, Piedmont, SD.
December 31, 1999
The fire began in the 11000 block of Chimney Canyon Road, near Piedmont. According to the Pennington County Fire Service, two buildings were temporarily threatened, but firefighters stopped the threat. There were no evacuations, but residents in the area were notified by law enforcement of the fire.
December 31, 1999
STURGIS, S.D. (KELO.com) – Just months after Black Hills firefighters battled a fire at Custer State Park, they're at it again. Great Plains Fire Dispatch says fire crews in the northern hills were called to a blaze near Piedmont yesterday afternoon. The Chimney Canyon Fire was reported to be burningÃâà...
December 31, 1999
Piedmont,SD–Piedmont Fire and Ambulance Service and the Black Hawk Volunteer Fire Department responded to a reported wildland fire in the 11000 block of Chimney Canyon Road Canyon Road, Piedmont South Dakota. First arriving Volunteer Firefighters observed a fire burning in cured grass, deadÃâà...
December 31, 1999
PIEDMONT, S.D. (KOTA TV) - Firefighters are working two fires Thursday afternoon; one near Piedmont and another near Hermosa. The Piedmont fire is reportedly 14 acres as of 4:30 p.m. It is near Chimney Canyon Road. It is 10 percent contained and they expect total containment sometime during theÃâà...
Tri-State Livestock News
December 31, 1999
Upon graduating, he held and internship at High Plains Genetics in Piedmont, S.D. then to employment at other agricultural businesses. Schuknecht's wife, Megan, recently accepted a position as an R.N. in the O.R. of the Neurology Department at St. Vincent's Hospital in Billings. That opportunity broughtÃâà...
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