updated Fri. May 3, 2024
May 6, 2017
She has co-authored a paper that takes a critical look at Little Free Library. ... Jane Schmidt is a librarian and she has a problem with Little Free Library — the non-profit organization behind the project. ... Little Free Libraries, which often look like this, are commonly set up in residential neighbourhoods.
Texas Monthly
September 16, 2016
Los Angeles made headlines after actor Peter Cook's Little Free Library came under fire, because the “obstruction” was built on public property. A nine-year-old boy in the Kansas City suburb of Leawood faced having his library shut down by the city, until he gave a straight-out-of-Capra speech to cityÃâà...
Kansas City Star
April 19, 2016
Leawood welcomes raising tobacco sales age to 21 ... For six months, a consortium of groups known as Healthy KC and led by the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City ... Meanwhile, Little Free Libraries in Leawood are safe for at least another year.
The Denver Post
July 10, 2015
Not everyone is a fan of Little Free Libraries. Leawood, Kan., got unwanted international attention when the city sent a code-violation letter to Spencer Collins, age 9, after he put up a Little Free Library. The city claimed that the dollhouse-sized box was “an accessory structure,” a term normally reserved forÃâà...
Chicago Tribune
April 9, 2015
The Little Free Library organization warns potential library owners to check with local zoning laws first, based on the story of Spencer Collins, a 9-year-old boy in Leawood, Kan., who was ordered to remove his library in 2014 due to a city ordinance that prohibited single detached buildings. While theÃâà...
Kansas City Star
July 7, 2014
Nine-year-old Spencer Collins will be able put his “Little Free Library” back in his front yard first thing in the morning. The Leawood City Council unanimously approved a temporary moratorium Monday night that exempts the little lending libraries from a city ordinance that prohibits structures in front yards.
Huffington Post
June 25, 2014
A Kansas boy battling through a series of unfortunate events over his front-yard library is getting some support from author Daniel Handler. Last month, 9-year-old Spencer Collins erected a “take a book, leave a book” structure as a Mother's Day gift and as an attempt to engage with his Leawood, Kan.,Ãâà...
Los Angeles Times
June 23, 2014
In an interview with local television station KMBC, Collins ruminated on creating a pulley system to raise and lower the Little Free Library to provide access. While that probably won't happen, he is likely to follow through on his plans to appear at the Leawood City Council to suggest Little Free Libraries beÃâà...
KMBC Kansas City
June 18, 2014
"When we got home from vacation, there was a letter from the city of Leawood saying that it was in code violation and it needed to be down by the 19th or we would receive a citation," said Spencer's mother, Sarah Collins. Leawood said the little house is an accessory structure. The city bans buildings thatÃâà...